Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4293: Taiyi Demon Venerable's Means

"Suppressing the Immortal Court of Fortune, will it weaken the strength of the Immortal Master of Fortune?"

Qin Yi's eyes lit up.

If so, it would be much easier to deal with the Immortal Master Fortune.

After all, the strength of a world master who is in the way of heaven depends on his control over the world and how powerful this world is.

The only way to weaken the power of these world lords is to destroy the world they control.

But this is basically impossible, because once someone wants to wreak havoc on the world they control, the Lord of the world will inevitably notice.

Therefore, this road cannot be passed.

But if the immortal master of creation controls the great world of creation through the immortal court of creation, then it is feasible to weaken the strength of the immortal master of creation.

It is a difficult thing for others to overthrow the Immortal Court of Creation.

For example, many emperor-level powers in the great world of good fortune, it may be an impossible thing to overturn the fairy garden of good fortune.

But for the existence of the first-level immortal gods such as Taiyi Demon Venerable, this is not a difficult task.

After all, the existence in the Immortal Court of Fortune that is worthy of the Taiyi Demon Venerable's fear is only the Immortal Lord Good Fortune alone. As for the others, the Taiyi Demon Venerable doesn't care at all.

In other words, with the strength of Demon Venerable Ether B, it is not difficult to quietly control other people in the Immortal Court of Creation.

Taiyi Demon Venerable was transformed by a wisp of demonic thoughts that created a true immortal. At the same time, he practiced the devil's way and seduced people into the devil's way.

According to what the Taiyi Demon Venerable said, the gods who created the Immortal Court have all fallen into his control.

Even the Prince Xuanji, who created the Immortal Court, is gradually falling towards him.

"Prince Xuanji, who created Immortal Court?"

Qin Yi raised his brows, and a surprised look appeared on his face.

The Prince Xuanji of Fortune Immortal Court can be said to be of high authority, above one person and below ten thousand people, and his status is second only to that of the Immortal Lord Fortune.

Prince Xuanji's cultivation level has reached the peak of the emperor level, and he is only half a step away from Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, that is, the Lord of the World.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for such an existence to betray the Immortal Court of Fortune, but the Taiyi Demon Venerable said that Prince Xuanji intends to rely on him. How can this not surprise Qin Yi?

"Prince Xuanji has been a prince for four hundred epochs."

Taiyi Demon Venerable just said a word, and Qin Yi came to his senses.

After breaking through the seventh realm, practitioners are free from the long river of time and are no longer bound by Shouyuan. As long as they are not killed by others, they can live forever with the heavens and the earth.

This also led to a situation, as long as the Lord of Yun Dynasty did not abdicate, it was impossible for the prince of Yun Dynasty to ascend to the position of Lord of Yun Dynasty.

A Prince of Yun Dynasty may not be able to ascend to the position of the Lord of Yun Dynasty when his body falls.

Prince Xuanji was in such a situation. He had been the prince of the Immortal Court for 400 epochs. Although his status was also extremely high, he was finally subservient to others and was overwhelmed by others.

If Prince Xuanji had no ambition, it would be okay to say, but Prince Xuanjie obviously also had ambitions in his heart, and wanted to climb to the top of the Immortal Court of Fortune.

Moreover, the Immortal Master of Fortune stood in front of Prince Xuanji, and it was impossible for Prince Xuanji to go further if he wanted to go further.

Under such circumstances, how could Prince Xuanji be reconciled?

Taking advantage of this, Taiyi Demon Venerable is luring Prince Xuanji into the devil's way step by step.

"Prince Xuanji's heart has been shaken, and after a while, he will completely fall to me, be controlled by me, and divide the fairy garden."

Demon Venerable Taiyi smiled proudly, quite contented.

An emperor-level peak power, and he is also the prince of the immortal court, who can turn against him. How can these methods prevent Taiyi Demon Venerable from being content?

Moreover, apart from the Prince Xuanji, several of the gods who created the Immortal Court were also secretly controlled by him. If it is activated, it can also shake the foundation of Good Fortune Xianting and weaken the strength of Good Fortune Immortal Lord.

"As long as Prince Xuanji and these gods attack together and split the Immortal Court of Fortune, it will be enough for the Immortal Master of Fortune to control the great world of Fortune and fall to the bottom.

And although the Immortal Lord of Fortune cultivates the way of practice in the five realms, above this, the Immortal Lord of Fortune has not cultivated to a very advanced level, only the cultivation of the early stage of the virtual fairyland. "

Taiyi Demon Venerable talked eloquently and knew a lot about the information of the Immortal Master of Fortune.

Qin Yi was not surprised by this.

After all, it is a Demon Venerable who was born in a true immortal's magical mind. It is the easiest to find out the news.

Not to mention, Taiyi Demon Venerable has prepared hundreds of epochs in order to deal with the Immortal Master Fortune.

If a Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is really aimed at it and spends a lot of time on it, even a Celestial Venerable who is also a Void Immortal Realm may not be able to deceive the other party.

Moreover, if the Immortal Lord Good Fortune does not care about the blessings of the Great World of Good Fortune, the real cultivation level is only in the early stage of the virtual fairyland. Although the cultivation level is stronger than that of the Taiyi Demon Venerable, the Taiyi Demon Venerable is losing the Good Fortune Immortal blessed by the Great Good Fortune World. Before the Lord, it is not without the power of resistance.

After all, the Taiyi Demon Venerable was transformed by a wisp of demonic thoughts of the True Immortal Creation, possessing the essence of the True Immortal Creation, and also inherited part of the memory of the True Immortal Creation.

In terms of the means at his disposal, Taiyi Demon Venerable is far superior to the Immortal Master of Creation.

If the Immortal Master of Creation really wants to fight with the Taiyi Demon Venerable in the same realm, it is still unknown who will win and who will lose, and even the Taiyi Demon Venerable has a better chance of winning.

After all, according to Taiyi Demon Venerable's own words, if he is in a hurry, he can use some forbidden secret techniques of the true immortal level, which can explode the power of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland and even the late stage of the virtual fairyland.

Of course, if you do this, although Taiyi Demon Venerable will not fall directly, the true immortal essence in his body will disappear.

At that time, he will also lose his indestructible essence, and any existence above the middle stage of the virtual fairyland can erase him.

Therefore, unless the situation is beyond redemption, Taiyi Demon Venerable will not use such means.

"Taiyi, have you ever thought that Prince Xuanji and the many gods of Immortal Creation, or that Immortal Lord Creation is also plotting against you?"

Looking at the Taiyi Demon Venerable with Chengzhu in his chest, Qin Yi couldn't help pouring cold water.

"This is impossible!"

Taiyi Demon Venerable's expression changed, and he categorically denied it.

But in fact, He also understood this possibility in his heart.

In any case, the Immortal Master of Fortune is the master of the world of creation, who opens up the fairy court of creation and controls the entire world of creation. His methods and nature are all excellent.

Taiyi Demon Venerable is so active, and constantly instigating many gods and even Prince Xuanji, the Immortal Lord of Fortune is likely to find out.

The reason why he didn't show it was probably because of pushing the boat along the river, in order to attract the Taiyi Demon Venerable to take action.

This possibility is not impossible.

"Son, what should we do?"

At this point, Taiyi Demon Venerable sighed.

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