Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4295: opportunity

Soul clan and other forces naturally know about the existence of many imperial courts, and they even understand that the existence of imperial courts is the means by which Fortune Immortal Court controls the great world of Fortune.

But the powers such as the soul clan can only turn a blind eye. After all, the power of the Immortal Creation, or the Immortal Lord of Creation, is far beyond them.

They can force the Immortal Master Fortune to back down, but it is because of the origin of the world mastered by the three soul clan masters, not because their power is stronger than the Immortal Master Fortune.

In this case, as long as the good fortune immortal court does not directly control other areas of the good fortune world, the soul clan and other forces will not care.

However, if there is a chance to target the creation of the Immortal Court and destroy it, the Soul Clan and many other forces cannot be unmoved.

That is to say, when the Fortune Fairy Garden appears, soul clan and many other forces will also become Qin Yi's help.

Even Qin Yi can take the initiative to contact the soul clan and other forces to make a move together.

Therefore, Qin Yi has a general idea of ​​what to do next.

The Taiyi Demon Venerable sneaked into the Good Fortune Immortal Court, and continued to lure Prince Xuanji, or other powerhouses of the Good Fortune Fairy Court, to create chaos within the Good Fortune Fairy Court, involving the energy of the Good Fortune Fairy Court.

And Qin Yi stirred up the situation in the Dali Imperial Court and other forces, supported the Shenbing family, and helped the Shenbing family to control the Dali Imperial Court, which were other imperial courts.

At the same time, it is also possible to contact the Soul Clan and other forces through the Divine Soldier Clan, and take action together to subvert other imperial courts.

At that time, under the internal and external troubles, the luck of Fortune Immortal Court will inevitably fall to the bottom, and the control of the Great Fortune World by the Lord of Fortune will also fall to the bottom.

In this case, it would be too easy for Qin Yi and others to deal with the Immortal Master of Fortune.

"Yes, son."

Taiyi Demon Venerable bowed his body as he should, full of energy.

Taking action on Immortal Creation, this is what he has wanted to do for a long time, but because of the fear of Immortal Creation, he has been hidden.

At this moment, with the support of Qin Yi and the two of them, he can finally do it, how can he not be excited?


After speaking, Taiyi Demon Venerable thought, and the demonic energy in the forbidden area of ​​Taiyi surged, setting off a huge wave, swallowing up the countless beasts that lived in it, and crushing it into the source demonic energy.

These ferocious beasts were born from the demonic energy emanating from the Taiyi Demon Venerable. They can be regarded as the descendants of the Taiyi Demon Venerable, but in essence they are just the 'food' that the Taiyi Demon Venerable kept in captivity.


These ferocious beasts that are extremely terrifying in the eyes of the emperor-level powers and even the emperor-level powers are just the 'food' of the Taiyi Demon Venerable.

The existence of these beasts is just some 'food' to Taiyi Demon Venerable, some puppets to help him practice.

As long as it grows to a certain level, it will be harvested by the Taiyi Demon Lord and turned into his power.

Otherwise, for hundreds of epochs, how could there be no emperor-level beasts in this group of beasts?

But it is because these emperor-level beasts have long been devoured by the Taiyi Demon Venerable and turned into part of his power. At this moment, he is going to the Immortal Court of Creation, and he has no time to wait for these beasts to grow.


The entire Taiyi forbidden area was surging, like a pair of invisible big hands squeezing, the entire forbidden area kept getting smaller, turned into a ray of black light, and merged into the body of Taiyi Demon Venerable.

The body of the Taiyi Demon Venerable then solidified, turning into a young man with black hair hanging down his shoulders, with countless demonic talismans floating in his eyes, and a sinister smile on his face.

Many large formations outside the Taiyi forbidden area originally turned into many magical patterns on the youth.

"Sir, I'll go too."

The Taiyi Demon Venerable surrendered to Qin Yi, turned into a streamer, escaped into the void, and went to the Immortal Court of Fortune.

"When Taiyi is gone, the interior of the Immortal Court of Fortune will be in turmoil. This son should also speed up his pace and let the Divine Soldier Clan replace the Great Li Imperial Court."

Qin Yi looked at the back of Taiyi Demon Venerable leaving, and his eyes flickered.

Originally, according to his initial vision, let Tingfengwei develop step by step and slowly find the trace of the immortal boat.

But now, he has found the trace of the immortal boat, so naturally he does not need to continue this method of behavior, and some things can start early.

As long as the Taiyi Demon Venerable stirs the situation inside the Fortune Fairy, the attention of the Fortune Fairy will be implicated by the Taiyi Demon Venerable. He has no additional experience and pays attention to things outside the Fortune Fairy.

This is a good time for the rise of the Divine Soldier Clan, and a good time for chaos outside the Immortal Court of Fortune.

"Let's go."

The trip was successful, and Qin Yi also returned to Tianqing City with Daozun Yimu.

Qin Yi and the two have only been away for a few days, and the Tingfengwei and Shenbing clan have not changed much.

Nothing major happened in the Great Li Imperial Court, the only thing that could be considered a major event was the fall of the old man Shenxiao.

Three days ago, shortly after Qin Yi took Dao Zun Yimu to Taiyi Forbidden Land, a war broke out in Canglan Prefecture.

A group of strong men went to investigate, and finally found out that it was King Beiyue of the Dali Imperial Clan and Daoli Taishi Zhanyue Daojun, who joined forces to deal with the old man Shenxiao.

In other words, the King of Beiyue lured the old man Shenxiao into the trap set by the Dali imperial clan.

After a battle, the old man Shenxiao finally hated at the hands of King Beiyue and Daojun Zhanyue, but the old man fought back desperately, and seriously injured the king of Beiyue, making him fall into a deep sleep.

Even Daojun Zhanyue suffered a lot of injuries.

Even, when Daojun Zhanyue brought King Beiyue back to Dalizhou, he was intercepted by several unidentified king-level experts.

If the emperor Dali didn't show up in time and scared away many king-level powers, I'm afraid Daojun Zhanyue and King Beiyue would be in danger.

But the appearance of the Emperor Dali also allowed many forces in the Dali Court to see the weakness of the Emperor Dali and the weakness of the Emperor Dali.

The current strength of the Great Li Imperial Court is no longer at its peak, and there are faint signs of falling from the altar.

Because of this, all the ambitious people in the Dali Imperial Court are eager to split the Dali Imperial Court, or even replace the Dali Imperial Court.

Even Ting Fengwei, a king-level expert came to him.

These king-level experts want to cooperate with Tingfengwei, or the Shenbing family.

However, they were all rejected by Kang Jinlong.

Before going to Taiyi Forbidden Land, Qin Yi's development guidelines for Tingfengwei were not to get involved in any battles, and to collect all kinds of information.

Although Kang Jinlong intended to take action, he did not dare to go against Qin Yi's intention.

"Da Li Imperial Court**?"

Qin Yi raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile.

It's better to come by coincidence. If he knew the news before going to Taiyi Forbidden Land, he wouldn't take it too seriously, and would only let Tingfengwei develop according to the original plan.

But it is different now. He intends to let the Divine Soldier Clan replace the Great Li Imperial Court, which is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

After all, the Divine Soldier Clan can only rely on the strength of the Divine Soldier Clan to replace the Dali Imperial Court. Qin Yi and the two will not make a move to expose themselves to many powerful people in the Great Fortune World.

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