Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4301: cannibalize

According to the strategy set by Taoist Tianlian and others, the Divine Soldiers are not in a hurry to fight against the Dali Imperial Court for the time being, but continue to weaken the power of the Dali Imperial Court. When the time is right, they will start a decisive battle with the Dali Imperial Court.

And now, the confrontation between the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Court is a good time to devour the forces of all parties in the Dali Imperial Court.

A strong man of the Divine Soldier family hid their traces, entered the Dazhou controlled by the Dali Emperor Clan, and invited all forces to join the Divine Soldier Clan.

At the beginning, all this did not go well, and many forces rejected the invitation of the envoy of the Shenbing family.

These forces also had the idea of ​​​​the envoys of the Shenbing tribe, wanting to suppress these envoys of the Shenbing tribe, and take credit to the Dali Imperial Court.

Some of the envoys of the Divine Soldiers were injured or even directly suppressed.

But when the gunman took action, everything changed.

When the envoys of the Divine Soldiers were suppressed, the Taoist Heavenly Spear ripped open the void, descended on that side's forces, and then wiped out this side's forces directly.

Next, every emissary of the Divine Soldier Clan brought a breath of Taoist Heavenly Spear, and with the shock of Taoist Heavenly Spear, all the forces of the Great Li Imperial Court surrendered.

This is a flawless emperor-level power, far from being comparable to the Great Li Imperial Court.

What is the Great Li Emperor, the old man of Meteor Star, in front of a perfect emperor-level power, it is not worth mentioning.

With the Heavenly Spear Daoist there, as long as the Divine Soldier Clan was given time, it would be able to consume the Dali Emperor Court to death.

Moreover, knowing the secrets of the Divine Soldier Clan, these forces did not dare not surrender to the Divine Soldier Clan.

Therefore, the Shenbing Clan quickly mastered more than a dozen major states. At this time, the powerhouses of the Dali Imperial Court also reacted and immediately dispatched powerhouses to intercept the envoys of the Shenbing Clan.

Unprepared, the Divine Soldier Clan also lost several strong people.

Of course, during this period, the Heavenly Spear Taoist did not take action, nor did he have the idea of ​​exposing himself to the Great Li Imperial Court.

However, the Divine Soldier Clan responded quickly and recalled many strong people in the clan, but did not stop the action of recruiting all forces.

And this time, the powerhouse of the Divine Soldier Clan, who is the messenger, is the king-level almighty of the Divine Soldier Clan.

As a messenger, the king-level almighty, as long as it is not the king-level almighty of the Dali Imperial Court, will not be able to detect the traces of many divine soldiers.

Relying on this method, the Shenbing Clan once again conquered several large states.

The Dali Imperial Court once again noticed the movements of the Divine Soldier Clan. In fact, the Dali Imperial Court had been guarding against the Divine Soldier Clan all the time, but they did not expect the Divine Soldier Clan to be so mad and let the king-level almighty be the messenger.

This will allow the Divine Soldier Clan to nibble on several major states again. Under the anger, many king-level powers of the Great Li Imperial Court couldn't sit still, and they took action one after another.

Within a few days, several battles for king-level powers broke out in the territory of the Dali Imperial Court.

On weekdays, the rare king-level almighty frequently appeared in front of the living beings in the Dali Imperial Court, causing a lot of turmoil.

The battle between the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Court had its own winners and losers, and some of them were injured, but none of them fell.

Both are king-level powers, with strengths and weaknesses. Maybe the strong can defeat the weak, but it is not easy to kill the opponent.

One king-level power wants to leave, and the other king-level power is only likely to fall as long as it does not surpass the opponent by too much, such as the early king-level power versus the last king-level peak power.

Just like the old man Meteor Star secretly shot, wanting to kill a king-level early stage power of the Divine Soldier Clan.

But the Taoist Heavenly Spear soon noticed the difference, and asked Kang Jinlong to come with two king-level experts from the Divine Soldier Clan to stop the old man of Meteor Star.

Kang Jinlong joined forces with the three king-level experts of the Divine Soldier clan to repel the Old Man of the Meteor Star.

Of course, the old man of Meteor Star did not use the great treasure of luck of the Dali Imperial Clan in this battle.

The Qi Luck Treasure is connected to Qi Luck. If it is used at will, it may damage the Qi Luck of the Great Li Imperial Court. Therefore, the Meteorite Elder does not dare to use it at will.

When he didn't find out the background of the Divine Soldier Clan, the old man of Meteor Star would not use the heavy treasure of air transport at will.

So, this battle is over.

However, at this time, the Dali Imperial Court discovered that there were more than 50 major states in the major states that had surrendered to the Shenbing Clan.

That is to say, half of the 108 states in the Dali Imperial Court are subject to the Dali Imperial Court.

This made many powerhouses in the Dali Imperial Court furious, but the powerhouses of the Divine Soldier Clan were very excited.

In fact, after occupying the fifty major states of the Dali Imperial Court, the Shenbing Clan already has the qualifications to establish the Imperial Court.

The Dali Imperial Court is extremely powerful among many imperial courts, and its territory is twice as large as that of the surrounding imperial courts.

After all, during the peak period of the Great Li Imperial Court, there were three emperor-level powers sitting in charge.

That is to say, half of the territory of the Great Li Imperial Court is equal to the territory of the surrounding imperial courts. The Divine Soldiers occupy more than 50 major states and naturally have the qualifications to open up the imperial dynasty.

However, the Divine Soldiers did not do this.

Qin Yi ordered that the Divine Soldiers Clan replace the entire Dali Imperial Court, and on the basis of the Dali Imperial Court, the Divine Soldier Imperial Court was established.

Moreover, there are three emperor-level great powers in charge, and Taoist Tianlian and others are naturally unwilling to occupy only half of the territory of the Great Li Imperial Court.

Strength determines ambition. When you have enough strength, Daoist Tianlian and others have even greater ambitions.

With this level of strength, if it can't completely replace the entire Great Li Imperial Court, the Taoist gunman and others might as well find a piece of tofu and kill them.

Correspondingly, the powerhouses of Dali Imperial Court became more and more annoyed.

Great departure from the imperial capital.

In a secret realm, a statue shrouded the existence of divine glory, silent.

These are the powerhouses of the Great Li Imperial Court, and every existence that can enter this secret realm has a cultivation base above the feudal lord level.

There is a figure who lives above the many princes in the Dali Imperial Court.

This is a middle-aged man.

The man was not tall. He wore an imperial robe and had black hair hanging down from his waist. He never opened his mouth, but he had a terrifying bearing that suppressed all worlds.

In the eyes of many princes in the Dali Imperial Court, this figure is like a deep black hole, unfathomable, swallowing all prying eyes.

However, the man's complexion had a trace of abnormal pale color, revealing a morbid state.

Anyone who looked at it knew that the man was seriously injured.

Above the emperor realm, generally speaking, ordinary injured emperors can be suppressed and will not be exposed.

But if the surface of his body is ill, it means that this existence has suffered extremely serious injuries.

This is the case with this man, his injuries are so severe that he cannot be suppressed, so that his injuries are apparent.

However, many princes in the Great Li Imperial Court didn't dare to be slighted, and no one dared to despise this man.

Because this man is the Emperor Dali, the first powerhouse in the Dali Imperial Court, and the only remaining emperor-level power in the Dali Imperial Court.

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