Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4292: Cause and effect of honor

"Sure enough, the Immortal Creation Boat is in the inheritance place of the True Immortal Creation. This is troublesome."

Although he found the place where the immortal boat was, Qin Yi was not too excited.

Judging from the current situation, it is not an easy thing to get the Immortal Creation Boat, and the Immortal Lord Creation is the biggest stumbling block.

And if you want to defeat the Immortal Master of Fortune, judging from the power Qin Yi currently has, he can't do it.

After all, in the great world of good fortune, the fairy master of good fortune occupies a geographical advantage, and its combat power is even better than that of the ordinary late stage **** of immortality.

Even if Dao Zun Yimu made a move, he was not necessarily an opponent of the Immortal Master of Fortune.

"Young Master, don't worry, it's not impossible to deal with the Immortal Master of Creation.

If it can weaken the control of the immortal master of creation over the great world of creation, or even subvert the immortal court of creation, it will be much easier to deal with the immortal master of creation. "

Demon Venerable Taiyi seemed to see Qin Yi's worries and said.

The stronger the master of the world has control over his own world, the stronger his strength will be. Conversely, the weaker his control over his own world will be, the weaker his strength will be.

Moreover, the weaker the control over one's own world, the weaker the blessing the Lord of the World receives, and the weaker the suppression of the enemy.

"Tell me in detail."

Qin Yi suddenly became interested and looked at Demon Venerable Taiyi.

Since hundreds of epochs, the Taiyi Demon Venerable has been deliberately trying to deal with the Immortal Master of Creation, enter the inheritance place of True Immortal Creation, and seize another part of his body.

It is impossible for Taiyi Demon Venerable to be unprepared, and there must be a way to deal with the Immortal Master of Creation.

"The Immortal Lord Good Fortune was originally a named disciple of True Immortal Good Fortune and was not valued by True Immortal Good Fortune.

However, when the True Immortal Good Fortune led many disciples in the Holy Land of Good Fortune to fight against many true demons, many of the true disciples of the True Immortal Good Fortune had all fallen, but they survived by luck. "

Taiyi Demon Venerable said immediately.

"The named disciple of the True Immortal Creation?"

Qin Yi's eyes flashed, and this Immortal Master of Fortune had this origin. No wonder he dared to use Fortune as his honorary title and open up a force in the name of Fortune Fairy.

You must know that the true immortal of good fortune takes good fortune as the honorary title. After breaking through the Nine Heavens True Wonderland, the honorary name of good fortune already has a great cause and effect.

Although the true immortal of good fortune has fallen, if it inherits the name of good fortune, it also means that the cause and effect of the true immortal of good fortune will be taken over, and it is likely to be backlashed because of this.

The cause and effect of a true immortal is so terrifying, it is impossible to bear without enough strength.

With the cultivation base of the Immortal Master of Fortune, although he can barely bear these karma, he will inevitably be backlashed by the karma brought about by this honorary title, and his luck will plummet.

Even, it may affect future practice.


The Immortal Master Fortune is a disciple of the True Immortal Fortune, even if it is only a named disciple, with this relationship, the Immortal Master Fortune inherits the title of True Immortal Fortune, and he will not be backlashed by karma.

"The Immortal Lord of Fortune is arrogant and arrogant. Although he follows the path of the Lord of the World, he does not despise the path of the Lord of the World."

The Taiyi Demon Venerable paused and continued: "In the Immortal Burial Domain, the most orthodox world master is a body that merges with the way of heaven.

The Immortal Lord of Fortune did not want to let himself be locked up with the Lord of the World. He did not merge with the Heavenly Dao, but controlled the great world of Fortune with the help of the Immortal Court of Fortune. "

"This also causes it to reveal a great flaw. If it can suppress the good fortune immortal garden and divide the good fortune immortal garden, it can weaken the strength of the good fortune fairy master."

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