Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4294: The Great World of Good Fortune

Any world master is not a good existence, although in a certain sense, it is inferior to the true virtual immortal.

But the Lord of the World has the power comparable to the Immortal Heavenly Venerate, and is also the top one among the billions and trillions of creatures in the world.

Such an existence cannot be overemphasized, so if you want to deal with a world master, there is no room for mistakes.

Even if there is a slight mishap, it may make the Immortal Master of Fortune escape.

If you startle the snake, it will be difficult to deal with the Immortal Master of Fortune.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Qin Yi had to make sure that nothing could go wrong, and to eliminate all situations in which the Immortal Master of Fortune might turn the tables.

"Not only the interior of the Good Fortune Immortal Court must create chaos, but also the outside of the Good Fortune Fairy Court, to ensure that the luck of the Good Fortune Immortal Court falls, and then take action against the Good Fortune Immortal Lord."

Qin Yi said lightly.

"Making chaos outside the Immortal Court of Fortune?"

Demon Venerable Taiyi's expression changed, and he immediately understood Qin Yi's plan.

The Immortal Lord of Creation opened up the Immortal Court of Creation and ruled the entire Great Creation World.

But in fact, except for the central area of ​​the Great Fortune World occupied by the Immortal Court of Fortune, other areas of the Great Fortune World are all under the control of many imperial courts.

Imperial Court forces such as Dali Imperial Court control other areas,

The immortal court of good fortune achieves the purpose of ruling the entire world of good fortune by controlling many imperial courts.

If many imperial forces such as the Great Li Imperial Court were out of the control of the Good Fortune Immortal Court, they would also be able to attack the Good Fortune Fairy Court, causing the luck of the Good Fortune Fairy Court to fall, thus weakening the control of the Good Fortune Immortal Lord over the Great Fortune World.


The Great Fortune World area controlled by the Great Li Imperial Court and many other imperial courts is far larger than the area occupied by the Fortune Immortal Court.

It is far easier to create chaos from the outside of Immortal Fortune Creation than from within.

After all, many imperial courts such as the Dali Imperial Court did not have the powerhouses who created the Immortal Court, and only one or several emperor-level powerhouses sat in the seat.

Even, there is not even a peak emperor-level powerhouse, and there is no such powerhouse as the Immortal Master of Immortal Creation.

With the methods of Qin Yi and others, it is much easier to control many imperial courts than to control the immortal court of good fortune.

The existence of the Imperial Court made it much easier for Qin Yi and others to deal with the Immortal Court of Fortune.

It stands to reason that the immortal court of good fortune should not leave such obvious flaws. The immortal court of good fortune has ruled the great world of good fortune for countless years, and the entire great world of good fortune should have been brought under control.

But the great world of good fortune has always maintained the status quo, and is governed by the immortal court of good fortune and many imperial courts.

For this, Qin Yi has a general understanding of it after reading the travel notes and anecdotes of many powerful people.

The Great World of Creation was not once called the Great World of Creation, but a party called the Great World of Ten Thousand Races.

The Great World of Ten Thousand Races, as the name suggests, contains many races.

Angels, Demons, Souls, Spirits, etc., there are countless races, and the number even exceeds 10,000.

Including the Divine Soldier Race, it is only one of the races.

Countless years ago, it was the Divine Soldier Race and other races that dominated the great world of creation.

It's just that with the rise of the Immortal Lord of Fortune, the human race gradually occupied the entire Great World of Fortune, and the Immortal Master of Fortune became the Lord of the Great World of Fortune.

The Divine Soldier Race and many other races have gradually withdrawn from the stage of creating the great world, but this does not mean that these races have disappeared.

Most of these races are like the Divine Soldier Race, hidden everywhere in the great world of good fortune.

Moreover, some of these races are far more powerful than the Divine Soldiers, and there are many emperor-level powerhouses in the race.

Even, there are many peak emperor-level powers.

If it is not counted as the Immortal Lord of Fortune, the Immortal Court of Fortune might not be able to suppress these races. On the contrary, many races can destroy the Immortal Court of Fortune.

At the beginning, the human race in the great world of good fortune led by the immortal court of good fortune rose, but it was only a relatively powerful race among many races.

There are also many races among the ten thousand races that are not inferior to the Immortal Court of Fortune.

The reason why many races were defeated at the beginning was only because the Immortal Master of Fortune transcended the emperor level and stepped into the realm of the Lord of the World in half a step.

Combined with what Taiyi Demon Venerable said, Qin Yi speculated that the Immortal Master of Fortune had found a way to control the great world of Fortune with the help of the luck of the fairy court, thus embarking on the road of becoming the Master of the World.

This allowed the Immortal Court of Fortune to gradually overwhelm many other races and become the master of the Great World of Fortune.

And these races are also forced to hide from the world by the good fortune immortal court, but the existence of these races also makes the good fortune immortal court unable to truly dominate the entire good fortune world.

The powerhouses of these races understand that if the good fortune immortal court completely controls the entire good fortune world, I am afraid that in the good fortune world, there will be no place for them to live, either surrender to the good fortune immortal court, or leave the good fortune world.

In this case, these races had to unite to fight against the good fortune immortal court, so that the good fortune immortal court could not control the entire good fortune world.

Qin Yi found detailed records on this aspect from the essays of an old man named Shenmeng.

As the immortal master of creation embarks on the principle of becoming the master of the world, his strength is increasing day by day, and it is terrifying day by day. He originally intended to suppress many races and truly become the master of the great world of creation.

However, under the oppression of the Immortal Master Fortune, many races had to join forces. The Lord of the Soul Clan, the Master of the Spirit Clan, and the Master of the Angel Clan, the three peak emperor-level powers, also joined forces to fight against the Immortal Master Fortune. .

In this battle, although the lord of the soul clan and others were defeated by the hand of the immortal master of creation, in this battle, the three masters of the soul clan, under the oppression of the immortal master of creation, went a step further. Half a step on the road.

After the three masters of the soul clan broke through to the master of the half-step world, they also mastered a part of the world origin of the great world.

In the Immortal Burial Domain, the prerequisite for becoming the Lord of the World is to control part of the world origin of the world where you are.

This part of the origin of the world, even if it is the key to becoming the master of the world, makes it qualified to compete for the position of the master of the world.

When there are digital half-step world lords appearing, only by defeating other half-step world lords can they truly become world lords.

Originally, even if the three masters of the soul clan became the masters of the half-step world, they could not be the opponents of the immortal masters.

However, the three masters of the soul clan took the source of the world they mastered as a threat and forced the immortal master of creation to give in, otherwise, they would destroy the source of the world they mastered.

If the origin of the world is destroyed, the great world of good fortune is likely to be severely damaged. As a last resort, the fairy master of good fortune has to give in and promise not to persecute too much races such as the soul race.

It is precisely because of this that this has formed the current pattern of the great world of creation.

The Immortal Court of Fortune occupies the center of the Great Fortune World, and many imperial courts occupy the rest of the Great Fortune World, and the Immortal Court of Fortune controls the entire Great Fortune World by controlling many imperial courts.

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