Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4311: mysterious man in black

Although Daoist Meteorite's punch is extensive, contains many laws, and all of them have reached the peak of the king level, but that's all.

After all, its power has not reached the Emperor Feng level, how can it pose a threat to the Heavenly Spear Taoist who has broken through the Emperor Feng level?

"not bad!"

Facing the punch of the old man of the meteor, the Taoist Heavenly Spear's eyes were slightly bright, and he couldn't help but praise him, but he was not too surprised.

Just as Qin Yi thought, the old man Meteor Star's punch had only just touched the Emperor Feng level, how could it be a threat to him?


The Taoist Heavenly Spear looked at the Old Man of Meteor Star, and the light in his eyes was slightly bright, but it gave Old Man Meteor Star an unimaginable sense of sharpness.

This feeling is as if there was a divine spear that pierced through the sky, coming straight to his divine soul.

In his eyes, the Taoist Heavenly Spear seemed to be transformed into a supreme **** of war who was invincible to the heavens and the world with a magic spear in his hand.

For a moment, the old man of Meteor Star had the illusion of falling into the dust and mortals looking up at the sky.


The Taoist Heavenly Spear raised his hand and slowly protruded out, as if a **** of war held a long spear in his hand and stabbed the old man of the meteorite.

There is nothing fancy about this punch, but in the eyes of the old Meteor Star, this punch seems to cover everything in front of him, as if the sky is under pressure.

There's nowhere to run, only hard-attached!


The old man of Meteor Star swayed, his heart was shaking.

In the face of this punch, he actually had the illusion of facing the emperor Dali and other emperor-level powers, and was heartbroken by the power of the Heavenly Spear Taoist.

And he could only punch in the air and meet the punch of the Taoist Heavenly Spear.


However, the punch of the Taoist Heavenly Spear fell, and instantly broke the fist of the old man of the meteorite, crushing all the avenues in it.

What kind of swordsmanship, what kind of swordsmanship, what the laws of the stars... were all broken by this punch of the Taoist Heavenly Spear.

Then, the Heavenly Spear Taoist continued to call Old Man Meteor.

"I lost."

The old man's expression changed, and he resolutely admitted defeat.


The fist of the Taoist Heavenly Spear stopped firmly in front of the old man Meteor Star, and all the terrifying power disappeared, and the void returned to calm.

The old man's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help feeling terrified at the power of the Heavenly Spear Taoist's control over his own body.

Only when the degree of control over one's own strength reaches an unimaginable level, can he be able to lift weight as lightly as a Taoist spear, and eliminate the aftermath at any time.


The Taoist Heavenly Spear smiled lightly, and after the whole person's momentum subsided, he was still like an old man on the verge of death, as if he might die at any time.

But at this time, everyone was shocked by the strength displayed by the Taoist Heavenly Spear.

With just one punch, Old Man Meteor was defeated!

This kind of strength is much more tyrannical than the ordinary king-level peak power.

"Heavenly Spear Taoist has such strength, maybe he can compete for the position of the first person in the Immortal Court of Fortune to be the king-level almighty.

It's just a pity that the Daoist Heavenly Spear lacked the source of life, otherwise, he would have already broken through the emperor level. "

A king-level expert from Yuanyang Imperial Court couldn't help but say.

The strength displayed by the Heavenly Spear Taoist at this moment has faintly exceeded the scope of the king-level almighty they know.

After all, the old man Meteor Star is already standing at the peak of the king-level, and he is not considered a weak person in the peak of the king-level power.

And it was such a strong man who was defeated by the Taoist Heavenly Spear, so everyone couldn't help but have a little doubt.

Not only were many of the powerhouses onlookers suspicious, but among the powerhouses who had left the imperial court, a powerhouse shrouded in black robes was also puzzled.

"I didn't expect that such a strong man could be found in such a small imperial court, no, should it be said that he is one of the ancient tribes?

A Divine Soldier clan has such a powerful existence? Unfortunately, the source of life is lacking, and it is impossible to break through the emperor level. "

The black-robed powerhouse sighed in his heart.

It's just that the strength displayed by the Heavenly Spear Taoist is strong enough, but after all, it is still in the category of king-level power, and has not reached the level of emperor-level power.

Although he was interested, he didn't put the Heavenly Spear Taoist in his eyes.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist, for your mercy."

The old man Meteor Star bowed his hands to the Taoist Heavenly Spear, and was convinced by the methods of the Taoist Heavenly Spear.

Although he still has some means that he has not used, he has a feeling that even if he uses these means of pressing the bottom of the box, he is not necessarily an opponent of the Taoist Heavenly Spear.

"No problem."

The Taoist Heavenly Spear smiled and shook his head.

After all, in the future, the old Meteor Star will also become a member of the Divine Soldier Clan, and he will also serve for the son, so he naturally cannot kill him.


The Daoist who hit the sky spear just now still suppressed his own strength within the king-level, and only managed it with the emperor-level realm, and the old man of the meteorite was defeated.

To control it at the level of Emperor Feng, one point of power can exert two or three points of power, and it is naturally extremely easy to defeat the old man of the meteorite.

Of course, if the Taoist Heavenly Spear showed his true power, the Old Man of the Meteor Star would be defeated faster.

The Heavenly Spear Taoist and the Meteorite Elder stepped out of the ring space and returned to their respective camps.

The second match of the fight also ended, ending with the victory of the Shenbing Clan.

For a time, the atmosphere on the top of Yunyou Mountain became more and more tense.

Although from the very beginning, everyone guessed that it is very likely that this fight will drag on to the third game, but when this happened, everyone couldn't help but swayed.

"The first match was made by a late-stage king-level expert, the second match was made by a king-class peak power, and in the third match, wouldn't it be necessary to send an emperor-level expert?"

Even a strong man jokingly guessed, but as soon as he finished speaking, the strong man laughed himself.

As for the situation of the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Clan, many of the powerhouses present had a certain understanding.

Not to mention the Divine Soldier Clan for the time being, because of the lack of the source of life, the strong Divine Soldier Clan cannot break through the Fengdi level, and naturally there is no Fengdi-level power within the Divine Soldier Clan.

The same is true for the Dali Imperial Court side. Although there is an Emperor Fengdi-level expert in charge, this Fengdi-level expert is already half-crippled and cannot leave Dali Prefecture. The Dali Imperial Court side is basically equivalent to not having a Fengdi-level emperor. Great power sits.

Therefore, in the eyes of many powerhouses, in the third battle, the possibility that the two sides will send emperor-level powers is not high.

"In the third battle, Dali Imperial Court will be played by the deity."

At this moment, a hoarse sound like iron and stone rubbing sounded.

When everyone looked, they saw a man shrouded in black robes, stepping out and stepping into the ring space.

"Who is this person?"

Many powerhouses looked at the man in black with doubts.

The man in black was shrouded in black robes, and even their spiritual senses were isolated from the outside, making it impossible to tell his identity.

The powerhouses could only feel the faint aura of the man in black, which was no worse than that of the Daoist Heavenly Spear.

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