Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4228: Fortune Token

"My father once said that the most dangerous place is the safest place, so keep this token in the Xingyue Emperor's possession.

The powerhouses of the Infinite Divine Dynasty always thought that my father had hidden this token in another world, but they never thought that this token was hidden in the Xingyue Hall. "

Song Ding's tone carried a trace of pride and reminiscence.

As the so-called black light.

Daganhou and other powerhouses of the Infinite Divine Dynasty, because of the words of the Xingyue Emperor before the fall, always thought that the fortune token was sent out by the Xingyue Emperor to the Xingyue Great World.

From beginning to end, the powerhouses of the Infinite Divine Dynasty did not know that the fortune token was in the Xingyue Emperor's possession in the Xingyue Hall.

According to what Song Ding said, the secret realm where the Xingyue Emperor Zang is located is not very big. In addition to the large formation arranged by the first formation of the Xingyue Emperor Dynasty, even the peak powerhouse of the quasi-tianzun realm would not be able to see it. clues.


Regarding this point, Qin Yi can prove that the cultivation base of the eternal avatar, the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, has never seen any clues.

This formation, perhaps only the immortal Tianzun can see through it.

It's just that, how could a person like the Immortal Heavenly Venerate come to the Xingyue Emperor Dynasty?

Even if the Xingyue Emperor Dynasty was destroyed, the Boundless God Dynasty only dispatched the Great Ganhou and a king of the Boundless God Dynasty.

Therefore, although the Xingyue Emperor has been looking for traces of the fortune token, but they have found nothing, they focused their attention on Song Ding.

In the eyes of the powerhouses of the Infinite Divine Dynasty, Song Ding must know where the fortune token is hidden.

Of course, as these powerhouses had guessed, Song Ding did know where the fortune token was hidden. For tens of millions of years, Song Ding had been hiding in Tibet, avoiding the pursuit of the immeasurable gods.

Until not long ago, Song Ding couldn't break through the quasi-tianzun realm for a long time, and he was restless, so he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a token of good fortune.

It's a pity that he didn't move, but the trace of his body was exposed as soon as he moved, attracting Da Ganhou and others.


As soon as Qin Yi raised his hand, the fortune token automatically flew into his hand.

As soon as the fortune token fell into his hands, he only felt a powerful breath coming, which was eternal and immortal, and the charm of freedom and perfection filled his mind.

In just a split second, Qin Yi felt that he was getting closer to the many avenues in the chaos, and the speed of comprehending the avenues increased.

"Just this token is a treasure."

Qin Yi's expression changed.

Originally, he was more concerned about the opportunity behind the token, maybe it was the opportunity for him to get the Immortal Ark.

But I never thought that this fortune token is a good treasure, which can help practitioners to understand the Dao, and even the eternal avatar that is aimed at the peak of the Tianzun realm, has a big effect.

One can imagine how powerful this token is.

If the news spreads, many powerhouses in the five realms will swarm.

Especially the many quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses in the five realms, don't look at the fortune token, only the speed at which the quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse can comprehend the Dao is one step ahead.

But it is this one, accumulated over countless years, that can make the quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse break the shackles of the quasi-tianzun realm peak.

How can this not make many quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse crazy?

However, for Qin Yi, although the fortune token is not tasteless, it has little effect on Qin Yi.

After all, with the blessing of the Heavenly Dao avatar, Qin Yi's speed of comprehending the Dao Dao is much faster than the ordinary quasi-tianzun powerhouse.


Qin Yi flipped his hand and put away the fortune token.

"Master Qin, the fortune token has been handed over to you, and it's time for me to leave."

Seeing Qin Yi put away the fortune token, Song Ding bowed.


Qin Yi waved his hand and motioned Song Ding to leave.

Song Ding bowed his hands again, and reluctantly glanced at the many magical pills, magical medicines, and imperial soldiers in the Xingyue Emperor's possession.

For him, he returned to Xingyue Great World, in addition to wanting to take out the fortune token, he also wanted to obtain these divine pills, divine medicines, and imperial soldiers.

With these resources, his future practice will be smoother.

However, Song Ding didn't dare to have any greed. In the face of Qin Yi's existence, if there is greed that shouldn't exist, he will be the one who will suffer in the end.

Not to mention, he has wiped away the dust in his heart and is about to break through the quasi-tianzun realm. The purpose of this trip has been achieved to some extent.

Therefore, Song Ding resolutely retreated.


After Song Ding left, Qin Yi raised his hand, and many magical medicines, divine pills, and imperial soldiers in the Xingyue Emperor's possessions flew up immediately and were collected by Qin Yi into the Zhongqian world that he had opened up.

Although these treasures in the Xingyue Emperor's possession did not come out to Qin Yi much, Dan is something that the Xingyue Emperor has accumulated for countless years. It can be handed over to the powerful people who do not fall into the Emperor Dynasty, which can save Qin Yi a lot of money. Pen kill point.


After doing this, Qin Yi's expression changed, and he looked not far away.

The void fluctuated for a while, and a man in a yin and yang robe walked out. It was Dao Zun Yimu, who was in the late stage of retreating and breaking through the virtual fairyland.

At this moment, Daozun Yimu's breath is surging, and it is countless times stronger than what Qin Yi has seen before.

Obviously, Daozun Otsuki succeeded in breaking through.

"Wei Chen paid tribute to the emperor and made the emperor wait for a long time."

Daozun Yimu bowed to Qin Yi and apologized.

After the breakthrough in the cultivation base, he stabilized the cultivation base at the fastest speed, then left the place where the retreat was located, followed Qin Yi's breath, and came to Xingyue Emperor Zang.

"No problem."

Qin Yi waved his hand at will, motioning Daozun Yimu to get up.

"Let's go, prepare to go to Immortal Burial World."

As Qin Yi spoke, he walked out of Xingyue Emperor Zang.


Daozun Yimu responded, followed behind Qin Yi, and left Xingyue Dizang together.

Qin Yi and the two did not stay too much, introduced the void dimension, left the world of Xingyue, and went to the area where the burial fairyland is located.

It is worth mentioning that when Qin Yi and the two left the Xingyue Great World, they noticed that there were Da Ganhou and others outside the Xingyue Great World, and they were still staying outside the Xingyue Great World to monitor the Xingyue Great World.

At the same time, there are also countless powerhouses of the immeasurable gods, rushing towards the Xingyue Great World.

Obviously, after Daganhou retreated, he couldn't swallow the bad anger in his heart, and he was trying to besiege Qin Yi.

However, when Da Ganhou and the others entered the Xingyue Great World, they would find that the Xingyue Great World had already been empty and nothing was left.

As for whether Song Ding could escape from the Xingyue Great World, these matters had nothing to do with Qin Yi, let alone help Song Ding.


Qin Yi and the two walked towards the depths of the central boundary. Every step they took, they could cross the distance of thousands of chaotic paths.

Even so, Qin Yi and the two walked for several hours before arriving at the area where the Immortal Burial World was located.

Looking down, the Immortal Burial World is already in front of you.

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