Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4279: Shenxiaozong returns to Tingfengwei

Killing a first-time king-level almighty with one finger, the old man Shenxiao believed that he could not do it with his own strength.

After all, even if it is just a king-level almighty for the first time, it is a king-level almighty, and it is a powerhouse in the same realm as him.

If an almighty who has just entered the king rank wants to escape, he may not be able to stop it at the later stage of the king rank.

Not to mention, one move will kill him!

And if he wants to kill a new king-level power, the old man Shenxiao can only do this when his combat power reaches the late stage of the king-level with the blessing of many great formations and rhythms of the Shenxiao Sect.

That is to say, Kang Jinlong has the power of a powerful late-stage king.

At this moment, the old man Shenxiao will face the siege of two late-stage king-level powerful men.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood.

The old man Shenxiao was not a pedantic person either. Even if he knew that he was defeated, he still had to fight to the death.

"Kang Jinlong, listen to Fengwei; Beiyue King, Beiyue Wangfu, you wait, this hatred will be avenged."

The old man Shenxiao let out a long whistle, dropped these words, and then turned and left decisively, even all the strong people of Shenxiao Sect ignored it.

"Go away!"

The King of Beiyue was startled, did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly chased and killed the old man Shenxiao.

He only left Kang Jinlong with a voice transmission of his divine sense: "Daoist friend Kang, the matter of the Shenxiao Sect will be handled by fellow Daoists, and this king will go after the old man Shenxiao."

It is self-evident how much influence a king-level power can have if he really wants to take revenge.

In particular, a king-level power with no worries, if he is determined to take revenge, even the Dali imperial family will have a headache.

After all, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

If the old man Shenxiao was allowed to escape, he would definitely retaliate against the Beiyue Wangfu in the future, and might even turn the Beiyue Wangfu upside down.

The King of Beiyue naturally did not want to see such a thing happen, so he rushed to kill him impatiently.

With the departure of King Beiyue and the two of them, the powerhouses of the Divine Firmament Sect were even more astonished. One of their two king-level powers fell into the hands of Kang Jinlong, and the other actually left them and ran away?

"Elder, why did you abandon us!"

"Do not!"

"Hehe, is this the Divine Xiaozong that I am loyal to?"

The Divine Firmament Sect powerhouse laughed miserably, and was extremely desperate in his heart.

"Shen Xiaozong is ruthless, why should I wait any longer, my lord, I am willing to surrender."

At this time, a voice sounded, which shook the mood of the powerhouses of the God Xiaozong even more. For a time, the powerhouses of the God Xiaozong became more and more impetuous.

"Tiangang old man, the first elder is not mean to you, why do you want to betray the Divine Soaring Sect?"

Some strong men who were loyal to the Divine Soaring Sect looked viciously towards the place where the voice came, and said with gnashing teeth.

The owner of that voice is Elder Tiangang.

At this time, the battle situation has been decided, and the Tiangang elder naturally no longer hides his identity, and jumped out first to persuade many strong people of God Xiaozong to surrender.

After all, if the battle can be avoided, it will be a good thing for the Beiyue Palace and the remaining Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses.

What's more, if he did this, he could be regarded as saving the lives of all the powerhouses of the Divine Firmament Sect.

After all, he has been with the powerful people of the Divine Soaring Sect for so long, and he has a certain feeling that if he can save their lives, he will not be stingy.

"I betrayed Shenxiao Sect? In the current situation, it's not that I waited to betray Shenxiaozong, but Shenxiaozong betrayed us. The old man Shenxiao has abandoned me and ran away. Do I have to wait here to die?"

In the face of the questioning of the powerhouses of the Divine Soaring Sect, the elder Tiangang was not at all embarrassed.


That Divine Sky Sect powerhouse couldn't help but curse.

"If you don't want to die, then surrender."

Elder Tiangang turned a deaf ear to the scolding of the Divine Soaring Sect powerhouse, and instead looked at the many Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses on the side.

"Alas, this seat is willing to descend."

A group of Divine Firmament Sect experts looked at each other, and a Divine Soaring Sect strongman sighed and spoke first.

"I would like to come down."

With the first person, there will be a second person, and one after another, the powerhouses of the Divine Firmament Sect have stood up.

"A bunch of ungrateful people!"

Those powerhouses who were loyal to the Divine Soaring Sect couldn't help scolding.

However, the powerhouses of the Divine Soaring Sect turned a deaf ear and didn't care about the scolding of these people at all.


Kang Jinlong seemed to be impatient, snorted coldly, and then he shot directly, holding the sky with only one hand, to suppress all these powerhouses who were loyal to Divine Soaring Sect.

"Okay, this seat is the commander of Ting Fengwei. Those who are willing to join Ting Fengwei can come to this seat."

After doing this, Kang Jinlong looked down at Elder Tiangang and the others.


As soon as these words came out, Elder Tiangang couldn't help but be stunned.

The meaning of Kang Jinlong's words is obvious, this is to recruit a group of strong people from the Divine Sky Sect.

According to his vision, after this battle, the powerhouses of the Divine Soaring Sect will either become Xianyun Yehe and be subdued by the Beiyue Palace.

But the meaning of this king-level power is to cut off the King Hu Beiyue's mansion and subdue all the powerful people of God Xiaozong.

Elder Tiangang originally intended to stop it, but after looking at the many powerhouses of the Beiyue Palace who had never spoken, as well as the tyrannical strength of Kang Jinlong, he was very wise and chose to keep his mouth shut.

The example of Chen Xuanming's fall is still in front of him, and he doesn't want to follow in Chen Xuanming's footsteps.

If he offends the other party and is slapped to death by Kang Jinlong, I am afraid that the prince is unlikely to turn against Kang Jinlong for him.

Therefore, Elder Tiangang could only watch Kang Jinlong subdue the powerhouses of the Divine Firmament Sect. He could only try his best to win over a few powerhouses of the Soaring Firmament Sect who had a good relationship with him and join the Beiyue Palace together.

Except for those who were unwilling to be restrained and voluntarily left the Shenxiao sect and became a loose cultivator, most of the remaining Shenxiao sect experts chose to belong to Kang Jinlong and join Tingfengwei.

Although the powerhouses of the Divine Firmament Sect didn't look down on Ting Fengwei before this, but Ting Fengwei had Kang Jinlong in charge, and that was the top force of the Dali Imperial Court.

With the strength of Kang Jinlong alone, it is enough to surpass the entire Shenxiao Sect, far stronger than the Beiyue King. After all, Kang Jinlong killed Chen Xuanming with one move and made the old Shenxiao flee without a fight.

A group of Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses choose their backers, naturally they choose stronger backers, so most of the Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses choose to join Tingfengwei.

As a result, most of the Divine Heaven Sect fell into the hands of Tingfengwei, including various treasures of heaven and earth, cultivation methods, and so on.

Regarding this point, the elders of Tiangang and other experts in the Beiyue Palace did not dare to have any opinions. After all, the Beiyue King was not there, and there was only Kang Jinlong, a king-level expert, who would dare to offend Kang Jinlong?

In other words, Tingfengwei's sphere of influence has also expanded to Beiyue Prefecture.

Moreover, the addition of the powerhouses of the Divine Soaring Sect also made Tingfengwei's power soar.

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