Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4332: teach

"Do you want to seize power, I don't care, or you have been the prince for so long, don't you want to be the position of the Immortal Master of Fortune?"

Immortal Good Fortune said in a pointed way, and looked at Prince Xuanji with a smile that was not a smile.

"My son doesn't dare!"

Prince Xuanji's expression became more and more flustered, and he wanted to kneel to the ground, but found that a huge force would envelope him, preventing him from kneeling down.

Although he cooperated with Taiyi Demon Venerable to do some dramas, these were just dramas, and he didn't really want to seize power.

He is very aware of how deep his father's control is over Immortal Fortune, and he has no coveted heart for the position of Immortal Fortune.

"I don't mean to accuse you. I will give you the position of the Immortal Master of Fortune after all. What I do now is to prepare for you to take over the fairy garden."

Immortal Master Creation was noncommittal and said lightly.

As for the thoughts of Prince Xuanji, he is actually ignorant.

Prince Xuanji just didn't dare, it's not that he didn't have this thought. After all, how could he have no complaints after being a prince for so long.

"Father, you..."

Hearing this, Prince Xuanji's eyes seemed to have a flash of light, but he quickly covered it up and wanted to say something.

"I have decided on these matters. You don't need to say anything more. The position of the Immortal Lord of Creation has no effect on me. Instead, it is a shackle to me."

The Immortal Master of Creation said in a deep voice.

He originally practiced two cultivation systems, one was the master cultivation system of the world buried in the Immortal Realm, and the other was the cultivation system of the heavens and the world.

Although the two systems are not competitive, they do not complement each other, and there is even a conflict between the two.

Before breaking through the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, the conflict between the two cultivation systems was not obvious, but after he broke through the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, the conflict between the two cultivation systems became more and more obvious.


Immortal Master Creation not only cultivated the cultivation system of the Lord of the World to the level of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, but also cultivated the cultivation system of the heavens and the world to the level of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland.

When he cultivated the cultivation system of the heavens and the world to the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, the two cultivation systems began to conflict with each other.

One is self-cultivation, the other is external.

The cultivation system of the Lord of the World relies more on external objects, that is, the power of the great world itself.

As long as the Lord of the World is based in the world under his control and has the power of heaven and earth, he is almost invincible.

Unless the Lord of the World is too far away from the world under his control, he will lose the blessing of the world and his realm will fall.

Therefore, the Lord of the World is basically locked in the world under his control and cannot easily leave.

The Immortal Master of Fortune did not want to be subject to such restrictions, so he chose to practice two cultivation systems at the same time.

And the cultivation system of the heavens and the world is to cultivate one's own body, the power that truly belongs to one's own body, once it is proved forever, and once it is obtained forever.

Of course, the cultivation system of the heavens and the worlds here is not the cultivation system of the five realms, but the cultivation system inherited from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, the Nine Nether Abyss, and the Endless Underworld.

Because of the existence of the Dao of All Heavens in the five realms, if you want to prove the Dao Xunxian Tianzun, you must occupy the source of the one, and then you can prove the Dao Xuexian Tianzun.

And if the position of the source of the body is deprived, the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate of the five realms will also fall into the Void Immortal Realm.

In a sense, the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate of the Five Realms is somewhat similar to the World Lord of the Immortal Burial Domain.

It's just that the cage that locks the five realms of the virtual immortals is just the entire five realms. The virtual immortals of the five realms are more free than the master of the world of the buried immortal realm.

Of course, in addition to this, the restrictions on the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate in the five realms are even smaller.

The Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate of the Five Realms will not fall into the realm even if he leaves the Five Realms.

What Immortal Master Fortune cultivates is the cultivation system of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

Therefore, after he broke through the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, the two cultivation systems conflicted with each other. In this case, the Immortal Master of Fortune had to abandon one cultivation system.


Hearing the explanation of Immortal Master Fortune, Prince Xuanji, who was at the peak of Fengdi level, who had not even broken through the half-step world master, was a little ignorant.

For Prince Xuanji, the level of the world's master is too far away.

"You don't need to know the specific situation, you just need to know that it won't be long before I give up my position as the Immortal Master of Creation."

The Immortal Master of Creation said lightly.


Hearing this, Prince Xuanji's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but breathe quickly.

He didn't know the meaning of the Immortal Lord of Creation. Immortal Lord of Creation intended to give up the position of Lord of Immortal Creation, that is to say, he really had the opportunity to sit in the position of Lord of Immortal Creation.

For a time, Prince Xuanji couldn't help but feel agitated.


At this moment, a cold hum sounded in his heart, like a drum in the morning and evening, which awakened Prince Xuanji instantly.


Prince Xuanji, who had calmed down, looked ashamed.

"Those who have achieved great things, when you have the composure of your heart and your face without changing your face, look at you, just a piece of news that makes your mind so turbulent?

With such a nature, how can I be assured of handing over the creation of the Immortal Court to you? "

The Immortal Master of Creation scolded in a deep voice.

Although it was a reprimand, the Immortal Master Fortune did not intend to continue to reprimand.

He is most aware of the state of mind of Prince Xuanji. After all, not everyone can be a prince of hundreds of epochs, but not be able to take the position of Immortal Master of Fortune without being affected at all.

Therefore, he did not criticize Prince Xuanji too harshly.

"Before handing the Immortal Creation to you, I must remove all the unsettling factors in Immortal Creation."

The Immortal Lord of Creation has sharp eyes.

In his plan, once he gave up his position as the Lord of the Immortal Court of Creation, he would soon leave the Great Creation World, and even leave the Immortal Burial Realm and enter the five realms.

Continuing to stay in the great world of creation, he can no longer continue to practice.

If he goes to the five realms and comprehends the avenues of the five realms, he may be able to break through the bottleneck period that he is facing.

Moreover, He has always coveted the inheritance place left by the True Immortal Creation after the fall, and wanted to enter it and obtain the inheritance left by the True Immortal Creation.

Although the Immortal Master Fortune is a disciple of True Immortal Fortune, he is only a named disciple of True Immortal Fortune, and he has not received much inheritance from True Immortal Fortune.

Not to mention, in the inheritance place of the True Immortal Creation, there are many treasures left by the True Immortal Creation, various Heavenly Venerate artifacts, and even True Immortal artifacts.

It is a pity that three treasures left by the True Immortal Creation are needed to open the inheritance place of the True Immortal Creation, and the Immortal Creation Master has only mastered one.

And according to Immortal Master Fortune's understanding, there is a treasure left in the five realms.

The Immortal Lord Good Fortune went to the five realms this time, and also meant to find this treasure.

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