Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4304: fight, fight

In the eyes of the powerhouses of the Dali Imperial Court, the Divine Soldiers are so low-key, they have been making some small moves and slowly eroding the Dali Imperial Court.

A large part of the reason may be due to the lack of strength of the Divine Soldier Clan, and there is only one king-level peak power.

If the Divine Soldier Clan had two king-level peak powers in charge, they would probably not be as cautious as they are now.

After all, a king-level peak power and two king-level peak powers represent completely different meanings.

Although a king-level peak power can support the Divine Soldier Clan, but in the face of the Dali Emperor Court, which is more than the Divine Soldier Clan, it will appear weak.

If the Divine Soldier Clan had two king-level peak powers, they would not be so timid. This is why the old man Meteor Star judged that the Divine Soldier Clan had only one king-level peak power.

In other words, this is the consensus of many powerful people from the imperial court.

But even if the Divine Soldier Clan only has a peak king-level power, it is not easy for the Dali Imperial Court to deal with the Divine Soldier Clan.

After all, in addition to the peak king-level powers of the Shenbing Clan, there are nine king-level powers of their own clan, and three king-level powers who have joined the Shenbing Clan.

On the side of the Great Li Imperial Court, apart from the Old Man of the Meteor Star, there are only five king-level powers.

Even if you count the three king-level powers who have taken refuge in the Dali Imperial Court, there are only eight king-level powers. At the level of the king-level power, the Divine Soldier Clan is more than the Dali Imperial Court. A full four.

The four king-level powers are enough to determine the direction of this battle when the Emperor Dali cannot take action.

Although because of the existence of the Dali Emperor, the Divine Soldiers could not destroy the Dali Imperial Court, but the Divine Soldiers could rely on this advantage to remove the Dali Imperial Court from the territory of Dali Prefecture, occupying it little by little, just like the Divine Soldiers. What the family has done before.

"If you can come up with a solution, I will not be stingy with rewards."

The Emperor Dali looked down at the powerful people in the Dali Imperial Court, and asked again.

A group of powerful people from the Great Imperial Court looked at each other in dismay, but no one spoke.

Judging from the current situation, without external forces, it is extremely difficult to break the game.

Previously, if the Old Man of the Meteor Star could kill the powerful warrior of the Divine Soldier, perhaps the situation of the Great Li Imperial Court would be much better.

Unfortunately, it fell short.

Just when everyone was silent, King Yunlu suddenly changed his expression, as if thinking of something.

"Yunlu, have you thought of a way?"

Emperor Dali, who had been observing the expressions of the strong men, immediately noticed the change in King Yunlu's expression.

"Back to the emperor, I thought of a person who can help Dali break the game."

Yunlu King Road.


Emperor Dali's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked.

"A friend of mine in the past, named Daojun Gandu, is a member of the Immortal Court of Fortune, and his cultivation reached the peak of the king level hundreds of epochs ago.

I have been kind to him, he has promised to do one thing for me as long as it does not exceed his ability. "

King Yunlu showed reminiscence on his face.

"But the poisonous Daojun who poisoned the entire Chengfeng Sword Sect in the past?"

Hearing this, Old Man Meteor's eyes lit up.


King Yunlu nodded.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of many Dali Emperor court powerhouses were shocked, and even the Dali Emperor Lord also looked at him.

As for this Daoist Dry Poison, many of the powerhouses in the Great Li Imperial Court had heard of his name several times, but he was a ruthless man.

Not only has his cultivation reached the peak of the king-level, but his actions are even more ruthless, and he is a demon lord who ignores life.

In addition to the way of his cultivation of poison, the number of creatures that died in his hands was no less than a trillion trillion.

Just because of his tyrannical cultivation, even if the emperor-level power shot, he never left him, and even made him famous.

There is a faint momentum of being the first person to be crowned as a powerful king.

However, because the fortune-telling immortal court is like a cloud of powerhouses, there are countless evildoers at the king level. Therefore, Daojun Qiandu could not really sit on the position of the first person of the king level.

But there is no doubt about the strength of Daojun Dry Poison. Even the emperor-level power has failed to suppress him. It is conceivable that his strength is definitely at the top of the king-level power.

If Daoist Dry Poison can make a move, the crisis of Dali Imperial Court will naturally be lifted.

"Quickly invite Gandu Daojun to take action, Yunlu, you tell Gandu Daojun what he needs, and I will try my best to satisfy him!"

The Emperor Dali said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the emperor."

King Yunlu immediately bowed and should.

There was a solution to the Divine Soldier Clan, and the atmosphere among the crowd was much more relaxed.

After a group of strong people talked about some things about the Dali Imperial Court, the meeting of the Dali Imperial Court came to an end.

After the court meeting, King Yunlu sent an avatar to look for Daojun Dry Poison in Immortal Court of Fortune and seek help from Daojun Dry Poison.

During this period, the Dali Imperial Court was not calm, and the collision between the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Court continued.

The collision of the king-level powers has occurred from time to time, and the powerhouses on both sides have also injured each other, and even the king-level powers have been injured.

However, the situation in the Great Li Imperial Court has not changed much.

Under the stricter precautions of the Dali Imperial Court, Kang Jinlong and others' idea of ​​continuing to recruit the powerful Dali Imperial Court also failed.

Just like that, weeks passed.

The clone of King Yunlu returned to Dali Imperial City with an unknown existence.


A piece of news came out from the Dali Imperial City and spread throughout the entire Dali Imperial Court at an astonishing speed.

Dali Imperial Court invites the God of War Soldier Clan!

The Dali Imperial Court set up an arena in Yunyou Prefecture and invited the powerful warriors of the God of War to compete in three battles.

The Emperor Dali promised that the winner of this battle would win the control of the Dali Imperial Court, and the loser would unconditionally join the winner.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Great Li Imperial Court, and even several surrounding Imperial Courts, were boiling.

Fights are not uncommon in the great world of creation.

Generally speaking, when the two forces conflict over a certain treasure, natural material or earth treasure, in order to avoid the escalation of the conflict, the two forces will choose to fight.

The winner gets the treasure, and the loser leaves the field sadly.

But such as the Great Li Imperial Court to decide the ownership of an imperial court, this has never happened.

"Big money!"

"As expected of the Emperor Dali, he is so bold and amazing!"

"It can be said that this is the first time in the great world of good fortune to decide the ownership of the Great Li Imperial Court!"

Countless powerhouses sighed and were shocked by the courage of the Dali Emperor or the Dali Emperor.

In exchange for them, I am afraid that few people can make a decision similar to that of Emperor Dali, such a heroic decision.

"Dali Emperor is really a good plan. If this victory, the Dali Imperial Court will be able to bring the Divine Soldier Clan into control, which will not only make up for the background of the Dali Imperial Court, but also allow the Dali Imperial Court to sweep away the previous decline."

There are strong analysts.

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