Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4348: Enter the fairy city of creation

Create fairy capital.

As the center of the Great Fortune World, the hinterland of the Fortune Fairy Court is also the most prosperous and most concentrated area of ​​the Great Fortune World.

But at this moment, the situation of the creation of Xiandu is not very good.


When Qin Yi stepped into the immortal capital of good fortune, he could see the god-protecting dragon in the sky in the immortal capital of good fortune.

This Dharma Protector Dragon, which was transformed by the luck of the good fortune, has fallen to the bottom of the valley, and the scales and armor on his body are dull. If the old man is about to die, it may be shattered at any time.

When the guardian dragon was destroyed, it was also when the fortune-telling immortal court fell into the dust.

In this case, the interior of the Immortal Capital of Fortune also became a mess, and not only were there many strong men who fell into the devil's way to stir up the situation.

Some powerhouses who were originally dissatisfied with the Good Fortune Immortal Court also took advantage of this opportunity to fish in the troubled waters in the Good Fortune Immortal Capital and take action against the Good Fortune Immortal Court.

For this reason, Prince Xuanji and other powerhouses who created the Immortal Court felt a headache.

In order to suppress the gangsters in the Immortal Capital of Fortune, Prince Xuanji and others took action one after another, and even the gangsters in other areas of Immortal Fortune didn't care.

After all, compared with other areas of the Immortal Fortune, the Immortal Fortune is the first place of good fortune, and it is naturally more important.


In the past, the immortal capital of good fortune was very strict, and any strong person who entered the immortal capital of good fortune had to abide by the 'immortal law' of the immortal court of good fortune.

If they violated it, they would be thrown into prison at light level, or their cultivation bases would be wiped out at worst.


The current Fortune Immortals are extremely chaotic, and there are powerhouses fighting each other everywhere. In the past, the "celestial law" of Fortune Fairy and others has become a decoration at this time.

After all, the powerhouses who created chaos in the Immortal Capital of Fortune had many emperor-level powers from the ancient tribes.

Because a large number of powerhouses who created the Immortal Court fell into the devil's way, the situation was somewhat beyond the control of Prince Xuanji.

Most of this group of powerhouses who have fallen into the devil's way were taken away from the fairy capital by the Prince Xuanji, intending to transform Taiyi Demon.

The original intention of the Immortal Master of Fortune was to paralyze the Taiyi Demon Venerable. Therefore, these powerhouses who fell into the devil's way were not killed by the Prince Xuanji.

However, this move now seems to be shooting itself in the foot.

Originally, these fortune-telling immortal court powerhouses who fell into the devil's way have always been under the control of Prince Xuanji and others. As long as they change, they will be killed by Prince Xuanji and others.

However, there was one thing that Prince Xuanji and others missed, and that was the action of the ancient powerhouses.

The ancient powerhouses of all races suddenly came, cholera created the immortal capital, and some powerhouses who were not under the control of Prince Xuanji and others and fell into the devil's way broke out.

For a time, the good fortune immortals fell into chaos.

However, don't look at this moment, the immortals of good fortune are in chaos, but in fact, as long as the Prince Xuanji and others are given some time, they can suppress the ** of the immortals of good fortune.

How profound is the background of the Good Fortune Immortal Court, and the Good Fortune Immortal Capital is the center of the Good Fortune Immortal Court. I don't know how much of the Good Fortune Immortal Court is hidden in it.

For example, various powerful and terrifying imperial weapons, forbidden weapons, and even many great formations.

As long as Prince Xuanji is ruthless and pays a certain price, he will soon be able to suppress the ** in the immortal capital of good fortune.

Of course, none of this has much to do with Qin Yi.


Qin Yi brought Daozun Yimu to the deepest part of the Immortal Capital of Fortune, in front of a mysterious place.

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