Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4302: Great Morning Assembly


The Emperor Dali looked down at the princes of the Dali Imperial Court, and said indifferently: "What is the best solution for the Divine Soldier Clan's difficulties?"


As soon as these words came out, many princes looked at each other, but no one dared to speak.

When Ting Fengwei appeared, many princes actually got the news, and also knew the news of the reappearance of the Divine Soldier Clan.

But at that time, many princes did not care about it.

In their opinion, even if the Divine Soldier Clan was born, it would not have much impact on the Dali Imperial Court.

After all, there is a covenant of ten thousand races, if the Divine Soldier Clan takes action against the Dali Imperial Court, it will definitely anger the Immortal Court of Creation.

The wrath of the Thunder descends from the Immortal Court of Fortune, and the entire Divine Soldier Clan will be shattered.

However, what the princes did not expect was that the Divine Soldiers did not have any intention of caring about the creation of the Immortal Court, and directly occupied many large states such as Dingwu Prefecture.

Moreover, in just a few months, the situation in the Dali Imperial Court has deteriorated to the point where more than 50 major states have surrendered to the Shenbing Clan.

"Emperor Lord, the matter of the Divine Soldier Clan is beyond my control, why don't you report it to the Immortal Court of Fortune and let the messenger of the Celestial Court come to deal with it?"

A man dressed in a Confucian robe and led by Gao Guanbo stood up and made a suggestion.

This person is King Yunlu, one of the three princes in the Dali Imperial Court who was personally bestowed the throne by the Dali Emperor himself.

In terms of strength, among the princes of the Dali Imperial Court, they can also be ranked in the forefront, with the combat power of the late king level, second only to the old man of the meteor.

In his opinion, although the Divine Soldier Clan did not sign a Ten Thousand Clan Covenant with Fortune Fairy Court, but the Divine Soldier Clan is one of the ten thousand races, and Fortune Xianting should not ignore it.

"I had already passed the news of the birth of the Divine Soldier Clan to the Good Fortune Fairy a month ago, but the Good Fortune Fairy Court is now unavailable."

The Emperor Lord Dali looked a little ugly.

"Can the Immortal Court of Creation be free?"

King Yunlu and the other princes were shocked. This is the Immortal Court of Fortune, the top of the Great Fortune World, and the power that dominates the entire Great Fortune World.

If even Good Fortune Immortal Court can't make a move, the trouble of Good Fortune Fairy Court is probably not small.

Could it be that the powers of all ethnic groups such as the Soul Clan were also born?

"But, the soul clan, spirit clan, angel clan and other forces were born?"

King Yunlu spoke quickly.

"No, the troubles facing the Immortal Court of Creation at the moment are even greater than the birth of ten thousand clans."

The Emperor Dali shook his head.

If only ten thousand clans were born, it would not be too much trouble for the Immortal Court of Fortune.

After all, the Immortal Court of Fortune was able to suppress the ten thousand clans in the first place, forcing the spirit clan and other forces to sign the ten thousand clan covenant. If it were not for the masters of the soul clan and several other powerhouses to master some of the origins of the great world of creation, I am afraid that the ten thousand clans would no longer exist.

But now, the Immortal Court of Fortune has developed for such a long time, and its power far exceeds that of the ancient times, and its power has increased several times.

Even if all the strong people of all races are born, they may not be the opponents of the Immortal Court of Fortune.

"A bigger trouble than the birth of Wanzu?"

King Yunlu and other Dali emperors looked at each other and were shocked.

"There is a great devil in the fairyland of creation, and under the lure of this great devil, many powerhouses of the fairyland of creation fell into the devil's way, causing a lot of confusion in the fairyland of creation.

Among them, there are even dozens of emperor-level powers. "

As he spoke, a look of fear flashed in the eyes of Emperor Dali.

Even the emperor-level almighty who created the Immortal Court could not resist the temptation of this great demon, so he fell into the devil's way and became the puppet of this great demon.

This means that if this great demon appears in front of him, he will not be able to resist the power of this great demon at all, and I am afraid that he will also follow the footsteps of the emperor-level almighty.

"A great devil? Even the emperor-level power has fallen into the devil's way because of this?"

Hearing this, King Yunlu and the others couldn't help but take a deep breath.

What is the existence of an emperor-level almighty?

Every emperor-level power is standing at the pinnacle of the immortal court of creation, and is qualified to open up the imperial court and occupy a dominant position.

Even in the Immortal Court of Creation, the status of the emperor-level almighty is only under the Immortal Master of Creation.

An emperor-level power is enough to shake the entire world of good fortune. Just like the fall of the two emperor-level powers who left the imperial court, it shook several surrounding imperial courts, and even the fairy court of good fortune paid attention to this thing.

It is conceivable that the emperor-level almighty's status in the great world of creation.

Losing more than ten emperor-level powers one after another, even the creation of the immortal court is likely to be severely damaged.

This also means that the Good Fortune Immortal Court can't help Dali Imperial Court, and the Divine Soldier Clan can't pin their hopes on the Good Fortune Immortal Court.

"Fortune Immortal Court is not good, we can join forces with other Imperial Courts!"

King Yunlu's expression changed and he spoke again.

"No, Emperor Yuanyang and others also rejected my request for help."

Speaking of this, the Emperor Dali looked a little ugly.

The relationship between the Dali Imperial Court and the Yuanyang Imperial Court is not good. You must know that in the heyday of the Dali Imperial Court, the Dali Imperial Court invaded the territory of many Yuanyang Imperial Court and other forces.

After the decline of the Dali Imperial Court, although these territories were taken back by the Yuanyang Imperial Court and other forces, the feud was settled.

For a long time, the Dali Imperial Court has been at war with the Yuanyang Imperial Court and other forces.

Emperor Yuanyang and others refused to ask for help from the Dali Emperor Court, and wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, which was also expected by the Emperor Dali.

"How can this be good?"

King Yunlu and other princes from the imperial court all frowned.

Good Fortune Immortal Court can't take action, Yuanyang Emperor Court and other Emperor Courts can't take action, just relying on the power of Dali Emperor Court, it is not an easy thing to destroy the Divine Soldier Clan.

There are many strong people present, I don't know how many people will fall because of this.

"What are you panicking about?"

Emperor Dali looked at the expressions of King Yunlu and others, and couldn't help shouting in a deep voice.

"The emperor forgives your sins."

King Yunlu and the others were startled and hurriedly bowed.

"The Emperor Court hasn't fallen yet. You don't know what you're panicking about. If others can't be trusted, then rely on yourself. The Divine Soldier Clan doesn't have an emperor-level power. It's impossible for me to lose Dali!"

The Emperor Dali said that he hated iron.

Compared with the Divine Soldier Clan, the Dali Imperial Court is stronger in both strength and background.

The Emperor Dali is confident that it is impossible for the Dali Imperial Court to lose this battle.

"Ancestor Meteorite, I will rely on you a lot for the next thing."

The Emperor Dali lowered his eyes and looked at the old Meteor Star who had never spoken, and said in a deep voice.

"As it is."

The old man of Meteor Star nodded slightly and changed his words: "However, the strength of the Divine Soldier Clan is not weak, it has nine king-level powers in charge, plus a few king-level experts who are subordinate to the gods.

Today, there are as many as thirteen king-level powers of the Shenbing Clan, and one of them is a late-stage king-level power. "

"The Divine Soldier Clan secretly does not know how many strong people there are. It is not easy to deal with the Divine Soldier Clan."

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