Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4296: Enlighten two emperor-level powers

For Qin Yi, the biggest purpose of entering the great world of good fortune is to find the trace of the immortal boat of good fortune, and even obtain the immortal boat of good fortune.

Everything he is doing now is to achieve this goal.

But if he takes action and exposes himself to the powerhouses in the great world of creation, it is likely to attract the attention of powerhouses in other worlds in the Immortal Burial Domain.

Even, it may attract the siege of the lords of many worlds in the Immortal Burial Domain, making it impossible for him to obtain the Immortal Boat of Fortune.

Under such circumstances, Qin Yi and Daozun Yimu would naturally not take action at will and expose themselves to others.

Unless the immortal court of good fortune is destroyed, when the immortal boat of good fortune is about to be obtained, Qin Yi and two people may make a move.

Therefore, if the Divine Soldier Clan wants to replace the Dali Imperial Court, it can only rely on the Divine Soldier Clan's own strength.

But now, the Dali Imperial Court is weak, and the entire Dali Imperial Clan has only one emperor-level power left. Moreover, the Dali Emperor was seriously injured and his body fell to the bottom of the valley. the best time.

After the Divine Soldier Clan replaced the Dali Imperial Clan and opened up a new imperial court, before the Divine Soldier Clan swears to surrender to the Good Fortune Immortal Court, this area will be out of the control of the Good Fortune Immortal Court.

In a sense, it can be regarded as weakening the luck of Fortune Immortal Court.

Therefore, after Qin Yi returned to Tianqing City, he called Tianlian Taoist and Kang Jinlong.


The two Taoist spearmen bowed to Qin Yi.

"Get ready, let the Divine Soldier Clan be born in an all-round way, compete for dominance in the world, and replace the Dali Imperial Court."

Qin Yi's words are concise and to the point.


As soon as these words came out, the two Taoist Heavenly Spears couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, Kang Jinlong's face showed excitement, but the face of the Heavenly Spear Taoist showed a touch of worry.

"Master, is it a little too early for the Divine Soldier Clan to be born at this moment?"

The Taoist Heavenly Spear hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but ask.

He is very clear about the identities of the two Qin Yi, who are from outside the Immortal Burial Domain. If the identities of the two Qin Yi are exposed, it is likely to attract the siege of all the forces in the Great World of Fortune, and even the siege of many worlds outside the Great World of Fortune. .

That is to say, when the Shenbing Clan attacked the Dali Imperial Court, Qin Yi and the two would not take action.

In this case, the Divine Soldiers are not necessarily the opponents of the Dali Imperial Court.

In any case, the Dali Emperor Court is a force that has produced several emperor-level powers. Even if it falls to the bottom, there is only one emperor-level power left, which is not comparable to the **** soldiers.

The various backgrounds and the number of powerhouses left by the emperor-level powers are not comparable to those of the Divine Soldiers.

In the final analysis, there is only the Heavenly Spear Daoist, an emperor-level almighty in the Divine Soldier Clan.

In the view of Taoist Tianlance, the safest way is to develop steadily according to the strategy Qin Yi set at the beginning.

On the one hand, in the name of Ting Fengwei, he extended the tentacles of his own forces into the 108 states of the Dali Imperial Court, and brought the entire Dali Imperial Court under control.

On the other hand, let many strong people in the Divine Soldier Clan devote themselves to cultivation, in order to break through the peak of the king level. Then, Qin Yi will make another move to help him replenish the source of life, so that the Divine Soldier Clan will have one more emperor level. Mighty.

For example, Kang Jinlong, at the moment, is already standing at the late stage of the conferred king level, and he is only one step away from the peak of the conferred king level.

At that time, the Divine Soldier Clan was sitting on two emperor-level powers, and they wanted to deal with the Dali Imperial Clan.

Even if the Dali Emperor Clan has the heritage left by other emperor-level powers, it is impossible to be an opponent of the Divine Soldier Clan.

On the contrary, if the Divine Soldier Clan makes a rash move, not only may it not be able to replace the Dali Imperial Clan, but it may arouse the fear of all forces, which will outweigh the gains.

"No problem, my son has found two foreign aids for the Divine Soldier Clan."

Qin Yi smiled lightly.

"Two foreign aids?"

When the Taoist Tianlance heard the words, his eyes lit up. Qin Yi could call him a powerhouse of foreign aid, at least he might be an emperor-level power.

In other words, Qin Yi is likely to find two emperor-level powers.

If you can get the help of two emperor-level powers, the Divine Soldier Clan wants to replace the Great Li Imperial Court, that is an easy and simple thing.


As soon as Qin Yi raised his hand, two streams of light flew out and landed in front of the two Taoist spearmen.

The streamer dissipated, revealing the things in it. These are two imperial artifacts.

A big seal, the whole body is crystal clear like a purple diamond, and it is engraved with Taoist patterns, exuding a dreamy light, and the breath is as vast as **, which makes it impossible for people to spy on its depth.

A divine sword with dragon patterns entwined all over its body, made of gold, lingering with unimaginable killing intent, making it terrifying.


As soon as the two imperial artifacts appeared, the terrifying aura filled the void, causing the Taoist Heavenly Spear to look at each other involuntarily.

"Two emperor-level imperial artifacts?"

Heavenly Spear Daoist's heart was shaken, and the two imperial artifacts in front of him were both emperor-level imperial artifacts, extremely high in nature, even stronger than his body.

In fact, these two pieces of imperial artifact can be called the most peak emperor-level imperial artifact.

"Sir, what does this mean?"

The Taoist Heavenly Spear looked at the two imperial weapons in front of him and was puzzled.

Although these two imperial artifacts are strong, they are only two imperial artifacts, and there is no sign of life.

If the Heavenly Spear Daoist masters these two imperial weapons, although the combat power can be improved, but after all, it is not comparable to the two emperor-level powers.

"Don't worry."

Qin Yi smiled lightly, and while talking, he pointed out, two golden radiances fell from the fingertips and fell into the two imperial artifacts.

"This is?"

The Heavenly Spear Taoist looked shocked, and he recognized this golden divine brilliance.

At the beginning, it was Qin Yi who used this golden light to restore the origin of his life, allowing him to break through the emperor-level power.


The golden divine brilliance merged into the two imperial artifacts, and the two imperial artifacts suddenly trembled, bursting with powerful power, and the terrifying aura shook the universe.

Then, the two imperial artifacts kept changing, as if a supreme **** was hammering and forging, and the last two imperial artifacts turned into two figures.

One is wearing a purple robe, purple hair and purple eyes, and hazy light lingers all over his body, which is transformed by the big seal.

One of them is dressed in golden robes, with a noble aura, and every gesture of his gestures seems to carry infinite imperial power, controlling the void of hundreds of millions of miles, which is transformed by the divine sword.

"Pindao Zixuan Daoist, I have seen the son."

The purple-robed figure bowed.

"I, Daojun Liangyi, have seen the son."

The golden-robed figure also bowed.

"Get up."

Qin Yi stretched out his hand and lifted it slightly in the air, and an invisible force lifted the two up.

"Ding! Turning the Zixuan Great Seal and the two red-gold swords together cost a total of 8 billion killing points."

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Qin Yi's mind.

That's right.

The foreign aid Qin Yi found for the Divine Soldier Clan was precisely these two creatures who were inspired by the power of the system.

These two people were born from the Divine Soldiers. Like many creatures of the Divine Soldier Clan, they appeared in the Divine Soldier Clan, and others would not doubt them.

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