Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4303: The worries of the powerful people in the imperial court

"When the Divine Soldier Clan was hidden from the world, there were several old guys who never fell, and the strength of these old guys is not weaker than this seat.

As long as one survives, it is not an easy thing to deal with. "

The old man Meteor looked solemn.

Back then, when the Divine Soldier Clan was hidden from the world, although the Dali Imperial Court had not yet been established, he had also dealt with the old guys of the Divine Soldier Clan.

Even, he has played against the digital king-level peak powers of the Divine Soldier Clan.

Judging from the previous battles, if he didn't use the great fortune treasure of the Great Li Imperial Court, he might not be able to suppress the opponent, and the victory or defeat was only between five and five.

But the air transport treasure cannot be used easily, otherwise, it is likely to have an impact on the air transport of the Dali Emperor Court, and then affect the Dali Emperor Lord.

After all, the current Emperor Dali relies on the luck of the Emperor Dali to suppress the injury. If the luck of the Emperor Dali fails, the Emperor Dali's injury is likely to recur.

Therefore, before facing Kang Jinlong and other powerful warriors from the Divine Soldier Clan, he did not use the Qi Luck Treasure.

In the case that the heavy treasure of luck cannot be used, the old man of Meteor Star still does not have the power to make a final decision in the face of many powerful soldiers of the gods.

If the old guys from the Divine Soldier Clan took action, he would be difficult to deal with.

"The king-level peak power of the Divine Soldier Clan."

The Emperor Dali looked gloomy, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

For the Divine Soldier Clan, what he feared most was not the nine king-level powers like Kang Jinlong, but the peak king-level powers that might exist behind the Divine Soldier Clan.

If there is no king-level peak power behind the Divine Soldier Clan, the Divine Soldier Clan could have been defeated long ago with the power of the Great Li Imperial Court.

However, the Divine Soldier Clan dared to be born at this time, and they boasted that they would open up their own imperial court, and there must be a king-level peak power behind them.

The only difference is that there are several king-level peak powers behind the Divine Soldier Clan.

"Heavenly Spear Daoist, Wanling Daojun, Yanri Daojun."

Emperor Dali's eyes flickered, recalling the intelligence of the Divine Soldier Clan, these three were the only three remaining king-level peak powers before the Divine Soldier Clan went into hiding.

If these three king-level peak powers are still there, it will be very difficult for the Dali Imperial Court to deal with the Divine Soldier Clan.

One king-level peak power is enough to make Da Li imperial court feel difficult, let alone three king-level peak powers.

"If I'm still at the peak, and there are only three king-level peak powers, what's there to be afraid of!"

The Emperor Dali was very angry.

If it weren't for his serious injury, even if the peak king-level power behind the Divine Soldier Clan was several times more powerful, he would be able to suppress it with one hand.

In front of the emperor-level power, the king-level peak power is not like an ant, but it is not far from each other.

It's a pity that the Emperor Dali is now injured and is not at the peak. If it weren't for the suppression of the fate of the Emperor Dali, he would have fallen.

Even, it is impossible to leave Dalizhou, not to mention the king-level almighty who suppressed the Shenbing clan.

"Don't worry about the emperor, based on the information I have collected before, when the Divine Soldiers were hidden from the world, Daojun Yanri was already injured by the Dao, and after so many years, I am afraid he has already fallen.

In other words, the Divine Soldier Clan only has at most two king-level peak powers. "

At this time, the old man Meteor Star said: "According to the current behavior of the Divine Soldier Clan, there should be only one King-level peak power in the Divine Soldier Clan."

Although it is speculation, the old man Meteorite's tone is very firm, and his guess has also been recognized by all the powerful people from the imperial court.

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