Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4334: blockbuster

Temple of Creation.


The mirrors made of silver gods reflected the scenes of all parts of the great world of good fortune.

Wars are everywhere, chaos is emerging!

If you only judge from these sights, everyone will think that the Immortal Court of Fortune has fallen into chaos.

But Prince Xuanji understood that all of this was under the control of his father, the Immortal Master of Fortune.

Whether it was the birth of the ancient ten thousand clans, or the betrayal of Marshal Jiu Xun and others, they were all under the control of his father.

Even if the ancient ten thousand clans were not born, and Marshal Jiu Xun and others did not betray, his father and emperor would force the ancient ancient ten thousand clans to be born, and Marshal Jiu Xun and others would betray them.

Ancient Myriad Clans can place chess pieces in the Immortal Court of Fortune, as well as many imperial courts, and the Immortal Court of Fortune can naturally place chess pieces in the ancient Myriad Clan.

It can be said that everything in the ancient times was under the control of the Immortal Master of Fortune.

The only thing that surprised Immortal Master Fortune was the great demon named Taiyi Demon Venerable in Immortal Fortune Garden.

The Immortal Master of Fortune did not have a deep understanding of this great demon.

Even before this great demon appeared, the Immortal Master of Fortune did not know that there was such a great demon in the great world of creation.

The immortal master of good fortune sent Prince Xuanji and asked Prince Xuanji to pretend to submit to the Taiyi Demon Venerable, and to do things for the Taiyi Demon Venerable, just to test the details of the Taiyi Demon Venerable.

'A great demon who knows the place where the true immortals are inherited. ’

Immortal Master Fortune's eyes flickered, and he had some guesses about the identity of Taiyi Demon Venerable.

Although there are many world masters in the Immortal Burial Territory, most of them are the powerhouses who have fallen, such as the True Immortal Creation, who only rose after the Immortal Burial Territory was born.

I don't know much about the existence of Nine Heavens True Immortals such as Good Fortune True Immortals. Most of them are just hearsay, let alone know where the inheritance of Good Fortune True Immortals is.

Generally speaking, the only strong people who can know where the inheritance of the true immortals is, are only the remaining disciples of the forces of the nine-day true immortals, such as the good fortune immortal master.

‘Could this great demon be a surviving disciple under the command of a true demon, who practiced the cultivation system of the heavens and the world, and even broke through the virtual fairyland. ’

The Immortal Master of Fortune focused his gaze, thinking about the identity of Taiyi Demon Venerable.

In his view, the Taiyi True Demon is very likely to be a disciple of a certain Jiuyou True Demon, and only then can he know the existence of the inheritance place of the True Immortal Creation.

When the true immortals of good fortune fell, they used their remaining strength to hide the place of inheritance in the depths of the great world of good fortune.

In addition, the Immortal Master of Fortune has always suppressed the inheritance place with the luck of Fortune Immortal Court.

In this case, it is impossible for ordinary experts in the Immortal Burial Realm to know the inheritance of the True Immortal Creation, which is in the Great Creation World.

All the powerhouses who know where the inheritance of the True Immortal Fortune is located are more or less related to the existence of the True Immortal Fortune and the Nine Heavens True Immortal level.

Therefore, this great demon is likely to be a disciple of a true demon.

In the face of the disciples of Jiuyou Zhenmo, the Immortal Master of Fortune cannot take it lightly, and he must show 12 points of vigilance.

'This great demon has only the cultivation base that has just entered the virtual fairyland, and the cultivation realm is far weaker than that of me. It is not difficult to solve this great demon.

The key lies in the strong man behind this great demon. ’

The Immortal Master of Fortune thought in his heart.

After several trials, he also probably speculated about the true cultivation of Taiyi True Demon.

If it is just the Taiyi True Demon, he can solve it at will, but what makes him more afraid is the existence behind the Taiyi True Demon.

After all, the Taiyi True Demon only has the cultivation base of entering the virtual fairyland for the first time. As long as his mind is normal, he knows that he is not his opponent.

Behind the Taiyi True Demon, of course there are strong people.

Otherwise, the Taiyi True Demon would not be able to make such an unscrupulous attack on the Immortal Court of Creation.

Moreover, the purpose of Immortal Fortune for Taiyi True Demon is also to see the fire, not just to weaken the luck of Fortune Fairy, so as to achieve the purpose of weakening his strength.

If the immortal master of creation only practiced the path of the master of the world, I am afraid that he will jump out at the first time and take action on this great demon. At that time, it is likely to fall into the other party's calculation.

However, the Immortal Master Fortune cultivates two cultivation systems at the same time, and a slight drop of luck in the Immortal Fortune World will not have much impact on him.

However, this does not mean that Immortal Master Creation will sit still.

'If you wait for a few moves, it's time for me to make moves! ’

Immortal Master Fortune looked at the scene reflected in the mirror, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Xuan Ji, how did you do what I ordered you to do?"

The Immortal Master of Creation asked in a deep voice.

"If you go back to the royal father, everything is fully prepared according to your instructions.

The Fucang Corps, the Dayin Corps, and the Zhentian Corps have all taken action to besiege the Nine Sunda Corps in the Nine Sunda Prefectures. Erchen has also made secret contact with the Nine Sunda Corps. As long as you give an order, you can Subvert the Nine Sunda Corps. "

Prince Xuanji looked straight and said immediately.

"Then let's go."

This is what the Immortal Master of Creation said.

"Yes, Father."

Hearing this, a look of joy appeared on Prince Xuanji's face.

During this period of time, because of the order of the Immortal Master of Creation, the powerhouses of Immortal Creation were extremely embarrassed, and most of the time they were in a state of passive defense.

Now that he can finally make a rash move, why is Prince Xuanji not excited?

Prince Xuanji immediately transmitted his voice with divine sense to pass on the order of the Immortal Master of Fortune.


The next moment, the scene in many mirrors suddenly changed dramatically.

A strong man who created the Immortal Court was powerful, and he made a strong move towards many strong men who created the Immortal Court with cholera.

In the face of the power of the powerhouses in the Immortal Court of Fortune, a group of powerhouses in the Immortal Court of Fortune with cholera were suppressed one after another.

In any case, the Immortal Court of Good Fortune has ruled the Great World of Good Fortune for countless years, and its depth is beyond the imagination of others.

This time, there are countless powerhouses in the creation of the Immortal Court. There are thirty emperor-level experts, hundreds of king-level experts, and more than ten thousand people.

Among them, there are three emperor-level peak power shots.

This kind of power is enough to sweep the entire imperial court of the Great Fortune World, and similarly, only the Fortune Fairy Court can come up with it.

In the face of such a strong Fortune Fairy, a group of cholera powerhouses of Fortune Fairy were naturally not opponents, and they were beaten and retreated.

Many powerhouses who fell into the devil's way were killed by the powerhouses who created Immortal Court.

Even some powerhouses with deep potential were found by the powerhouses who created the Immortal Court and killed them on the spot.

For a time, the imposing manner of the Immortal Court of Creation was high, and the decline reversed.

Even the fate of the Immortal Court of Fortune, which has already shown signs of collapse, has the momentum to reunite.

This is the foundation of the Immortal Court of Creation!

If you don't make a move, it's already a blockbuster!

If the situation continues to develop like this, Good Fortune Immortal Court will be able to suppress all rebellions and regain control of the entire Good Fortune Fairy Court.

But just as the situation was developing towards the side of Fortune Fairy, the situation changed again.

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