Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4275: King-level mighty fight

With just one blow, the Tibetan Feng Army was defeated by Chen Xuanming.

The power of the king-level almighty was manifested at this moment.

The Tibetan Front Army, which claims to be able to compete with the king-level power, is particularly vulnerable in front of Chen Xuanming, who has broken through the king-level power.

"Headmaster Supreme Divine Power!"

"What **** hide the front army, vulnerable in front of the Supreme Headmaster!"

"My God Xiaozong will rise from today!"

Seeing this scene, all the experts from the Divine Sky Sect looked excited and cheered for Chen Xuanming's power.

This breath has been held in the hearts of Divine Firmament Sect powerhouses for too long, and they can finally vent today, why are they not excited?

However, among the powerhouses of the Divine Soaring Sect, there was one person who frowned slightly, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

The powerhouse of the Divine Soaring Sect on the side called this person Tiangang Elder.


This Tiangang elder is the undercover agent in the Shenxiao Sect of the Beiyue Palace, an eighth-level lord-level master.

In Shenxiao Sect, the status is extremely high.

It is precisely because of this that the elders of Tiangang can understand the flaws of the Divine Soaring Sect's Protector Array and break through the Divine Soaring Sect's Protector Array.

‘My lord, why did it take so long to make a move? ’

Elder Tiangang looked at the defeated Zangfeng Army in the sky, and felt anxious in his heart.

As early as a few days ago, he passed the news that Chen Xuanming was about to break through, in order to let the Beiyue Palace take action in advance and interrupt the process of Chen Xuanming's breakthrough.

However, he didn't expect that King Beiyue took so long to take action, so that Chen Xuanming had already broken through the king-level power.

At this time, the opportunity to take action against the God Xiaozong has already been lost.

Even, it is very likely to put yourself in a very dangerous situation.

Although he was anxious in his heart, on the surface, the elder Tiangang was still like other Divine Firmament Sect powerhouses, excited by Chen Xuanming's power.

"Today, the Tibetan army should be destroyed!"

Chen Xuanming became more and more excited when he listened to the words of the powerhouse of the Divine Firmament Sect.


Chen Xuanming's thoughts moved, and Xuanming Tianhe made waves again, setting off a curtain that covered the sky and shrouded the Tibetan Front Army.

With this blow, he will kill all three thousand Tibetan front troops!

"not good!"

The pupils of the Tibetan Front Army soldiers shrank, trying to fight back.

However, compared with Chen Xuanming, who had broken through the king-level power, the Tibetan Feng Army soldiers were still too weak.

As soon as the breath of Xuanming Tianhe was suppressed, the soldiers of the Tibetan Front Army lost their resistance.

"As a king-level expert, but he takes action against the creatures below the king-level, fellow Daoist Chen, don't you think it's a bit of a loss of face?"

At this moment, a sigh sounded faintly.

At the same time, a tyrannical force spread out, instantly shattering the Xuanming Tianhe that swept in.

"King Beiyue?"

Hearing this voice, Chen Xuanming's expression changed slightly, and his original playful expression immediately became gloomy.

He was very familiar with this voice, it was the King of Beiyue who had firmly suppressed the Divine Sky Sect.

If it weren't for the existence of the King of Beiyue, the Shenxiao Sect would have already occupied the entire Beiyue state, and even several large states in the surrounding area would fall under the control of the Shenxiaozong.

Not to mention, the King of Beiyue is a king-level almighty who can compete with the Great Elder.

Although he has broken through the king-level power, he does not think that he can compete with the King of Beiyue.

In the final analysis, he has just broken through the king level, and his realm has only just stabilized. Even the general king-level masters at the early stage are not necessarily opponents, let alone fight against the old king-level masters such as King Beiyue.

You must know that even the great elders in the middle stage of the king level cannot suppress the king of Beiyue.

"Fellow Daoist Beiyue, my Shenxiao Sect and Beiyue Wangfu are usually considered to be well water and do not violate river water. Why did fellow Taoist lead someone to take action against my Shenxiaozong?"

At this time, a distant, if drifting voice from the ancient times sounded.


Then, a figure stepped out from the void.

This is an old man with white beard and hair, dressed in a black martial robe, and his eyes seem to contain countless mysteries and the truth of heaven and earth.

"See Great Elder."

The moment they saw the old man, all the experts from the Divine Firmament Sect were shocked, and immediately bowed down and shouted.

"I have seen the elder."

Even Chen Xuanming bowed and saluted when he saw the old man.

This white-haired old man is the great elder of the Shenxiao Sect, the old man of Shenxiao.

Before Chen Xuanming broke through the king-level power, the only king-level power in the Shenxiao Sect had a lofty position in the Shenxiao sect.

At the same time, he is also the number one powerhouse of the Divine Soaring Sect.

"The battle between the Beiyue Palace and the Shenxiao Sect has long been inevitable. Fellow Daoist Shenxiao, why are you pretending to be stupid?"

A chuckle sounded, and then, there was a wave of fluctuations in the void, and the King of Beiyue walked out of it and stood in front of the Tibetan Front Army, overlooking the people of Shenxiao Sect.

"Fellow Daoist Beiyue, you should understand that my Shenxiao Sect has no intention of attacking Beiyue's palace, let alone becoming an enemy of the Dali imperial clan."

The old man Shenxiao said in a deep voice.

"Do you have no intention of attacking the Beiyue Palace? Say it, say it, do you believe it?"

The King of Beiyue sneered and sneered at the words of the old man Shenxiao.

The Divine Soaring Sect now has two king-level powers in charge, and their strength has soared. With the ability to realize their ambitions, how could the Divine Soaring Sect remain indifferent?

"It's useless to talk too much, let's see the real chapter!"

The King of Beiyue snorted coldly, no more words, he just punched.


A powerful fist burst out in an instant, looking down at the world, with my invincible aura filling the void and filling the universe.

It's just a blow, but there are thousands of troops galloping.

It seems that there are countless tyrannical soldiers who follow this punch and hit the old man Shenxiao together. Wherever they pass, the law collapses, and the void rustles, as if it will be broken at any time.

"Fellow Daoist Beiyue, if you insist on going your own way, don't blame my Divine Firmament Sect for being rude!"

The old man Shenxiao looked indifferent, one side was like a mountain of hundreds of thousands of feet, and the big purple seal that was enough to suppress the world appeared out of thin air, and then fell with a bang.

Then, the big purple seal collided with the fist of King Beiyue, and an endless storm suddenly erupted. If these aftermaths fell, I am afraid it would stir up the Divine Soaring Sect in a mess.

Fortunately, many powerful people in the Divine Soaring Sect immediately shot, urging many great formations in the Divine Soaring Sect to seal the time and space, and this suppressed the aftermath.

At the same time, when these great formations were in operation, they were also suppressing King Beiyue and blessing the old man Shenxiao.

This is the advantage of occupying a location.

Shenxiao Mountain is the home of the Shenxiao Sect, and the Shenxiao Sect has arranged many means in it. Once activated, even the king-level power will be suppressed.

Therefore, it is rare for an ordinary king-level expert to take action against another king-level expert in the nest of another king-level expert. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of falling.

Under the suppression of many great formations, the strength of King Beiyue was also weakened, and was once suppressed by the old man Shenxiao.

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