Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4326: The arrival of the messengers of all races

Ninety million killing points is nothing to Qin Yi today, but it can be exchanged for two emperor-level powers and an intelligence organization that spreads throughout the world of good fortune.

This deal is not worth it.

The addition of Tianjidongtian is enough to make up for the lack of intelligence in the Imperial Court of Shenbing.

Although Tianji Dongtian's ability to control the intelligence of the Fortune Immortal Court is far inferior to the dark guards of the Fortune Palace, it is even inferior to some intelligence organizations within the Fortune Palace.

But for areas other than the Immortal Court of Fortune, Tianjidongtian's control ability far exceeds that of the Dark Guard and many other intelligence organizations.

Otherwise, it would not be known as an intelligence organization that is not inferior to the Dark Guard.

Although the number of powerhouses in Tianji Dongtian is far less than that of the dark guards, Qin Yi values ​​Tianji Dongtian's intelligence gathering ability, not Tianji Dongtian's combat power.

If you compare it purely by combat power, Tianji Cave is far inferior to the Divine Soldier Clan.

The Divine Soldier Clan has three emperor-level powers and nine king-level powers. If you count the powerhouses from the imperial court and many powerhouses who have come to rely on them, it will be even more overwhelming. cave.

The powerhouses of Tianjidongtian, including the ancestors of Tianji, are better at deducing Tianji and collecting information, and they are inferior to the powerhouses of the same realm in combat.

For example, the ancestor of Tianji is a late-stage emperor-level power, but his combat power is much weaker than that of ordinary late-level emperor-level powers. Even, if he encounters some enchanting emperor-level middle-level powers, Tianji Lao Zu may not necessarily be an opponent.

Of course, the powerhouses corresponding to Tianjidongtian's life-saving ability far surpassed the powerhouses of the same realm, and even the powerhouses whose realm far surpassed them would not be able to suppress them.

Therefore, the powerhouses in Tianjidongtian have a natural advantage in gathering intelligence.

In any case, the addition of Tianji Dongtian is of great benefit to the Imperial Court of Divine Armament.

"The Divine Soldier Clan replaced the Dali Imperial Court, opened up the Divine Soldier Imperial Court, the ancient ten thousand tribes were born, and the great world was created separately.

Qin Yi's eyes flickered, and he thought in his heart, "But it's not enough."

According to the strategy he set at the beginning, Taiyi Demon Zun cholera created the immortal court, and he stirred the situation outside the fortune immortal court.

Whether it was him or Taiyi Demon Venerable, they all accomplished their goals very well.

But this is far from enough. Although the luck of Fortune Immortal Court has been shaken, it is far from hurting the foundation. It can be seen only from the fact that the God of Fortune is still able to retreat safely.

The Immortal Lord of Fortune did not want to be trapped in the Immortal Burial Domain, so he did not take the most orthodox way of being the Lord of the World in the Immortal Burial Domain, but took the position of the Lord of the Great World of Fortune through the Immortal Court of Fortune.

Once the luck of Fortune Immortal Court changes, the Immortal Fortune Master will notice it immediately, even if he is in retreat.

But now, there is such a big mess in the Immortal Court of Fortune, and it is impossible for the Immortal Master of Fortune to not know.

However, up to now, the Immortal Lord of Fortune has no intention of leaving the customs. There are only two situations. One is that the Immortal Lord of Fortune is in seclusion, and the other is that the Immortal Lord of Fortune is waiting, waiting for all the restless factors in the Great World of Fortune. Jump out, and then catch up.

In the two cases, Qin Yi prefers the second case. It is too coincidental that the Immortal Master of Fortune can't just retreat.

As the master of Yun Dynasty, Qin Yi is very aware of the minds of most Yun Dynasty masters, and does not allow any unstable factors in Yun Dynasty.

If the strength is not enough, it is fine, and you can only suppress this mind. Just like in the ancient times, the Immortal Master of Fortune could only force the soul clan and other ancient clans to sign the Qiankun contract, and he would not be able to hide from the world.

But after countless years of development, the strength of Good Fortune Immortal Court has grown by leaps and bounds, and it has the strength to suppress the unstable factors of Good Fortune World.

In this case, the Immortal Master of Fortune will naturally push the boat along the way, waiting for all the unstable factors in the Great World of Fortune to jump out, and then catch them all in one go.

"If I hadn't come, the plan of the Immortal Master of Fortune might have succeeded, swept away all the unstable factors, and completely controlled the great world of Fortune."

Qin Yi's eyes narrowed.

Without Qin Yi and Dao Zun Yimu, it would not be difficult to achieve the plan of the Immortal Master of Fortune.

After all, the Immortal Lord of Creation occupies the status of the Lord of the World in the Great World of Creation, and the cultivation realm is far beyond the original level, reaching the mid-level level of the Lord of the World.

With such strength, coupled with the blessing of the Lord of the World, even the Heavenly Venerate in the late stage of the virtual fairyland may not be an opponent.

Although Taiyi Demon Venerable set foot in the virtual fairyland, it is only the first time to enter the virtual fairyland. Relying on the essence of creating a true immortal, Taiyi Demon Lord can break out the combat power of the early stage of the virtual fairyland, which is far less than the good luck fairy master.

Even if the Taiyi Demon Venerable suppresses the luck of the Fortune Fairy Court and weakens the strength of the Fortune Fairy Lord.

But as long as the good fortune fairy garden does not collapse, the good fortune fairy master has an absolute advantage in the face of Taiyi Demon Venerable, even if it is added with races such as the soul clan, the same is true.

Of course, these are all based on Qin Yi's absence.

The appearance of Qin Yi and Daozun Yimu was definitely not expected by the Immortal Master of Fortune. As long as Qin Yi and Daozun Yimu shot at the right time, they would definitely have the effect of making a final decision.

For Qin Yi, it doesn't matter whether the Immortal Master Fortune is really in seclusion or waiting for all the unstable factors to come out.

He only needs to try his best to weaken the luck of the fairy garden, suppress the master of the world of the fairy master, and make adequate preparations for the final battle.

"The emperor, the messengers of the ancient tribes such as the soul, spirit, and angels, would like to ask to see you."

At this moment, a voice sounded in Qin Yi's ears, it was a king-level almighty from a divine soldier clan outside the hall.

"The soul clan, spirit clan, etc. will be the messengers of the ancient tribes?"

Qin Yi raised his brows, a little surprised.

He originally intended to contact the ancient tribes such as the Soul Clan and take action against the Immortal Court of Fortune together.

As a result, he didn't expect that he hadn't taken the initiative to contact the soul clan and other ancient myriad clans, and the soul clan and other ancient ancient myriad clans would send messengers to see him and save him the trouble.

"Let them come to see me!"

As Qin Yi spoke, the aura around him changed, and the aura that was originally incompatible with the surroundings disappeared.

He has been cultivating for several months and comprehending the laws of the great world of good fortune. Naturally, he will not gain nothing, not to mention that with the blessing of the Space-Time Cultivation Pavilion, the time for him to comprehend and comprehend the laws of the great world of good fortune is far more than a few months.

With Qin Yi's current comprehension of the laws of the great world of creation, coupled with the barrier set up by spending one million killing points.

As long as Qin Yi doesn't take action, the existence under the Lord of the World cannot see through his differences.

For example, the expression of the ancestor of Tianji changed, even if he used his detached perception ability, he could not see the difference in Qin Yi.

If Qin Yi made such a concealment when he entered the hall, I'm afraid he would not be able to discover Qin Yi's true identity.

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