Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4333: reason

Only by collecting these three treasures can we open the inheritance place left by the True Immortal Creation.

The treasure left in the five realms must be found by the master of good fortune, otherwise, he will never be able to open the inheritance of the true fairy of good fortune.

Yes, .

Whether it is for this treasure or for his own cultivation, the Immortal Master of Fortune must go to the five realms.

Before that, he must clean up all the unstable factors in the Great Fortune World, and leave a stable Fortune Fairy for Prince Xuanji.

The Immortal Lord of Creation didn't want to see a fragmented Immortal Creation Garden when he returned to the Great Creation World.

"However, Erchen still doesn't understand, why do you condone that great demon to stir up the situation in the immortal court of good fortune, and let it lure the strong in the immortal court into the devil's way?"

Prince Xuanji hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

He understands the idea of ​​the Immortal Lord of Fortune, but for the Director of the Immortal Fortune, Taiyi Demon Venerable acted recklessly in the Fortune Fairy Court, and let him continue to lure the Fortune and Fortune Fairy powerhouses into the devil's way.

Even, let him take the initiative to take a group of good fortune Xianting powerhouses, leave Good Fortune Xiandu, and let Taiyi Demon Venerate these batch of good fortune Xianting powerhouses.

The move of the Immortal Master of Fortune made the Prince Xuanji not understand at all.

"The biggest threat to a power does not come from outside, but from inside.

If a party is not even stable internally and does not need an external threat, this party may fall apart. "

The Immortal Lord of Fortune explained: "Most of these people who have fallen into the devil's way are dissatisfied with the fairy garden of Fortune, which is also a factor of instability.

This includes the powerhouses you brought away from the Immortal Capital of Fortune. "

For the Immortal Lord of Creation, this opportunity now is the best opportunity for him to clean the entire Immortal Creation.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Immortal Court of Fortune, it also annexed many forces.

After the powerhouses of these forces surrendered to Good Fortune, although they worked for Good Fortune, in fact, they still had complaints about Good Fortune.

Even if they didn't express it, the grievance persisted.

In the eyes of Immortal Fortune, this is still an unstable factor.

If he is in the Immortal Court of Creation, once he leaves the Immortal Burial Domain, there will be only Prince Xuanji and others in the Immortal Court of Creation.

Although Prince Xuanji's cultivation is acceptable, his methods are slightly immature.

Compared with these old antiques that have existed since ancient times, they are too far away, and they may not be the opponents of these old antiques.

For example, Marshal Jiu Xun of the Jiu Xun Corps, his methods are so strong that even the Immortal Master of Fortune is afraid.

If the strength of the Immortal Master Fortune is not strong enough, far surpassing Marshal Jiu Xun, he may not be able to suppress the opponent.

Although with his current strength, he can completely kill Marshal Jiu Xun and others directly, but the Immortal Master of Fortune cannot do anything at will.

Marshal Jiu Xun was an old official who followed him to conquer the world at the beginning of the establishment of the Immortal Court of Fortune, and he worked hard and made great achievements.

If the immortal master of creation kills him at will, it will inevitably cause riots within the immortal court of creation, and make all the old ministers who follow him to fight the world chill.

This is why Immortal Master Fortune did not take action easily, but took this opportunity to deal with Marshal Jiu Xun and others.

Marshal Jiu Xun betrayed the Good Fortune Immortal Court and fell into the devil's way. At this time, the Good Fortune Immortal Lord shot again to kill Marshal Jiu Xun and others, and no one could pick out the fault.

In this way, the Immortal Lord of Creation can remove all the unstable factors in Immortal Creation and go to the five realms with peace of mind.

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