Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4310: All in one punch

The Meteorite Elder, the time of enlightenment can be traced back to the ancient times of the great world of creation. As early as thousands of epochs ago, he had broken through the seventh realm and achieved great power.

In the same way, the old man of the meteorite was not a member of the Dali Imperial Clan, but only because an emperor-level power of the Dali Imperial Clan had a great favor for him, so he joined the Dali Imperial Clan.

Although the emperor-level power has fallen, the incense love still remains.

Therefore, the old man Meteor Star has been staying in the Dali Imperial Court to practice and protect the Dali Imperial Clan by the way.

Of course, by staying in the Dali Imperial Clan to practice cultivation, the old man of the meteorite can also get the blessing of luck from the Dali Imperial Court, as well as the resource supply of the Dali Imperial Court.

Just because his cultivation aptitude is not very good, he has not been able to break through the emperor-level power, but this does not mean that his strength is weak.

The peak of the Fengwang-level cultivation base is firmly standing at the top level of the Fengwang-level.

In the shot records that are well known to the outside world, the old man Meteor Star has defeated the king-level peak power of the same realm several times.

In several imperial courts, such as the Dali Imperial Court, the reputation of the old man of the meteorite is not worse than that of the ordinary emperor-level power.


As soon as the old man Meteorite entered the arena space, his aura suddenly erupted.

A wisp of silver light like smoke and mist rose up from behind it, and suddenly burst open, turning into a huge sacred world.

There is nothing else in this world, only countless stars hang high, merging into a boundless sea of ​​stars, like a vast universe.

The stars are dazzling, and strands of dazzling starlight hang down, triggering countless laws, turning them into infinite power, and blessing the old man of the meteorite, adding even more power.

At this moment, the old man Meteor Star is like an ancient star **** who is in charge of the stars of the heavens. Every move is blessed by the will of the stars.


The eyes of the old man of Meteor Star flowed, and they landed on a void where the people of the Divine Soldier Clan were.

He knew that this was the place where the king-level peak power behind the Divine Soldier Clan was located. When the Qiankun contract was signed, the Void All Heavens Avenue came, and there was a contractual power that did not enter here.

Because of this, the old man Meteor Star discovered the peak power of the Divine Soldier Clan.

"Meteor, after so many years, you are still so impatient."

At this moment, a chuckle came from that void.

"This sound?"

Hearing this laughter, the old man's expression changed, and he suddenly felt a little familiar.

Before he could recall, an old man with a slightly rickety figure stepped out of the void.

"In the second battle, the Divine Soldiers will fight from this seat!"

The old man said lightly.

"Heavenly Spear Daoist!"

The old man's eyes narrowed, and he immediately recognized the identity of the old man.

"The sky gun is old, I haven't seen it for many years. I didn't expect this scene when we meet again."

The old man Meteor laughed lightly.

He and the Taoist Heavenly Spear had been in contact for countless years, and even had a lot of friendship, but as time passed, this friendship has long since faded.

After all, he and the Taoist Heavenly Spear had not met for more than hundreds of epochs.

Under such circumstances, how can a little friendship continue?

"Countless years ago, you and I never had a chance to fight, but now, you and I have a chance to fight."

The Taoist Heavenly Spear took one step forward and trembled into the arena space.

In the eyes of others, the Taoist Heavenly Spear is like an old man who is about to die, and people can't help but worry that he may die on the spot at any time.

But many of the strong people present did not dare to have any contempt.

The old man of Meteor Star looked even more solemn. Although the Taoist Heavenly Spear did not express his imposing manner, he felt a strong sense of threat from the Taoist Heavenly Spear.

Heavenly Spear Taoist, stronger than before.

Even, the old man of Meteor Star once felt that the Taoist Heavenly Spear had already set foot on the emperor level.

'No, it's impossible. Although the aura emanating from the old spear's body is strong, it has not reached the point of being irresistible. The old way of the spear should not have broken through the emperor level. ’

The old man's eyes flickered, and he quickly made a judgment.

But there is one thing, the old man of Meteor Star is very sure, that is, the Taoist Heavenly Spear has walked a deeper distance at the peak level of the king.

"Heavenly Spear, please!"

The old man Meteor let out a long roar and took a deep breath. The vast universe behind him shook, and the countless stars in it dimmed.

Unimaginable power gathered on the old man of the meteor.

The next moment, he shot directly and brazenly.

From the first glimpse of the Taoist Heavenly Spear, the old man of Meteor Star knew that he was probably not the opponent of the Taoist Heavenly Spear.

After all, he does not have the emperor-level power sealed by the emperor in his body.

The first battle has been won, and the old man of Meteor Star is not very concerned about the outcome of this battle, because even if he loses, the next battle will undoubtedly be won by Da Li Imperial Court.

However, this does not mean that he will not fight with all his strength and fight against the powerhouse in the same realm that is far superior to himself. This opportunity is rare, and it may give him some insight.

At his level, it is not easy to find a strong person in the same realm that surpasses his own body.

After all, he has almost stood at the peak of the king level.

The powerhouses above him, except for the emperor-level powers, are only Taoist Heavenly Spear who cannot break through the existence of the emperor-level because of the lack of the source of life.

"Wanjie meteorite!"

The old man Meteor gave a light drink, took a step forward, crossed countless chaotic paths, and punched with a bang.

The endless and vast fists rolled, shaking the void of the universe, like a sea of ​​billions of stars falling down.

It's like a boundless universe, rolling over!


Seeing the punch of the Old Man Meteor Star, Qin Yi couldn't help his expression, and the power of the source revolved in his eyes, carefully watching the punch of the Old Man Meteor Star.

Although this punch is not too tyrannical in terms of power, it only touches the threshold of the emperor level.

Even, there is still a long way to go before the threshold of the emperor level.

But the punch of the old man of the meteorite still made Qin Yi's eyes shine.

Daoist Meteorite has been enlightened for a long time, and has already set foot on the pinnacle of the king level as early as hundreds of epochs.

However, because of his limited talent, he has not been able to break through the emperor-level power.

Therefore, in order to improve his combat power, Daoist Meteorite turned to practice other laws, such as boxing, swordsmanship, and so on.

From the title of Daoist Meteorite, it can be seen that the law that Daoist Meteorite is majoring in is the law of stars, but for other laws, the old man of Meteor Star is also not bad.

For example, in the fist of the Meteorite Old Man, Qin Yi could see the laws of stars, boxing, swordsmanship, swordsmanship and many other laws.

All in one punch!

Therefore, Qin Yi couldn't help but applaud the broadness of this punch.

Everyone who can break through the king level and touch the emperor level power will naturally not be bad.

However, no matter how broad and tyrannical the Old Man Meteorite punches, it is impossible to threaten the Taoist Heavenly Spear.

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