Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4324: Heavenly Secret Cave Heavenly Surrender

As the largest intelligence organization in the Great Fortune World, Tianji Dongtian is not inferior to the secret guards of the Fortune Fairy in terms of intelligence gathering capabilities.

It can be said that what happened in the great world of creation cannot be concealed from the heavens.

Although Qin Yi has found the trace of the creation of the fairy boat, Qin Yi has no idea of ​​giving up on the creation of the great world.

Even Qin Yi has an idea to take charge of the great world of creation.

The eternal avatar has reached the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, which is the peak of the king level. If he wants to break through the emperor level, if he can control the great world of creation and become the master of the world.

For his next practice, there is unimaginable help.

Therefore, Qin Yi was preparing for the control of the entire world of good fortune early on.

If you can control Tianji Dongtian and merge Tianji Dongtian with Tingfengwei, the intelligence capabilities of the Imperial Court of Shenbing will not be inferior to that of the Immortal Court of Fortune.

It can also be considered to make up for the lack of intelligence capabilities of the Imperial Court of God.

"Thank you for the love of the emperor. Since Tianji Dongtian was founded, the old man has sworn an oath that Tianji Dongtian will be neutral forever and will not join any forces..."

The ancestor of Tianji hesitated for a while, but still opened his mouth.

However, the ancestor of Tianji was interrupted by Qin Yi before he finished speaking.

"You mean you don't want to work for me?"

Qin Yi looked at the ancestor of Tianji with a smile, but his eyes were slightly cold.

In an instant, the ancestor of Tianji only felt cold all over, and the whole person only felt as if he had fallen into the cold abyss of Jiuyou, and his heart was cold.

"This is not what this old man means. The old man is willing to serve the emperor, and the heavens and the sky are also honored to be able to serve the emperor."

The ancestor of Tianji was shocked and quickly opened his mouth.

Compared with the oath and the backlash of the oath, life is more important.

He knew very well that if he didn't agree to Qin Yi, I'm afraid today would be his death day. How could he dare not agree?

"My Tianji, I would like to be a courtier of the Divine Armament Emperor and serve the Divine Armament Emperor's Lord. If I violate it, I will suffer from the collapse of the Taoist heart, the calamity of the invasion of the demons in the heart, and the avenues of the sky will learn from it!"

Without hesitation, the ancestor of Tianji took out a Qiankun contract and wrote an oath on it.


When the ancestor of Tianji wrote the last word, the power of the Void All Heavens Dao descended, triggering countless laws.

The Qiankun contract ignited spontaneously and turned into two streams of light, which respectively disappeared into the eyebrows of Qin Yi, the ancestor of Tianji.

The Qiankun contract is completed!

"Weichen Tianji, I have seen the emperor."

The ancestor of Tianji was bitter in his heart, but he didn't dare to show half a step in front of Qin Yi, and bowed respectfully to Qin Yi again.

"Hahaha, get up."

Qin Yi laughed loudly and motioned for the ancestor of Tianji to get up.

"Thank you, Lord."

The ancestor of Tianji was sad. If he had a choice, he would never come back to watch the battle between the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Court.

Even if he came to watch this fight, he wouldn't be blind, otherwise, how could he end up like this?

However, the ancestor of Tianji didn't know that even if he didn't come to watch the battle between the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Court, Qin Yi would soon find Tianji Cave.

Again, if you can control the Heavenly Secret Cave, the Imperial Court of Divine Armament will not be inferior to the Immortal Court of Fortune in terms of intelligence capabilities.

How could Qin Yi miss this opportunity?

Therefore, regardless of whether the ancestors of Tianji come to watch and fight, the future of Tianji Cave is already doomed.

It's not what the ancestor of Tianji thought. If he didn't watch the battle between the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Court, he wouldn't end up in the embarrassing situation he is now.

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