Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4277: Kang Jinlong appeared


The Xuanming Tianhe surged, stirring up a monstrous wave, sweeping towards the Tibetan Front Army.

This blow seemed to devour the Tibetan Front Army and annihilate it into nothingness.

"My lord."

Among the powerhouses of the Divine Firmament Sect, the elder Tiangang revealed hidden worries, and his heart became more and more anxious.

At this time, no matter what he did, he couldn't stop Chen Xuanming from killing Zang Fengjun. If he took the initiative to expose it, he would put himself in an extremely dangerous situation.

Therefore, he could only watch the Xuanming Tianhe drown towards the Tibetan Front Army.


There was a strong killing intent in Chen Xuanming's eyes, as if he had seen the scene where all the soldiers of the Tibetan Front Army were swallowed up by the Xuanming Tianhe.

With Chen Xuanming's current strength, there is no problem in killing a group of Tibetan frontiers.

Moreover, there is no need to have any scruples in killing the Tibetan Feng Army. Killing the Tibetan Feng Army will offend the King of Beiyue at most, and will not offend the Dali Imperial Clan. Naturally, Chen Xuanming will not let it go.


At this moment, a sigh sounded faintly, and then, a tyrannical aura suddenly rose up, filling the world.

This breath shattered the falling waves of the Xuanming Tianhe in an instant, and even shattered the Xuanming Tianhe.

There is no doubt that the owner of this breath is a king-level almighty.

"Another king-level power?"

Chen Xuanming's expression was shocked, and his eyes were full of shock.

King Beiyue should not be the only king-level power in the Beiyue Palace. The other king-level powers of the Dali Imperial Clan are also involved in many forces and cannot be freed up.

So, where did this king-level power come from?

"Is this the king's backhand?"

Seeing this scene, Elder Tiangang breathed a sigh of relief.

He also doesn't know the origin of this king-level power, but to him, the origin of this king-level power is not important.

The important thing is that on the side of the Beiyue Palace, there are also two king-level powers, and there are two king-level powers who are not afraid of Shenxiao Sect.

After the king-level power appeared, the situation reversed suddenly, and the dominant party became the Beiyue Palace.

After all, if the battle power of the king-level power level was abandoned, the King of Beiyue completely crushed the Shenxiao Sect.

Not to mention other things, just say that the three thousand Tibetan Front Army is enough to sweep away the many powerhouses of the Divine Firmament Sect.

The three thousand Tibetan Front Army joined forces, and their combat power may not be as good as a king-level power, but it is also better than an ordinary prince-level power at the peak of the ninth realm. There is no opponent in the Shenxiao Sect.

"The king-level power?"

The old man Shenxiao on the side also shrank his pupils, revealing a look of surprise.

In an instant, he thought of a lot of things, and at the same time he understood why the King of Beiyue dared to go to war with Shenxiao Sect when Chen Xuanming made a breakthrough.

It turned out to be because the Beiyue Wangfu had invited a foreign aid, a king-level expert to help boxing.

"King Beiyue, you are really good at tactics!"

The old man Shenxiao looked at King Beiyue and said with gritted teeth.

"It's not as good as fellow Daoist Shenxiao. If it wasn't for the fact that this king still had some means, I knew in advance that fellow Daoist Chen was about to break through the king-level power, otherwise this king would probably be driven out of Beiyue Prefecture by fellow Daoist Shenxiao.

By the way, speaking of this, the reason why this king was able to invite fellow Daoist Kang is thanks to the **** son of your Shenxiao Sect. "

King Beiyue laughed and said aloud.

"Thanks to my son of God Xiaozong?"

Hearing this, the old man Shenxiao was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the origin of this king-level power was the king-level power behind Ting Fengwei.

In order to deal with the Emperor Xiaozong, this king-level expert joined forces with the Beiyue Palace.

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