Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4261: King Beiyue's plan

The Dali Emperor Court has been established for thousands of epochs, and it occupies the eastern part of the great world of good fortune. It has been inherited continuously, and several emperor-level powers have emerged.

Because of this, the Dali Imperial Court can stand and create the great world, and it will be immortal for thousands of epochs.

But now, the Dali Imperial Court has fallen into a trough.

A few epochs ago, several emperor-level experts from the Dali imperial clan went to a forbidden area in the Great World of Fortune to capture an emperor-level weapon.

Unfortunately, it fell short in the end.

The three emperor-level powers went together, but ended up with two deaths and one injury, and only the emperor Dali escaped.

Moreover, the Dali Emperor's body was injured by the Dao, and over the years, he has been hanging his own life by the luck of the Dali Emperor Court.

Otherwise, with its injuries, I am afraid that it has already fallen into the heaven and earth.

But this also restricted the Dali Emperor, unable to leave the core area of ​​Dali Imperial Court, Dali Prefecture.

If the Emperor Dali leaves Dali Prefecture, he will not be able to get the blessing of the fate of the entire Dali Emperor Court, the Dao injury will break out, and he will fall into the sky and the earth in an instant.

It is precisely because of this that the Dali Imperial Clan's control over the entire Dali Imperial Court is gradually weakening.

Forces such as the God Xiaozong intend to occupy the territory of the Great Li Imperial Court and become a country within a kingdom.

For this reason, the three king-level powers on the bright side of the Dali Imperial Court were all transferred to various major states to shock and deter the forces of the Shenxiao Sect and other parties.

In the same way, because of the changes in the Dali Imperial Court, the forces such as the Shenxiao Sect have noticed something wrong, and they have been testing the Dali Imperial Court, either overtly or covertly.

This is only a threat within the Dali Imperial Court, and there are also many threats outside the Dali Imperial Court.

Forces such as Yuanyang Imperial Court are also eyeing them, and they do not want to invade the Dali Imperial Court all the time. Therefore, King Beiyue will say that the Dali Imperial Court is in a precarious situation.

If it is about to go wrong, the entire Great Li Imperial Court will collapse.

Although the strength of the Dali Imperial Clan is very deep, but without the emperor-level power, the Dali Imperial Clan has been unable to maintain control over the entire Dali Imperial Court.

Judging from the current situation, if there is one more king-level power in the Divine Sky Sect, there will be more forces that cannot be controlled by one party in the Great Li Imperial Court.

"My lord, there is another piece of news, which is also about the Divine Soaring Sect."

At this time, the spy spoke again.


King Beiyue rubbed his eyebrows and said concisely.

"The son of the gods of the Shenxiao sect and a lord-level elder fell in Dingwu Prefecture. According to the news from the Shenxiao sect, there is a king-level power behind the people who killed the gods and elders of the Shenxiao sect. support.

Chen Xuanming completed his breakthrough, and after exiting the customs, the first thing he did was to seek revenge for the person who killed the son and elder of the God Xiaozong, so as to uphold the majesty of the God Xiaozong. "

The detective said quickly.

"A king-level power in Dingwu Prefecture? Is there a king-level power in Dingwu Prefecture?"

The King of Beiyue was puzzled.

There are one hundred and eight major states in the Dali Imperial Court, with strengths ranging from strong to weak. As powerful as Dali Prefecture, the Dali Imperial Clan sits among them, and there are not a few king-level experts.

However, in some weak and large states, because of their remoteness, lack of resources, or decline of spiritual energy, there are not many strong ones.

Even in the state city, there is not even a prince-level master.

Although Dingwu Prefecture is not so miserable, it is not strong either. There are marquis-level powers in the state city, but there are no king-level powers.

Within the 108 states of Dali Imperial Court, it is probably in the 70th or 80th position.

"It is not clear the identity of this king-level power, it seems to be a king-level powerhouse from another major state."

The spy replied, while he was talking, he also presented information about Dingwu Prefecture.

"The king-level powers of other big states? Are you good at the law of stars?"

King Beiyue took the information, glanced at it, and fell into deep thought.

Every king-level almighty is the top existence in the Dali Imperial Court, and even the Dali Imperial Clan cannot ignore it.

It can be said that basically all the king-level powers of the Great Li Imperial Court, the King of Beiyue knows something.

Even, even in the Yuanyang Imperial Court and other imperial courts near the Dali Imperial Court, the King Beiyue has heard of the king-level almighty among them.

However, there is no existence that can compete with the king-level power in the intelligence.

There are very few king-level powers who are good at the law of stars in the Dali Imperial Court and the surrounding Imperial Courts.

Among them, the most powerful strong man is the Taoist Xingchen, the master of the Superintendent of Heaven.

But Daoist Xingchen obeyed the orders of the Dali Imperial Clan. If he made a move against the Divine Firmament Sect, he would definitely talk to him first, and it was impossible to make a move at will.

"Could it be a powerhouse from a place farther away than the Great Li Imperial Court?"

King Beiyue frowned.

How vast is the great world of good fortune, I don't know how many strong people have been born.

The Great Li Imperial Court is located in the northern region of the Great Fortune World, and it is extremely far from the center of the Great Fortune World.

But from time to time, there are strong men from other regions in the Great Li Imperial Court, either to avoid disasters, or to travel and so on.

"Forget it, you won't know if you go to see it last time."

King Beiyue shook his head and laughed.

For him, it doesn't matter what the identity of the king-level powerhouse in Tianqing County is.

The important thing is that this king-level powerhouse has a grudge against the Shenxiao Sect, and this is enough.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Divine Soaring Sect wants to take action against it, and he can join forces with the other party to deal with Divine Soaring Sect together.

Chen Xuanming broke through the king-level power. Without seeking foreign aid, it is impossible for him to block the two king-level powers.

In this case, looking for foreign aid is the best option.

And the Dali Imperial Clan takes care of themselves, many king-level powers have their own tasks, or to deter forces like the Shenxiao Sect, or guard the Dali Imperial City, or guard the Dali Imperial Court frontier, it is impossible to leave easily. its defending place.

At this time, the appearance of the king-level power in Tianqing County was a good thing for the King of Beiyue.

"It's not too late, start now!"

King Beiyue was also a person who acted resolutely and resolutely. With a certain idea, he set off directly and went to Tianqing City to ask to see Qin Yi and the two of them.

However, when King Beiyue asked to see him this time, he would be in vain.

Because, after killing Chu Jingtian and Elder Wang, Qin Yi took Daozun Yimu to the place where the Divine Soldiers were.

Qin Yi didn't know the plans of the Emperor Xiaozong.

In Qin Yi's view, Shenxiaozong will soon take action against Tingfengwei, and he must subdue the Shenbing clan as soon as possible to make up for the lack of Tingfengwei's high-end combat power.

Otherwise, if the Divine Soaring Sect's army comes, in the case that he and Yimu Daozun can't take action, Ting Fengwei will definitely not be an opponent, and subduing the Divine Soldier Clan is an imminent matter.

Only by subduing the Divine Soldier Clan can Qin Yi and the two completely hide behind the scenes.

Therefore, after the end of the battle in Tianqing City, Qin Yi went directly to the place where the Divine Soldiers were located according to the information given by the system.

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