Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4260: King Kitadake

King of Beiyue.

One of the three king-level powers on the bright side of the Dali Emperor Court, was crowned king by the Dali Emperor himself. It is said that the King of Beiyue is also the uncle of the Dali Emperor.

For a long time, the Beiyue Kings have been guarding Beiyue Prefecture to guard against the God Xiaozong.

Beiyue Palace.

A figure with a big sword and a golden horse stands at the top. Although he does not say a word, there seems to be an endless evil spirit filling the void, turning into thousands of troops.

The spy in the center of the room, with his head lowered, did not dare to raise his eyes to look at this figure.

King Beiyue was born in the army, and once in charge of the first army of the Dali Imperial Court, the Dali Army, guarded the border between the Dali Imperial Court and the Yuanyang Imperial Court.

It can be said that the strength of King Beiyue was honed from the battlefield of China in his entire life. After countless lives and deaths, he just broke through the king level.

Although King Beiyue has only the cultivation base of the early stage of the quasi-tianzun realm, his combat power is not inferior to that of the king-level almighty in the middle stage of the quasi-tianzun realm.

Therefore, the King of Beiyue was able to firmly suppress the Shenxiao Sect and fought against the Shenxiao old man in the middle stage of the quasi-celestial realm several times, and he could not fall behind.

The Divine Soaring Sect was limited to Beiyue Prefecture, and it could only occupy half of Beiyue Prefecture.

You must know that with the strength of the Divine Soaring Sect, it is enough to occupy several large states, with a king-level power in charge, plus a dozen marquis-level powers, and hundreds of top powers.

This level of strength, looking at the forces on the face of the entire Dali Emperor Court, is not considered a king-level power, and the Divine Soaring Sect can completely rank among the top three.

Even, it is only inferior to the Dali Imperial Clan.

However, the King of Beiyue was able to firmly suppress the Shenxiao Sect within Beiyue Prefecture, which shows his tyrannical strength and clever means.

But this time, the King of Beiyue couldn't guarantee that he could still suppress Shenxiao Sect.

"Chen Xuanming is about to break through the king level, is this information accurate?"

King Beiyue looked at the spies kneeling on the ground and asked in a deep voice.

"Back to the prince's words, this news came from the spy of the Zhenmowei in the Shenxiao sect, and the subordinates also went to Tianjidongtian to verify that it is absolutely true."

The spy replied quickly.

The Suppressing Demon Guard is an army of King Beiyue specializing in intelligence. It is divided into three ranks of heaven, earth and human. The lowest strength also has the cultivation base above the fourth realm of the emperor.

And Tianpin spies must at least have the cultivation base of the monarch-level almighty.

That is to say, one of the elders in the Shenxiao Sect was under the command of the King of Beiyue and passed the news about the Shenxiao sect to the King of Beiyue.

The news delivered by the elder of the Divine Soaring Sect will definitely not be false, not to mention, there will be Tianjidongtian verification.

"This is troublesome."

King Beiyue's eyes sank, feeling very troublesome.

Although he was able to suppress the old man Shenxiao with the power of the law of killing, it was impossible to defeat the old man Shenxiao.

Previously, the reason why he was able to suppress the Shenxiao Sect was because he could suppress the old Shenxiao sect, and the remaining Shenxiaozong powerhouses, he could also rely on various means, or differentiation, or inducements, to suppress them.

But if there is one more king-level power, then everything will be different.

As the so-called one-shot.

In the face of a king-level power, many methods of King Beiyue have become ineffective, and no plan can threaten a king-level power.

That is to say, when Chen Xuanming breaks through the king level, the King of Beiyue will not be able to suppress Shenxiao Sect.

"A troubled autumn!"

King Beiyue sighed, his words full of helplessness.

Don't look at the Dali Imperial Court on the bright side, when the Spring and Autumn Period was at its peak, the Dali Imperial Clan suppressed the Quartet, and all the forces within the Imperial Court surrendered to the Dali Imperial Court.

But in fact, the Great Li Imperial Court has come to a time of precariousness.

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