Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4184: With a stick in the sky, chaos bursts open

A man dressed in black armor and holding a long spear, standing in the chaos, his eyes are indifferent, overlooking the old man Fenglei.


The violent momentum filled the chaotic universe, rolling up the endless chaotic storm, sweeping away in all directions, surging.

It's just that the breath is falling, which makes the old man Fenglei feel an irresistible feeling.

If this person makes a move, he will definitely lose.

"This is definitely an overlord of the heavens who is in the ninth realm!"

Daoist Fenglei looked gloomy and made a quick judgment.

The man in black armor in front of him is at least a clone of the ninth realm overlord of the heavens, and may even be more powerful.

After all, the avatar of the eighth realm emperor of the Ten Thousand Daos Dynasty was also easily suppressed by Daoist Fenglei under the influence of the Great Dao blockade.

When faced with this black armored man, Daoist Fenglei couldn't have any resistance, and the man in front of him must have the combat power above the seventh realm.

Moreover, the old man Fenglei could sense that the man in black armor was also a clone.

Under the suppression of the Great Road, a clone still has the combat power of the seventh realm, and the original combat power of this clone may exceed the eighth realm.

The cultivation base of his deity must be above the ninth realm.

After all, the stronger the cultivation base is, the stronger the other realms, when they enter the eastern realm, the suppression they will be subjected to will also increase accordingly.

"Elder Fenglei, this seat will give you another chance. As long as you are willing to surrender to the Jiuhun Divine Sect, this seat can let you and Fenglei Sect survive."

The black armored man's eyes were high, looking down at the old man Fenglei, and said like a charity.

In his view, if the old man Fenglei was not a strong man in the Eastern Border Region, he could exert his full strength in the Eastern Border Region.

Otherwise, with the cultivation of the old man Fenglei, He really does not like it, and it is even less likely that he wants to subdue the old man Fenglei.

The cultivation of the sixth realm is still not in his eyes. If the old man Fenglei has the cultivation of the seventh realm, maybe he will take a high look.

"This seat is a person from the Eastern Border Alliance, and even a person from the Eastern Border Region. Let me submit to the Jiuhun Divine Sect. Forgive me for rejecting it!"

The old man Fenglei refused without hesitation.

In fact, with the aptitude of Old Man Fenglei, if he randomly joined a first-class force when he traveled through the central realm, I am afraid that he would have already broken through the seventh realm and become a giant of the heavens.

But He never did this and was unwilling to join forces in other realms.

From his point of view, although there are all kinds of bad things in the Eastern Territory, it is the place where he is born and raised.

"The ignorant generation should be killed!"

The eyes of the man in black armor became more and more cold, and he burst out with astonishing killing intent.

all of a sudden.

The chaotic void in the radius of thousands of miles, the temperature plummeted, like falling into the nine secluded cold abyss, and the endless killing suffocation enveloped everything.

Those who are unwilling to surrender to the Nine Hundred Divine Sect are still better off dead.

"Who do you want to kill?"

Just when the black armored man was about to start, a voice that suppressed his violent emotions suddenly sounded in his ears.


The black armored man was startled, and quickly looked towards the place where the voice came from.

I saw a figure standing quietly in the chaos.

This is a monster monkey.

Wearing a purple-gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, wearing a gold chain mail, and walking on lotus root, his eyes are full of infinite radiance, like two big suns!

The scorching fighting intent was burning like a raging flame, turning into a red cloak, hunting in the void.

"A monster monkey?"

The black armor man's pupils shrank, and the demon monkey in front of him looked as tall as him, but in his eyes, it was like a giant ape with nine heavens on its head, nine secluded feet on its feet, and a figure that filled the whole world.

The tyrannical fighting intent that burst out from the eyes of the demon monkey seemed to burn him to the ground.


Without much words, Sun Wukong waved the golden hoop in his hand.

In an instant, the golden hoop rod smashed through the endless void, and swept away countless chaotic essences with extreme strength.

At this moment, an incomparably spectacular scene appeared in the chaotic void.

With a stick in the sky, chaos bursts open!

In the whistling, as if an infinite world rises and falls under the golden hoop, life and death are uncertain, and the meaning of endless destruction erupts.


The man in black armor only felt that his heart exploded, and a trembling feeling from the depths of his soul rushed into his heart instantly.

He judged in an instant that he couldn't handle this stick.

Even if his deity was here, he would not be able to take this stick without being suppressed by the Great Dao!


There was only one thought left in the black armored man's mind.

However, just as he was about to make a move, he found that he was suppressed by the momentum of Sun Wukong, unable to move at all, and could only watch the golden hoop fall.


The golden hoop fell, without any accident, the man in black armor was destroyed by a stick, and the clone was annihilated into nothingness.

The whole process only took one ten millionth of a breath.

Not only the old man Fenglei was stunned, but even the strong Fenglei Sect who had been worried in the Fenglei world was stunned.

How arrogant and arrogant the man in black armor was when he descended on the Great Wind and Thunder Realm.

He defeated dozens of elders of Fenglei Sect with one blow, and the elder Fenglei faced the black armored man with a certain death mentality.

As a result, such a strong man was beaten to death by Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong didn't even seem to waste much strength.

In fact, Sun Wukong did not spend much effort.

A clone of the overlord of the ninth realm, how much effort is it worth?

Even if the black armored man's real body is in person, Sun Wukong will not spend much effort to solve the other party.

During this period of time, with the blessing of luck that did not fall into the imperial dynasty and the supply of various cultivation resources, Sun Wukong had already broken through the peak of the eighth realm, and his combat power naturally increased again.

The current Sun Wukong's combat power may not be much inferior to that of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Sun Wukong is good at fighting, and he is also a Lingming Stone Monkey. His combat power far exceeds his own realm, which is not an unusual thing.

You must know that when Sun Wukong made a big havoc in the Heavenly Palace, his cultivation at the early stage of the Golden Fairyland, relying on the medicinal power of the nine-turn golden elixir, the medicinal power of the peach, and the medicinal power of various heaven and earth treasures, was barely comparable to that of the Daluo Jinxian. .

But Sun Wukong relied on this vain medicinal power, defeated many heavenly powerhouses, swept invincible, and was finally suppressed by Tathagata Buddha.

Although there are calculations by various forces, the strength displayed by Sun Wukong is also undeniable.

If there was no Sun Wukong's sturdy performance in the heavenly court, how could the many powerhouses in the heavenly court willingly call Sun Wukong the Great Sage of Equaling Heaven when he was traveling to the west?

Although the title of Monkey King is self-proclaimed, it was actually created by Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong put away the golden cudgel, took a step forward, and came to the old man Fenglei in an instant.

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