Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4185: come to fight

"East Border Alliance Fenglei Sect, Mu Fenglei, have seen the Monkey King."

The old man Fenglei looked solemn, did not dare to neglect, and immediately bowed and bowed.

As for the Monkey King in front of him, the old man Fenglei has heard the name of the other party more than once. This is a real fighting maniac.

The old man Fenglei often heard stories of the great sage Equalling Heaven fighting with people. It is said that many of the strong men who joined the Unfallen Dynasty had fought against Sun Wukong.

Basically, most of the powerhouses who are in the same realm as Monkey King, or a realm higher than Monkey King, are not necessarily able to defeat Sun Wukong's opponents.

Many powerful clones from the Myriad Taoist Dynasty were easily suppressed by Sun Wukong. It can be said that over the years, there have been no less than 100 powerful clones of the Myriad Gods Dynasty who died under Sun Wukong.

The only ones who can fight with Sun Wukong in the same realm are those powerhouses who belonged to the dynasty that did not fall.

"The Emperor's Royal Order, from now on, the Fenglei Great Realm will officially become the temporary residence of the Wanfa Building of the Buluodi Dynasty, as a position for the Buluodi Dynasty to fight against the Wandao Dynasty and the Jiuhun Divine Sect."

Sun Wukong nodded, without any intention of chatting with the old man Lei, and went straight to the topic.

"Yes, the Wind and Thunder Sect respectfully abides by the Emperor's Royal Order!"

The old man Fenglei was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted, and immediately responded in a deep voice.

He knew very well in his heart that this was the response of the Buluo Dynasty to the Wandao Dynasty and other forces blocking the eastern border.

In the face of such forces as Buluodi Dynasty and Wandao Divine Dynasty, He and Fenglei Sect were like ants and had no resistance.

However, fortunately, compared with the Jiuhun Divine Sect, Buluodi Dynasty is a force rising from the Eastern Border. It is better to obey the arrangements of the Buluodi Dynasty than to obey the arrangements of the Jiuhun Divine Cult.

"Wanfalou will be stationed in the Wind and Thunder Realm?"

The old man Fenglei's expression changed, and he could be said to be thunderous about the name of Wanfa Building.

It is said that Wanfalou is one of the four violent institutions of the Buluo Dynasty, and even the most powerful of the four violent institutions.

Of the four violent institutions of the Buluo Dynasty, Tingfengwei is the most mysterious, Buluojun and Fang are the largest, the worship pavilion is the most complicated, and the Wanfa Building is the most powerful.

Hearing Fengwei aside for the time being, Buluojun, Fang is an organization composed of high-level generals of the Buluo Army.

Most of the worship pavilions are the powerhouses of the various forces in the original eastern border, as well as some powerhouses who did not fall into the imperial dynasty, while the Wanfa Tower has many powerhouses from other realms, as well as powerful beings such as Sun Wukong.

In terms of the strength of its personnel, Wanfa Building is definitely the strongest among the four violent institutions of the Buluo Dynasty, far exceeding the three institutions such as the Enshrinement Pavilion.

After all, the Monkey King in front of him, with such a tyrannical strength, is not the most tyrannical existence in the Wanfa Building.

"Soon, there will be a strong man from Wanfa Building, you remember to cooperate, and my grandson will also go."

Sun Wukong nodded casually and was ready to leave.

"Why should the Great Sage be so anxious, please also invite the Great Sage to rest in my Wind and Thunder Sect for a while, drink the wine, and let the Wind and Thunder Sect repay the life-saving grace."

The old man Fenglei spoke quickly.

"Don't worry, it won't be too late for my grandson to fight with these thieves and drink again."

Sun Wukong laughed loudly, and his body moved, turning into a long rainbow that pierced the sun, heading straight for the border of the eastern border, and crossed thousands of chaotic paths in an instant.


All the powerhouses of the Myriad Dao Divine Dynasty and the Nine Hundred Divine Sects are waiting in full force, like the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals of the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace, blocking the entire Eastern Frontier.

The Changhong transformed by Sun Wukong has no intention of stopping.

Keep going.


With a stick in the sky, it seems to pierce the entire heavens and the world.

In this scene, the old man Fenglei was so excited that he could not wait to join Sun Wukong to kill the powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty and the Nine Hundred Divine Sect.

Old Fenglei didn't have the slightest sympathy for this group of powerhouses who blocked the eastern border.

The Eastern Frontier has been suppressed for so long, and it is difficult to usher in the opportunity to return to its former peak. However, these forces have to suppress the Eastern Frontier and use various means to seize the Eastern Frontier.

What a bunch of thieves!

Of course, the old man Fenglei didn't really want to take action with Sun Wukong. With his strength, taking action at this moment would not only fail to help Sun Wukong, but would drag Sun Wukong's hind legs.

It is far better to wave the flag for Sun Wukong here and wait for Sun Wukong to come back victorious.


The golden hoop swells infinitely, like an immemorial mountain rising from the ground, with the momentum of suppressing everything, and it shoots straight into the nine days.

You wait for the little thief, you won't die!

"Enemy attack, line up to meet!"

In the end, it was the elite powerhouse of Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and Jiu Hun Divine Religion. He quickly reacted and set up a large formation, trying to stop Sun Wukong who was coming.

A large array of formations emerged under the feet of many powerhouses, connecting with the breath of many powerhouses, sealing the time and space.

A warship roared and rammed towards Sun Wukong.

It's a pity that a group of emperors from the lower three realms and the middle three realms can stop Sun Wukong?


I saw the golden hoop slam into the army of the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty and the Nine Hundred Divine Sect, swept away invincible, pierced through many warships and killed many powerful men along the way.

In the chaos, a long **** road was hit, which was shocking.

A corpse of a powerful man from the Myriad Dao Divine Dynasty and Jiuhun Divine Religion fell powerlessly into the chaotic void, with broken arms and stumps scattered on the ground.

The blood of the emperor merged into a small river, flowing in the void.

At this moment, as long as it is the powerhouse in the Eastern Frontier who sees this scene, it only feels that a depression in his heart will be vented.

The Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and the Jiuhun Divine Sect blocked the Eastern Frontier, wantonly slaughtering the Eastern Frontier powerhouses who were unwilling to submit to the forces of the two sides, and long ago made a group of Eastern Frontier powerhouses dissatisfied.

It's just because of their strength that these Eastern Boundary powerhouses can only press their dissatisfaction and dare not resist, and some even submit to the Myriad Dao Divine Dynasty and Jiuhun Divine Religion in name.

After all, there are still a few strong people who are not afraid of life and death like the old man Fenglei. Even if they don't care about their own life and death, they will still care about the lives of their disciples.

Moreover, the forces of all parties are also waiting for the response of the Unfallen Dynasty.

Based on the understanding of the various forces of the Buluodi Dynasty, the Wandaoshen Dynasty and other forces blocked the eastern border, and the Buluodi Dynasty could not be unresponsive.

This is not.

The counterattack will come soon without falling to the emperor. Sun Wukong swept with a stick, and killed countless powerhouses of the Wandao Dynasty and the Nine Hundred Gods, and gave them a bad breath.

For a time, many forces on the borders of the Eastern Border Region made a tacit move to kill the powerhouses who remained within their own powers from the Myriad Dao Divine Dynasty and the Jiuhun Divine Sect.

The Buluo Dynasty has already taken action, and they don't want to offend the Buluo Dynasty because of some unwilling things, and be liquidated by the Buluo Dynasty.


Sun Wukong stood in the chaotic void, and the golden hoop rod pointed at the powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty and the Nine Harmonious Divine Sect, and the sound shook the universe:

"Come to fight!"

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