Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4300: old man meteor

Nine king-level powers, such strength, is enough to sweep everything.

The Divine Soldier Clan directly crushed the Dali Imperial Clan at the level of king-level combat power.

However, the Dali Imperial Clan is not without advantages. In the final analysis, the Dali Imperial Clan has dominated the Dali Imperial Court for countless years, and countless creatures in the Dali Imperial Court have a higher identification with the Dali Imperial Clan.

The forces of all parties have higher confidence in the Dali Imperial Clan and are willing to submit to the Dali Imperial Clan.

Moreover, in addition to many strong people, the Dali Imperial Clan has other backgrounds in the major states, such as the major legions of the Dali Imperial Clan.

If the soldiers of these legions form an army formation, they can burst into combat power that is comparable to that of a prince or even a king.

These legions are the foundation of the Dali Imperial Court's suppression of various places and their standing.

For these legions, it is also the focus of both the Dali Imperial Clan and the Divine Soldier Clan.

Therefore, the current stage of the Dali Imperial Court is calm on the surface, but secretly turbulent, the battle between the Shenbing Clan and the Dali Imperial Clan has not stopped.

Everyone knows that the calm on the surface is just the calm before the storm.

Soon, when many forces in Kunshan Prefecture declared their allegiance to the Dali Imperial Clan and accused the Shenbing Clan of cholera Dali Imperial Court, it was like opening the curtain of the various forces.

The forces of one party have successively expressed their positions, choosing to stand in the two sides of the Shenbing Clan and the Dali Imperial Clan.

In general, the power of the Divine Soldier Clan is much less than the power of the Dali Imperial Clan.

That is to say, Dingwu Prefecture and several other big states controlled by the Divine Soldier Clan, and the forces of dozens of nearby big states.

The Dali Imperial Clan controlled seventy-six major states, including Dali Prefecture, while the Shenbing Clan only controlled thirty-two major states.

Only from the perspective of the size of the territory under control, the Dali Imperial Clan has the advantage.

There are a total of 108 major states in the Dali Imperial Court, and more than two-thirds of the major states choose to submit to the Dali Imperial Clan.

For this point, the various forces in the Dali Imperial Court were both surprised and reasonable.

After all, the Dali Imperial Clan has ruled the Dali Imperial Court for countless years, and if it could not even do this, the Dali Imperial Court would have been shattered long ago.

In front of the ruthless Dali Imperial Clan, the various forces of the Dali Imperial Court were as obedient as sheep, and all the careful thoughts that should not have been extinguished.

Because the Dali Emperor Court also invited an old antique from the clan after the Divine Soldier Clan showed its strength.

A king-level peak power, named Meteorite Elder, became enlightened hundreds of epochs ago.

For this strong man, the forces of all parties thought that he had already fallen, but he did not expect that he still survived in the world.

The most important thing is the old man Meteor Star, who holds the treasure of luck from the imperial court, and can explode the battle power far exceeding the peak of the king level.

In this case, the power of the Dali Emperor's bright face is more than that of the Divine Soldier Clan.

A Meteorite old man is enough to suppress the many king-level powers of the Divine Soldier Clan.

If it wasn't for Kang Jinlong's strong suppression, I am afraid that some forces that have already surrendered to the Divine Soldier Clan would have to leave the Divine Soldier Clan.

Kang Jinlong didn't care too much about the Old Man Meteor.

A peak king-level power is nothing more than an emperor-level power. Holding the treasure of luck from the imperial court, he can only exert the ordinary power of the emperor-level power at most.

And the Divine Soldier Clan has three emperor-level powers in charge, so why should they be afraid of a meteorite old man?

According to the strategy set at the beginning, the many powerhouses of the Divine Soldier Clan are nibbling away the many forces of the Dali Imperial Court step by step.

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