Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4280: Expanded Tingfengwei

As the overlord of Beiyue Prefecture, Shenxiaozong can be ranked in the entire Great Li Imperial Court in terms of its power background, which is very good.

Not to mention Elder Shenxiao and Chen Xuanming, the two king-level powers, the Shenxiao Sect still has three marquis-level powers, a dozen top powers, and dozens of powers.

Such a profound background is far from the comparison of ordinary forces.

If it weren't for the Beiyue Palace, I'm afraid the Emperor Xiaozong would have already ruled several large states.

Under the leadership of Kang Jinlong, more than 70% of the powerhouses in the Divine Soaring Sect had joined Tingfeng Guard, greatly supplementing Ting Feng Guard's combat power.

Even if the Divine Soldiers did not make a move, Ting Fengwei could be called the top force of the Great Li Imperial Court.

Of course, it has to wait until these Divine Firmament Sect powerhouses make the Heavenly Dao oath before they can be considered as members of Tingfengwei.

In this way, the battle of the Divine Soaring Sect also came to an end.

Elder Tiangang and other experts from Beiyue Wangfu's mansion could only watch Kang Jinlong gather up the things left by the Emperor Xiaozong.

And Kang Jinlong also returned to Tianqing City with a group of strong people from the God Xiaozong, and made arrangements after they made the oath of heaven and signed a contract with Qin Yi.

Either return to Beiyue Prefecture and help Tingfengwei control Beiyue Prefecture; or stay in Dingwu Prefecture and help Tingfengwei control Dingwu Prefecture; or go to other big states to help Tingfengwei expand.


Because of the addition of these Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses, Tingfengwei quickly embarked on the road of expansion.

A strong man walked out of Tingfengwei, entered various major states, opened up Tingfengwei, and became famous for a while.

Of course, when Ting Fengwei first appeared in the world, some powerhouses didn't care too much, and some powerhouses even thought of provoking Tingfengwei.

And these powerhouses were quickly killed by Ting Fengwei as an example of shocking the Quartet.

At the same time, stories about Tingfengwei also spread.

"The Divine Soaring Sect is shattered, and most of the Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses have worshipped Tingfengwei!"

"how can that be?"

"This is Divine Soaring Sect. How can it be destroyed with a king-level power in charge?"

The first reaction of most powerhouses when they heard the news was to question the authenticity of the news.

Ordinary emperors may not know the strength of the Divine Soaring Sect, but the powers above the seventh realm, and even some emperors in the fifth and sixth realms, are basically known.

This is a top force with a king-level power, and there are countless strong people in the sect, how could it be shattered silently.

Even if the Beiyue Palace made a move, it might not be able to help the God Xiaozong.

However, when more and more news came, one after another, the strongmen of the Shenxiao sect walked around the imperial court in the form of Ting Fengwei, plus the news that the King of Beiyue was chasing and killing the old man Shenxiao.

Many powerhouses in the Great Li Imperial Court had to accept this fact.

In the past, the top power of the Dali Imperial Court, the God Xiaozong, had been shattered, and was replaced by Tingfengwei, an intelligence organization.

With the momentum of defeating the Emperor Xiaozong, Tingfengwei developed rapidly.

In a few months, Tingfengwei's footprints have spread all over the dozens of major states in the Dali Imperial Court, and have opened up branches in many major states.

Because Ting Fengwei is always under the banner of neutrality, and because he is in the intelligence business, the various forces in the Great Li Imperial Court did not pay too much attention to Ting Fengwei.

There was no deliberate suppression, nor did he provoke Ting Fengwei.

However, not all forces do not care about Ting Fengwei, on the contrary, many forces are jealous of Ting Fengwei.

Among them is the largest force in the Dali Imperial Court, the Dali Imperial Clan.

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