Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4229: Enter the burial world

In front of Qin Yi and the two of them, outside the chaotic Dao, an invisible boundary membrane enveloped a large chaotic universe.

The laws, the avenues, and the chaotic storm were all isolated, forming a huge vacuum in the chaos.

This area is incomparably huge, and it is thousands of times larger than the one-sided Daqian world.

According to rumors circulating in the central realm, the Immortal Burial Realm occupies at least one-fifth or even more of the central realm.

It should be known that the central boundary, as the most prosperous boundary among the five realms, is also larger than the other boundaries.

The four major realms, including the Eastern Boundary Territory, are not as huge as the Central Territory.

That is to say, the Immortal Burial Realm, which occupies one-fifth of the central boundary, is not necessarily smaller than one boundary.

Therefore, Immortal Burial Realm is also called Immortal Burial Realm.


Qin Yi and the two took one step forward, passed the entrance, and walked into the Immortal Burial World.

The surrounding time and space changed for a while, and suddenly came to a new world.


a sea.


The waves were rolling, and an endless ocean appeared in front of Qin Yi and the two of them.

During the surging waves, one world after another loomed in the waves, or in other words, these worlds were the droplets that formed this ocean.

The world is water, converge into the sea!

This is a sea of ​​boundaries!


Every time the wave rolls, there will be astonishing fluctuations sweeping the Quartet, and the terrifying power seems to annihilate everything between heaven and earth.

Some ancient worlds in the world are also shattered and reborn with the ebb and flow of the tide.

With such a terrifying power, even if a Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is hit directly, it may be seriously injured or even fall on the spot.

Even if it is a ray of aftermath, without the cultivation of the seventh realm, it may not be able to resist.

No, some of the emperors of the lower three realms and the middle three realms of the five realms who were full of expectations and wanted to come to Burial Immortal Realm to find opportunities were affected by a ray of aftermath.

next moment.

He fell on the spot, his body and soul were wiped out, leaving nothing behind.

If you want to walk freely in the Immortal Burial World, you must at least have a cultivation base above the seventh realm, or even a cultivation realm above the quasi-celestial realm, which is safer.

Just like the emperor of the Xingyue Emperor Dynasty, he went deep into the Immortal Realm, and he was able to retreat completely and bring back the emperor under the seventh realm of the token of good fortune. There are very few.

"This is the Immortal Burial World?"

Qin Yi stood on the edge of the Immortal Burial Realm, looking at the vast scene in front of him, his heart was also shocked.

Even if you just stand on the edge, you can feel the terrible power contained in the sea, which makes people feel awe.


Qin Yi carefully spread out his spiritual sense, wanting to investigate the situation in Jiehai, however, he was suppressed unimaginably.

With the strength of Qin Yi's spiritual sense today, it is enough to cover the territory of hundreds of millions of miles, such as the broken star and moon world can be covered as much as possible.

But in the Immortal Burial World, Qin Yi's spiritual sense was suppressed to the extreme, and he could only investigate the situation in the area of ​​millions of miles.

Given Qin Yi's cultivation level, it is conceivable that the emperors who enter the lower and middle three realms of the Immortal Burial Realm are suppressed. situation is better than nothing.

However, with the strength of Qin Yi's spiritual sense, he still found out some situations in the sea.

Some of the worlds in the world have been broken, some have been withered, some are still bred, and only some of them have life.


Qin Yi's spiritual sense penetrated into these worlds, carefully comprehending the laws and avenues in them.

The laws and avenues of these worlds are somewhat different from those outside the Immortal Burial Realm, but they are similar. The powerhouses of the five realms enter them, and their strength will not be greatly affected.


Qin Yi withdrew his divine sense, followed the guidance of the fortune token, and walked towards the depths of the sea.

After Qin Yi entered the Immortal Burial World, the fortune token was automatically revived, and took the initiative to pass a message into Qin Yi's mind, guiding him to a world in the depths of the world.

The token of good fortune is related to the true immortal of good fortune. Perhaps the world it guides has news of the immortal boat of good fortune.

Moreover, Qin Yi has no other clues about the fortune immortal boat, so naturally he can only follow the guidance of the fortune token.


Qin Yi and the two shuttled in the boundary sea, carefully avoiding the waves rolled up by the boundary sea.

With Otaki Daozun present, the two of them were in no danger.

With Otsuki Daozun's strength, as long as it doesn't go deep into the center of the wave, a little aftermath can't hurt Otsuki Daozun in the slightest.

Just as Qin Yi and the two continued to go deep into the Jiehai, something seemed to be disturbed in the depths of the Jiehai, and a huge black shadow suddenly rushed towards the two of them.


With the movement of the shadow, a violent wave appeared in the vast sea.

The sea water formed by countless worlds was separated, and the shadow broke through a square world and came to Qin Yi and the two of them.

"Is this the sea monster?"

Qin Yi stared at the shadow, which was a huge strange fish.

The fine scales are densely covered on the fish body, with all kinds of weird lines engraved on it, exuding a faint light, as if it is linked to the world in the entire world, and it is blessed by the entire world.

This strange fish is a race of beasts born in the Immortal Burial Realm. It can run wild in the Realm Sea without being affected by the waves of the Realm Sea, and is also called the Beast of the Realm Sea.

In front of the world sea giant beast, the breath is only quasi-tianzun realm, but in the realm sea, even the powerhouse at the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, a little careless, may be defeated by this realm sea giant beast, or even swallowed.


The sea giant beast let out a roar that sounded like an ape's roar and a dragon's roar, opened its deep **** mouth, and bit Qin Yi and the two of them.


Facing the attacking behemoth of the sea, Daozun Otaki just flicked his fingers, and the violent power swept out.

The next moment, the world sea giant beast flew out like it was hit by a giant hammer.


Qin Yi's eyes narrowed and he found something wrong.

Although the blow of Dao Zun Yimu just now was just a casual blow, if it was an ordinary quasi-tianzun realm powerhouse, he might have fallen on the spot.

However, although this world sea giant beast was seriously injured, it did not die directly, and there was still a trace of life left.

"What a tenacious vitality."

Qin Yi couldn't help but said.

From this point, it can also be seen how difficult the world sea giant beast is.

The vitality is so tenacious that even an attack that can kill the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm cannot kill it.

To put it simply, with rough skin and thick flesh, coupled with the location of Jiehai, it is no wonder that the peak powerhouses of the quasi-tianzun realm have to avoid its edge.

Even if the giant beasts in the realm form a scale, even the Immortal Realm Heavenly Venerate must avoid its edge.


Daozun Yimu was repelling this giant beast, so he didn't make another move, but left with Qin Yi.

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