Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4357: Angry good fortune fairy

Because of Qin Yi's appearance, the traces of the True Immortal Creation were exposed, and he could no longer seize the Taiyi Demon Venerable and lose a perfect carrier of spiritual thoughts.

In this case, if the True Immortal Creation wants to embark on the path of cultivation again, he must find a new carrier of spiritual thoughts and take the other party away.

But how can the new Spiritual Mind carrier compare to the Taiyi Demon Venerable?

Moreover, in order to save his own life, the True Immortal Creation had to abandon the many treasures he left behind.

If you don't give Qin Yi and others some trouble, how can you be willing to create a true immortal?

"Friend Daoist is joking, how can this seat possibly do this? Daoist friend guesses so, it is a little bit of a gentleman's belly."

Although the True Immortal Good Fortune thought so, but on the surface it was just words.

"Yes or no, fellow Daoist knows."

Qin Yi didn't mean to argue with the True Immortal Creation, but just said lightly.


While speaking, Qin Yi had raised his right hand, and a vast force shrouded the True Immortal Creation, blocking the void where the True Immortal Creation was.

"Fellow Daoist, don't deceive people too much!"

The True Immortal Creation was instantly furious.

"If there is a wisp of spiritual thoughts left, what if this son bullies you?"

Qin Yi's eyes were silent in the ancient well, and he did not have any emotional fluctuations.

If the true immortal of good fortune exists in the state of a remnant soul, he may not dare to directly take action against the true immortal of good fortune, but the true immortal of good fortune only has a trace of remnants left, so he naturally does not have much scruples.


Seeing this, the eyes of the True Immortal Creation were about to burst into flames, but in the next moment, there seemed to be a golden radiance in Qin Yi's hand that flashed away.

Then, True Immortal Fortune lost consciousness and fell into a coma.


Qin Yi grabbed it gently, and the whole person of the real fairy was crushed into countless pieces of divine soul, and then he was smashed into black beads.


The next moment, the breath of the 'Taiyi Demon Venerable' in the black beads skyrocketed.

The 'Taiyi Demon Venerable' in the black bead is only a part of the origin of the soul of the Taiyi Demon Venerable. It has always been absorbed by the true immortals and is in an extremely weak state.

At this moment, it is nourished by the power of the True Immortal Creation, and the breath skyrockets countless times in an instant.

Although there is only a wisp of spiritual sense left in the True Immortal Creation, its essence is still there, and swallowing it is also a great supplement to the 'Taiyi Demon Venerable'.

However, the aura of 'Taiyi Demon Venerable' soon fell silent.

"Thank you so much for saving your life."

After devouring the spiritual thoughts of the true immortals, the 'Taiyi Demon Venerable' also got the memory of the true immortals, and also knew the plans of the true immortals.

Only at this time did He realize how dangerous his previous situation was.

If it wasn't for Qin Yi's action, I'm afraid that he would inevitably be seized by the real immortals in the future and become a tool for him to embark on the path of cultivation again.

But now, not only does he have no worries of falling, but he has also obtained many inheritances from the True Immortal Creation, including the Heavenly Art of Creation.

This also means that all the plans of creating a true immortal have been fulfilled by him.

As long as he converts to "Creation of Heaven", I am afraid that it will not be long before he can break through the peak of the virtual fairyland.

After all, the true immortal of good fortune can do it by seizing the Taiyi Demon Venerable, and the Taiyi Demon Venerable can naturally devour the true immortal of good fortune.

"No problem."

Qin Yi waved his hand, this is not a troublesome matter, it just cost 500 million killing points.

With his current strength, it is not an easy task to destroy the True Immortal Creation and completely retain the memory of the True Immortal Creation.

However, with the power of the system, Qin Yi can easily do this.

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