Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4276: cards out


The large purple seal hangs high with wisps of purple energy, like a real dragon, possessing terrifying power.

A random Purple Qi True Dragon has a terrifying combat power comparable to that of the peak emperor of the ninth realm, that is, the peak Fenghou level power.

And the number of Purple Qi True Dragons with the big purple seal hanging down exceeds ten thousand!

In the face of the siege of Wanzun Fenghou-level peak power, even the king-level power has to temporarily avoid the edge.

Although the King of Beiyue is good at killing, he can achieve the peak cultivation of the early king level, and the outbreak is comparable to the middle level of the king level.

But under the siege of tens of thousands of Purple Qi True Dragons, King Beiyue was also a little tired of dealing with it.

After all, under the great formations of the Shenxiao Sect, the power of King Beiyue was also suppressed, and the power of the old man Shenxiao was blessed.

Under this situation, the King of Beiyue was also suppressed by the old man Shenxiao, and even if there was a certain amount of time, the King of Beiyue was likely to be defeated.

After all, at the level of the king-level power, any gap is as difficult to bridge as a gap or a chasm.

However, the King of Beiyue dared to set foot on Shenxiao Mountain, and naturally he also relied on it.


King Beiyue gave a soft drink, and a black token suddenly flew out, blooming with infinite divine brilliance, instantly eliminating the influence of many great formations.

Even, the tyrannical coercion once suppressed the big purple seal and the old man Shenxiao.

"Great departure order?"

The old man Shenxiao's eyes narrowed. This Dali Order is a forbidden weapon personally refined by the Emperor Dali. Its power is not bad, and it is comparable to a high-level king-level imperial weapon.

However, the number of Da Li Tokens is scarce and can only be used three times. After three times, the Da Li Token will collapse directly.

According to the information he knew, the Great Departure Order in the hands of King Beiyue had been used twice, and if it was used again, the Great Departure Order would disappear.

"Fellow Daoist Beiyue, what do you want to do?"

The old man Shenxiao looked gloomy, and he couldn't understand King Beiyue's plan.

Judging from normal thinking, after Chen Xuanming was promoted to the king-level power, the Beiyue Palace was already at a disadvantage.

In this case, for King Beiyue, the best choice is to retreat immediately.

There is only one king-level power in Beiyue Wangfu, and in the face of two king-level powers, the natural force is not enough.

After all, the so-called Tibetan Front Army that can compete with the king-level power is just a joke in the eyes of the real king-level power, and it can be easily broken.

Chen Xuanming had confirmed this before. Therefore, in the eyes of the old man Shenxiao, it was the best choice for King Beiyue to retreat directly.


King Beiyue not only did not retreat, but instead fought him, even using the Great Leaving Order, which could only be used once.

This made the old man Shenxiao wonder.


Facing the questioning of the old man Shenxiao, the King of Beiyue turned a deaf ear, and immediately urged the Great Leaving Order to drop wisps of fairy light to bless the King of Beiyue, which made the power of King Beiyue skyrocket.

In an instant, King Beiyue had broken through the threshold of the early stage of the conferred king level and entered the realm of the later stage of the conferred king level.


The King of Beiyue slammed out a fist, and the domineering fist filled the sky and shattered a purple dragon.

King Beiyue's combat power had already surpassed that of the powerhouses of the same realm. Now, with the blessing of Da Li Ling, he has climbed to the middle stage of the king-class, and his combat power has skyrocketed, reaching a level far exceeding the late-stage power of the ordinary king-class in one fell swoop.


King Beiyue smashed thousands of Purple Qi True Dragons with just one punch.

With the current combat power of King Beiyue, the Great Seal of Purple Qi could no longer suppress King Beiyue.

"King Beiyue, since you want to fight, don't blame me, God Xiaozong, for being rude!"

The old man Shenxiao snorted coldly, killing intent erupted in his eyes.

Since King Beiyue wants to fight with Shenxiao Sect, the old man Shenxiao will not refuse.

After all, no matter from which point of view, it is now the Divine Soaring Sect that has the advantage and has the capital to win this battle.

Of course, the old man Shenxiao didn't dare to really kill the King of Beiyue, not to mention whether he could kill the King of Beiyue, even if he could, he would not dare to kill the King of Beiyue.

King Beiyue, as one of the three princes of the Dali imperial clan, if he died, the Dali imperial clan would definitely be furious and send troops to surround the Shenxiao Sect in order to maintain the majesty of the Dali imperial court.

Although the Dali Imperial Court is now in decline, its heritage is far from comparable to other forces.

Not to mention other things, even if the Emperor Dali, who stayed in Dali Prefecture and hanged his life on the fate of the Dali Emperor Court, is not comparable to other forces.

This is an emperor-level power!

Moreover, the Dali Imperial Court has dominated the world for countless years, and its profound background is far from comparable to the Shenxiao Sect. Even if the Dali Emperor does not take action, the Dali Imperial Court can use other heritage to destroy the Shenxiao Sect.

The reason why Shenxiao Sect was able to compete with the Beiyue Palace was only because other forces in the Dali Imperial Court had involved the energy of the Dali Imperial Court.

If Shenxiaozong really killed the King of Beiyue, the Dali Emperor would be furious, and the Shenxiaozong would be destroyed, and other forces would not stop it.

But the fact that King Beiyue cannot be killed does not mean that King Beiyue cannot be seriously injured.


The old man Shenxiao's eyes shone slightly, and large formations appeared out of thin air, blessing himself.

Driven by the power of the King-level Great Power Avenue, these great formations were instantly driven to the extreme, causing the aura of the old man Shenxiao to skyrocket.

At the same time, visions appeared one after another in the void, also blessing the old man Shenxiao.

This is the Dao rhyme left by the countless strong men of the Shenxiao Sect. At this moment, it is inspired by the old Shenxiao and turned into the power of the old Shenxiao.

In an instant, the aura of the old man Shenxiao rose to the point of being equal to that of King Beiyue, and he competed with King Beiyue in court.


The old man Shenxiao shouted angrily, and the tyrannical force shattered the void universe, dancing with his fingers, performing countless magical powers, and blending with the purple seal.

The next moment, the big purple seal trembled and fell down in the air.

The endless laws are roaring, the heaven and the earth are trembling, and an overwhelmed whine is issued, and it shatters directly in an instant, turning into chaos.


The big purple seal is unabated, with an unstoppable momentum, like an immemorial mountain that has suppressed the ages, pressing down on the King of Beiyue.

This blow has already climbed to the late king level, and it is only one step away from the peak of the late king level, which is the level of the late quasi-tianzun level.

"Good come!"

The King of Beiyue was not surprised but delighted, let out a long howl like thunder, punched out, and met the big purple seal that was hanging down.

Ba Lie's fist intent pierced through the void, straight like an undefeated God of War, with a long spear in his hand, piercing the heavens and the world with one blow.


The two forces collided in an instant, setting off an endless frenzy, and a random aftermath would have the power to destroy a big state.

However, the strengths of the two collided with each other, but neither could overwhelm the other.

That is to say, the strength of King Beiyue and Elder Shenxiao is not different, and it is impossible to tell the winner for a while.

And just as the two kings of Beiyue were at a stalemate, Chen Xuanming took another shot at the Tibetan Fengjun.

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