Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4305: fight to fight

As for the purpose of Emperor Dali, a group of strong people can see through it at a glance, not only to solve the threat of the Divine Soldier Clan, but also to bring the Divine Soldier Clan into control.

It is an indisputable fact that the Dali Imperial Court is declining day by day. If the Divine Soldier Clan can be brought under control, the Dali Imperial Court can be swept away.

After all, there are nine king-level experts in the Divine Soldier Clan. If the Divine Soldier Clan is merged into the Dali Imperial Court, this means that there will be nine more King-level experts in the Dali Imperial Court.

Moreover, because of the confrontation between the Dali Imperial Court and the Shenbing Clan, all forces in the Dali Imperial Court will either submit to the Shenbing Clan or the Dali Imperial Court.

That is to say, as long as the Shenbing Clan is incorporated into the Dali Imperial Court, these forces will also submit to the Dali Imperial Court.

Coupled with the forces that have already surrendered to the Dali Imperial Court, this means that all the forces in the Dali Imperial Court belong to the Dali Imperial Court.

The entire territory of the Dali Imperial Court will fall under the control of the Dali Imperial Court. It is no longer the same as it used to be, and even there are faint signs of collapse.

In this case, the Dali Imperial Court may not be able to restore the power of its heyday.

By that time, except for the emperor-level powers that were not as good as the heydays of the past, other aspects have returned to the heyday of the past, and even the number of emperor-level powers will exceed the heydays of the past.

"The Emperor Dali dares to make such a rhetoric, do you think that you are in a state of peace?"

There are strong doubts.

In any case, the Divine Soldier Clan is one of the ancient tribes with a profound background.

Even if the Divine Soldier Clan does not have a peak king-level power, no one thinks that the Divine Soldier Clan does not have a king-level peak power.

You must know that the Shenbing Clan used to have nine king-level peak powers in charge, and when the Shenbing Clan was in hiding, there were also three king-level peak powers.

In the eyes of everyone, even after so many years, there should still be one or two king-level experts.

What's more, if the Divine Soldiers dare to take action against the Dali Imperial Court, there must be a king-level peak power behind them. This is the consensus of everyone.

"Da Li Imperial Court, is this because there is only one king-level peak power left in the Gambler God Soldier Clan?"

There are strong guesses.

As for the idea of ​​Dali Imperial Court, many strong people can naturally see it, but they think that the Divine Soldier Clan is so cautious, and it is impossible for two peak king-level powers to sit in their clan.

But in the eyes of many strong people, this is a bit too risky.

Once the bet is lost, it will lose the entire Great Li Imperial Court, which is not worth it at all.

Many experts believe that compared with the Divine Soldier Clan, the Dali Imperial Court has a significantly greater advantage. After all, the Dali Imperial Court also has an emperor-level power.

Even if the emperor-level power was injured and could not take action at will, he was also an emperor-level power with incomparable power.

For example, let the king-level power of the Dali Emperor Court, with a ray of power from the Emperor Dali, not necessarily be seriously injured, or even kill a strong person of the same realm.

Coupled with the old man Meteor Star, the king-level peak power, as long as he is steady and steady, he can completely pull back the current disadvantage, so why take this risky move?

"Dali, the emperor, is still too anxious."

There are strong men from other imperial courts who can't help shaking their heads.

The decision to compete may seem arrogant, but it is actually too risky. If one move is not careful, it will be a complete loss, and the Dali Imperial Clan will have nowhere to turn.

By that time, not only the many powerhouses of the Dali Imperial Court, but even the Emperor Dali, the emperor-level powerhouse, will all submit to the Divine Soldier Clan.

"Perhaps, the Dali Imperial Court side has enough confidence, even if the Divine Soldier Clan has two king-level peak powers in charge, can they be fearless?"

"Could it be that Fortune Fairy sent someone here?"

Some strong people guessed.

"Impossible, if the messenger of the Immortal Court comes, how can it be so troublesome, I am afraid that it will come directly to Tianqing City and suppress the people of the Divine Soldier Clan.

Moreover, there are rumors that a great demon was born in the Immortal Fortune, which caused a lot of trouble in the Immortal Fortune. The powerhouses of the Immortal Fortune are trying their best to hunt down this great demon, and they have no time to take care of those who leave the Imperial Court. matter. "

A well-informed strong man said in a low voice.

As the center of the Great Fortune World, the Immortal Court of Good Fortune naturally attracts the attention of other forces for everything that happens in it.

What happened in Immortal Fortune, although Fortune Immortal Court tried its best to cover it up, after all, there was still rumors leaking out and it was known to the outside world.

"Fortunate Immortal Court didn't make a move. Could it be that Yuanyang Emperor Court and other Emperor Courts sent strong men to help Da Li Emperor Court in secret? No, this should not be possible."

Another strong person speculated.

However, the strong man quickly denied this conjecture.

Yuanyang Imperial Court and several other imperial courts around Dali Imperial Court, and Dali Imperial Court are not as deep as the sea, but they are not much different.

When the Dali Imperial Court was in trouble, Yuanyang Imperial Court and several other imperial courts would be considered good if they did not fall into the trap. How could they help the Dali Imperial Court.

Where did the confidence of the Great Li Imperial Court come from?

The powerhouses couldn't figure it out. After all, the existence of such a powerful force in the Great Li Imperial Court was at least a peak king-level almighty.

Only the great powers above the peak of the king level are qualified to change the pattern between the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Court.

However, the powerhouses are not too entangled, and the Da Li Imperial Court has the confidence to go to Yunyou Prefecture to see it.

Moreover, it is still unknown whether the Divine Soldiers should fight or not.

One day after the news of the invitation to fight in the Great Li Imperial Court came out, the Divine Soldiers finally replied.

The reply of the Divine Soldier was only four words.

"If you want to fight, fight!"

As soon as these four words came out, it was like countless thunders blasting the Great Li Imperial Court, and even several surrounding Imperial Courts, shaking the minds of countless powerhouses.

For a time, the attention of several imperial courts such as Dali Imperial Court and Yuanyang Imperial Court were attracted by this battle.

A strong man rushed towards Yunyouzhou, not wanting to miss this fight.

This competition is about the ownership of an imperial court, and it is the first time that the world of good fortune has opened up. How can many strong people miss it?

In just a few days, Yunyouzhou has gathered a large number of powerful people, and there are countless powers above the seventh realm, including many of them at the level of lords and even kings.

Even, many powerhouses speculated that Emperor Yuanyang and other emperors of the imperial court may also descended into the avatar of Divine Sense and came to watch this battle.

The powerhouses of other imperial courts are still like this, not to mention that many powerhouses from the imperial court are paying attention to this battle.

In any case, this Fang Biedou can be said to have attracted much attention, affecting the minds of countless powerhouses.

The atmosphere in Yunyou Prefecture is getting warmer day by day, and this enthusiasm has reached its peak in an instant with the arrival of the powerful warriors from the Shenbing Clan and the Great Li Imperial Court.

The arrival of the powerful warriors from the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Clan also means that the battle of the absolute Dali Imperial Court is about to begin.

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