Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4278: Chen Xuanming, Meteor


With a sigh, a vast aura filled the void, suppressing everything, and even the Xuanming Tianhe no longer rolled under the suppression of this breath.


Then, Chen Xuanming saw a burly man striding out of the void.

"Kang Jinlong, I have met Daoyou Chen."

The man smiled slightly and bowed to Chen Xuanming.


Chen Xuanming didn't say a word. The first time he saw Kang Jinlong, he felt an unimaginable pressure.

This feeling was exactly the same as when he faced the Beiyue King and the old man Shenxiao, and even the pressure was even more terrifying than when he faced the Beiyue King and the two of them.

This is a more tyrannical existence than King Beiyue and Old Man Shenxiao!

"I heard that the Emperor Xiaozong wanted to deal with me, Ting Fengwei. I am extremely afraid of trouble, so I can only take action in advance and destroy the Emperor Xiaozong.

I don't know what Chen Daoyou thinks? "

Kang Jinlong looked indifferent, standing in the sky, overlooking Chen Xuanming.

A great power who has just entered the king level, he can be destroyed by raising his hand.

You must know that Kang Jinlong had already set foot in the late king level as early as dozens of epochs, and now he has broken through the peak of the late king level, and he is only half a step away from the peak of the king level.

If he breaks through the peak of the emperor-level, Qin Yi will help you make up for the source of life, and then he can set foot on the emperor-level power.

Although Kang Jinlong wanted to cross the last step, it was not easy, but it was an indisputable fact that Kang Jinlong had reached the peak of the late king level.

In terms of strength alone, King Beiyue urged the Great Departure Order, and the old man Shenxiao was blessed by many great formations and Dao Yun, but he was only on par with him.

But if they really want to fight, Kang Jinlong doesn't need much effort to defeat the two.

After all, power is power, and whether you can use your own power to the fullest is another question.

Even a king-level almighty cannot fully control the power far beyond his own realm.


After finishing speaking, before Chen Xuanming could answer, Kang Jinlong pointed it out.


Chen Xuanming's mind exploded, and in his eyes, Kang Jinlong pointed out that the boundless chaos was cracked, and the whole world seemed to be divided into two by Kang Jinlong's power.

At this moment, he was unable to describe Kang Jinlong's finger in words.

It was like the first ray of light that pierced through the ancient darkness, and it was like a finger pointed out by the supreme existence that opened up chaos.

A finger falls, heaven and earth are born!

"Xuanming Wuji!"

Chen Xuanming roared bitterly and resolutely burned his body on the road to Heavenly Sovereign, so that he could get rid of the influence of this finger.


The Xuanming Tianhe surging, bursting, and its shape constantly changing.

Transforming dragons, transforming phoenixes, transforming Kunpeng...

Then, it turned into an ancient alien beast that was like a turtle but not a turtle, like a snake but not a snake.

Nether Xuanwu.

One of the top mythical beast clans in the heavens and the world, claiming to be in charge of all the divine waters in the heavens, and its combat power is not inferior to that of the real dragon clan.


A roar sounded one after another, and a figure of the Nether Xuanwu appeared out of thin air.

This is the power of Chen Xuanming's origin, and every Nether Xuanwu has the combat power of being a first-time king.

Many Nether Xuanwu let out a roar, stepped into the air, and all of them tore away towards Kang Jinlong.

Xuanwu eats the sky!

"Tips for carving insects!"

In the face of this move, Kang Jinlong's expression remained unchanged, he smiled contemptuously, and the movements in his hands remained unchanged as he pointed down.


This finger slid across the sky, bursting out a ray of light that shone through the ages.

Before the two forces collided, strands of divine brilliance fell from Kang Jinlong's fingertips, and the Nether Xuanwu collapsed.

In front of Kang Jinlong's finger, many Netherworld Xuanwu that can compete with the first-time king-level almighty are like paper paste, and they will collapse at a touch.

"Do not!"

Chen Xuanming was instantly backfired, the blood of the emperor spurted out, his breath was sluggish, and he directly declined to the extreme.

He still wanted to make a move, but it was too late, he just watched Kang Jinlong's finger drop.

"Xuan Ming!"

The old man Shenxiao glared angrily, trying to get rid of King Beiyue and rescue Chen Xuanming.

However, King Beiyue didn't say a word, and punched out with a punch, suppressing the old man Shenxiao in place, making him unable to help Chen Xuanming.


In this way, the old man Shenxiao could only watch Kang Jinlong pointing at Chen Xuanming's eyebrows.


As if something shattered, a clear shattering sound echoed in the sky.


I saw cracks one after another, spreading from Chen Xuanming's eyebrows, instantly flooding Chen Xuanming's whole body.

Then, Chen Xuanming shattered like a piece of porcelain, and his body and soul shattered into countless pieces.

In an instant, the Divine Soaring Sect was terribly quiet, and all the Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

The Supreme Headmaster has fallen?

"Fake, I don't believe it, the Supreme Headmaster has broken through the king level, how could it be so easy to fall?"

There are strong people of God Xiaozong who do not want to believe it.


As soon as the words fell, Chen Xuanming shattered into countless fragments, trembled suddenly, and gathered together again, turning into Chen Xuanming.

"I just said, how could the Supreme Headmaster fall so easily!"

A group of Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses had smiles on their faces.

However, before they were happy for too long, the reunited Chen Xuanming didn't have time to say a word, and it broke apart again.

Collapse, reorganization, collapse, reorganization... Repeated this several times, it was like there was a force preventing Chen Xuanming's rebirth.

Until the ninth time, Chen Xuanming did not reorganize again, but completely annihilated into nothingness.


Countless laws roared, shook the world, and seemed to cry.

At this time, everyone knew that Chen Xuanming had completely fallen!

"No, it's impossible!"

"How could the Supreme Headmaster fall!"

"It's over, it's over."

The powerhouses of the God Xiaozong looked incredible, unwilling to believe the fact that Chen Xuanming had fallen.

This is a king-level power!

Looking at the entire Dali Imperial Court, they are all top-notch existences, how could they fall here so easily.

But the Sect Master said that he would bring the Divine Heaven Sect to the rise!

Not to mention the rise of the God Xiaozong now, whether the God Xiaozong can keep the inheritance is a question.

Facing the siege of two king-level powers, the only two king-level powers in Shenxiao Sect fell.

Under such circumstances, the old man Shenxiao could not support alone, how could he be the opponent of two king-level almighty?

For a time, an aura of despair spread within the Divine Soaring Sect.

"Xuan Ming!"

Because of Chen Xuanming's fall, the old man Shenxiao was instantly cloned and hit by a punch from King Beiyue.

But he didn't care about his injuries, but looked at the place where Chen Xuanming fell, and he couldn't help but want to retreat.

Kang Jinlong's strength far exceeded his imagination, and he was able to kill Chen Xuanming with one finger, and even destroy all of Chen Xuanming's backhands.

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