Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4347: The **** of creation in desperation


The golden divine brilliance converged and condensed into a ball, as if it really turned into a golden sun that hangs nine days high, standing opposite the sun in the great world of good fortune.

But the creatures who created the great world, as long as they look up, there is only this round of golden sun in their eyes.

The original great sun in the great world of good fortune seems to have disappeared, and its light is completely covered by this golden sun.

Two days of brilliance, Jin Ri wins!

And as long as the creatures in the great world of creation have the ability to spy on the scene in the golden sun, they can see a figure sitting cross-legged in the golden sun, shrouded in endless divine light.

The imposing manner of this figure is as terrifying as **, incomparably stalwart, and the infinite golden divine splendor is its imposing manner.

Countless ghosts of gods and demons lingered around him, or praised, sang praises, or surrendered to this figure and knelt down in front of him.

If the phantom behind the Immortal Master of Fortune is the King of God, this figure is the Emperor of God, the Emperor of Immortals!

The king and the emperor, who is higher and who is lower, naturally do not need to go into too much detail.

Even the Immortal Master Good Fortune couldn't help but tremble when he saw this figure, and couldn't help but feel a sense of humility in his heart.

Just like the mayfly under the towering tree, the candlelight under the sun, or the mortal looking up at the starry sky.

In front of such a stalwart existence, He is also as low as an ant!


And this feeling reached its climax as this existence fell.

Those eyes that are like the sun and the moon are calm and indifferent like the sky, as if there is nothing else except the avenue.

Under the gaze of these scorpions, the Immortal Master Creation even had the urge to kneel on the ground.

'No, I am the master of the Immortal Court, how can I be so humble? ’

The Immortal Master of Fortune roared in his heart, using his spiritual thoughts as fire, igniting many distracting thoughts in his heart, and turning them into flaming fighting intent.

As the master of the Immortal Court of Creation, the Immortal Master of Creation has also come out of countless blood and fire fights, and after countless killings, he has just come to this point, how could he not understand that he has no way out at this moment.

Only a battle can win a chance!


The Immortal Master of Fortune let out a long whistle, and the offensive in his hand became more and more fierce.

The violent power, wrapped in an incomparable fist, crashed down.


The one in the golden sun seemed to be aware of it, and when he pointed it down, a ray of golden divine brilliance fell along with it, as if a big bell fell.

Immortal Master Fortune's gaze condensed, and in his eyes, the bell transformed by this golden radiance is getting bigger and bigger, as big as the immortal mountain, as big as the ancient sea of ​​stars.

Falling at this moment, as if to suppress everything about him.


The fist bells intersected, and the fist of the Immortal Master Fortune collided with the big bell, and suddenly a thunderous roar was heard, setting off a monstrous storm.

In an instant, the entire sky of the Great Creation World dimmed, as if the entire sky of the Great Creation World was shattered by the collision of the two.

Countless laws were wiped out, and the chains of laws were broken.

Even the many Heavenly Venerate-level formations outside the Great Fortune World were shaken, causing a lot of waves in the sea of ​​​​the world, attracting the attention of some powerhouses in the Immortal Burial Domain.

The battle of the Heavenly Venerate is no longer limited to one world. Even a world such as the Great World of Creation, which is hundreds of times larger than the ordinary Great Thousand World, cannot carry the battle of the Heavenly Venerate.

If it wasn't for the Immortal Master Fortune and Taiyi Demon Venerable intending to avoid causing too much damage to the Great Fortune World, I am afraid that at this moment, the Great Fortune World would have collapsed for the most part.


Immortal Master Creation's expression changed, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, spilling into the void, and his face was extremely pale.

Even, the Immortal Master Fortune was repelled thousands of miles and smashed countless void dimensions before he stopped his figure.

Obviously, in the collision just now, the Immortal Master of Fortune suffered a big loss, and even hurt the source.

Otherwise, with the cultivation of the Immortal Master, how could he show such a posture?

Although this did not form a Dao injury, it also hurt the foundation of the Immortal Master of Creation. If the injury is not recovered in time, I am afraid that it will eventually evolve into a Dao injury.

However, for the current Immortal Master Fortune, there is no time to recover his injuries, because the phantom in the golden sun once again pointed.


The golden divine splendor fell, like a sharp arrow, shooting towards the eyebrows of the Immortal Master Fortune.

Immortal Master Fortune roared, and had to take another shot to meet this blow, even at the cost of burning his own source world.

At the level of the virtual fairyland, although the source world has become less important, some quasi-tianzun powerhouses shattered the source world and integrated it into the flesh when they broke through the virtual fairyland.

But burning the source world is still a means of fighting for the life of the virtual immortal, second only to the fundamental way of burning one's own body.

However, even if the immortal master of creation burns his own source world, he is still not the opponent of this phantom, and is firmly suppressed by this phantom.

In the ensuing fight, no matter what methods the Immortal Master Fortune used, they failed to pose any threat to this phantom.

In other words, from the very beginning, the Immortal Master Fortune failed to pose a threat to this phantom.

"Ha ha!"

The Immortal Master Fortune was repelled by this phantom again, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, his face full of madness, and a miserable smile came out of his mouth.

At this time, He already understood that in front of this phantom, he was as weak as a child, and the other party could suppress him easily.

And, from the beginning, it has been so.

"This must be the rhyme left by a nine-day true immortal."

The Immortal Master Fortune looked at the phantom in the golden sun and had a clear understanding in his heart.

Only the power left by the Nine Heavens True Immortal can suppress him from beginning to end.

Thinking of this, Immortal Master Fortune had a bitter corner of his mouth. He thought about how Taiyi Demon Venerable dared to take action against him. For example, behind Taiyi Demon Venerable, there was a stronger Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

But he never thought that Taiyi Demon Venerable's trump card would be the Dao rhyme left by a nine-day true immortal!

"If I didn't take care of you, I might still be able to fight with him!"

At this moment, Taiyi Demon Venerable regretted not falling in his heart.

If it weren't for him being too big at the beginning, the Taiyi Demon Venerable weakened the luck of the creation of the fairy garden, and the blessing of the world of creation to him was weakened.

Otherwise, even if he loses to this phantom, he may not be able to leave.

Unfortunately, nothing if anything.

Because the blessing of the Great Fortune World to him has been weakened, he cannot exert his peak combat power, and he cannot escape from the hand of the fairy master of Fortune.

As time went by, the luck of Fortune Immortal Court continued to fall, and the blessing to him was also weakened. At this time, he was no longer the opponent of this phantom.

Even, even if it is the fundamental way for him to burn himself, it is impossible to pose any threat to the Immortal Master of Creation.

‘Do you want to surrender to the Taiyi Demon Venerable? ’

For a time, the Immortal Master Good Fortune couldn't help but feel a little confused.

was thinking.

Immortal Master Fortune was stunned for a moment, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but his expression relaxed.

The phantom in the golden sun also stopped moving.

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