Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4325: Break the covenant of heaven and earth


Qin Yi sat on the dragon chair and was very satisfied with the knowledge of the ancestor of Tianji.

The knowledge of the ancestors of Tianji saved him a lot of trouble. Otherwise, if the ancestors of Tianji refused, Qin Yi could only kill the ancestors of Tianji to prevent his identity from being leaked.

At that time, he wanted to conquer Tianjidongtian, but it would be troublesome.

But now the ancestor of Tianji surrenders to Qin Yi, and then controls the cave through the ancestors of Tianji, but it is too simple.

After all, the ancestor of Tianji is the founder of Tianji Cave. He has a lofty position in Tianji Cave. He is also one of the two emperor-level powers in Tianji Cave. He is also the strongest in Tianji Cave.

As for the other emperor-level power, he was the disciple of Tianji Patriarch.

In other words, Tianji Dongtian is basically a decision made by the ancestor of Tianji, and the surrender of the ancestor of Tianji also means the surrender of Tianjidongtian.

As long as Qin Yi signs a cosmic contract with the top management of Tianji Dongtian after that, Tianji Dongtian will completely surrender to him and drive him.

Seeing that the ancestor of Tianji is so knowledgeable, Qin Yi also intends to give some benefits to the ancestor of Tianji.


Qin Yi raised his hand, a little bit of the void, a ray of golden divine brilliance fell from his fingertips, and crossed countless void dimensions in an instant.


The ancestor of Tianji was startled, and he was shocked when he saw the golden light coming down.

With just one glance, through this ray of golden body and divine brilliance, he seemed to see a mighty world like the vastness of the heavens and the world.

It seems to see a Taoist patriarch who is lying down for nine days, and a Buddha who is sitting on Lingshan.

The mind of the ancestor of Tianji fell into it all at once, like falling into a world that he would never touch.

The next moment, he only felt that the spiritual platform was cleared, as if wiping away the dust that had been on it for a long time.

"This is?"

When the ancestor of Tianji came back to his senses, he glanced at himself with his spiritual sense, and found a fact that surprised him.

The Qiankun contract that he signed at the beginning, that is, the Qiankun contract that Tianjidongtian must remain neutral, has been broken.

This Qiankun contract no longer constitutes a constraint on him, that is to say, he no longer needs to keep Tianji Dongtian neutral, even if he brings Tianji Dongtian to join the Imperial Court of Divine Armament, it will not be affected in any way.

"Thank you, Lord."

The ancestor of Tianji showed a look of surprise on his face, and then bowed to Qin Yi.

This not only eliminated the backlash that would occur when he joined the Divine Armament Imperial Court, but also removed the shackles imposed on the Heavenly Secret Cave.

The reason why Tianji Dongtian has surpassed many intelligence organizations and has developed to the point where it is now spread throughout the entire world of good fortune, whether it is the former Great Li Imperial Court or the good fortune Immortal Court, there are Tianji Dongtian.

In addition to the existence of two emperor-level powers, and many experts in Tianji Dongtian who are good at deducing Tianji and collecting information, it is more because the Tianji Cave signed by the ancestor of Tianji, the universe will remain neutral forever.

It is precisely because of the existence of this Qiankun contract that Tianjidongtian can develop and rise rapidly and spread throughout the entire world of good fortune, comparable to the dark guards of the fairy garden of good fortune.

Without this Qiankun contract, Tianji Dongtian would probably be trapped in a corner of the great world of good fortune just like other intelligence organizations.

Good Fortune Immortal Court will not allow the existence of a force that may threaten its own rule, that is, the ancestors of Tianji signed the cosmic contract to keep Tianji Dongtian permanently neutral, and Good Fortune Immortal Court just acquiesced to the existence of Tianji Dongtian.

However, even so, there is only one branch of Tianji Dongtian in the Immortal Court of Fortune.

Over the years, the development of Tianjidongtian has also stagnated, not only because of the faint suppression of Fortune Immortal Court, but also because of this cosmic contract.

Restricted by the Qiankun contract, Tianji Dongtian could not ally with other forces, let alone develop itself with the help of other forces.

In this case, Tianji Dongtian will naturally fall into a bottleneck of development.

The ancestors of Tianji have the intention to break this development bottleneck, but because of the existence of the Qiankun contract, Tianji Dongtian has been unable to break this bottleneck.

Now Qin Yi has eliminated this Qiankun contract, which means that the bottleneck restricting the development of Tianjidongtian has disappeared.

In addition, Tianji Dongtian joined the Divine Armament Imperial Court, backed by the big tree of the Divine Armament Imperial Court, and Tianji Dongtian will inevitably usher in a period of rapid development.

Even, in the future, it is not impossible to surpass the Dark Guard of the Immortal Court of Creation.

Although all the forces in the Great Fortune World regard Tianji Dongtian as an intelligence organization that is no less than the Secret Guard of Fortune, but their own family knows their own affairs.

Compared with the Dark Guard of Fortune Immortal Court, Tianji Dongtian is much inferior.

Not to mention other things, the dark guards of Fortune Immortal Court are all over the entire Fortune Magic Courtyard, and Tianjidongtian has only one branch in Fortune Magic Courtyard, which is evident.

Not to mention, the dark guards who created the Immortal Court are like clouds, and there are at least four emperor-level powers sitting in them, and even the master of the dark guards is a top-level emperor-level power.

The Tianji Cave is full of calculations, and there are only two emperor-level powers. The emperor-level combat power is still the same, and the combat power under the emperor-level is also inferior to the dark guards.

With such a huge disparity in strength, how can Tianji Dongtian be compared with the Dark Guard?

But now, Tianji Dongtian relies on the Imperial Court of Divine Armament, and there is not necessarily no chance to surpass the dark guard.

If Tianji Dongtian only relied on the Divine Soldier Clan, the ancestors of Tianji would not have the confidence to surpass the Dark Guard, but the Divine Soldier Imperial Court, which Tianji Dongtian relies on, is different.

Although the Shenbing Imperial Court is a force established by the Shenbing Clan as the main body, the Shenbing Imperial Court is not only the powerhouse of the Shenbing Clan and the Dali Imperial Court, but also Qin Yi, the Shenbing Emperor.

Although in his eyes Qin Yi only has the cultivation of the peak king level, but relying on his own perception ability far surpassing others, he can perceive the Divine Soldier Emperor in front of him, not his deity, but a clone .

A clone has such power, and it can even help him eliminate the influence of the universe contract. Its deity must be strong and powerful, and it must not be weak at the level of the world's master.

Not to mention, there is also a strong person who is clearly at the level of the world's master in the Imperial Court of Shenbing.

With these two powerhouses alone, the Divine Armament Emperor Court is enough to wrestle a wrench with the Good Fortune Immortal Court, moreover, the Good Fortune Fairy Court is already too busy to take care of itself.

The internal big demon cholera and the external ancient tribes were born, involving most of the energy of the creation of the fairy court, and naturally unable to distract him.

It is a good time for Shenbing Imperial Court and Tianjidongtian to develop vigorously.

"Get up."

Qin Yi waved his hand casually, signaling the ancestor of Tianji to get up.

"Ding! Eliminating the influence of the Qiankun contract costs a total of 90 million killing points."

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in my mind.

The Qiankun contract is rooted in the Void All Heavens Avenue, and the killing points required to eliminate the Qiankun contract are naturally fewer, only 90 million killing points are needed.

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