Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4358: mission completed

With Qin Yi's current strength, if he wants to kill the consciousness in the residual thoughts of the true immortals, he will only leave the pure source of the soul and memory, which is not possible for the time being.

Perhaps, when Qin Yi really breaks through the peak of the virtual fairyland, he can do it.

But now, Qin Yi can only honestly use the power of the system to erase the consciousness in the residual thoughts of the true immortal, leaving only the pure memory and the source of the soul.

However, fortunately, the consumption of Killing Points is not too much, only 500 million Killing Points are consumed.

Using 500 million Slaughter Points to exchange for the supreme inheritance of the Nine Heavens True Immortal is an extremely cost-effective deal.

After all, the Taiyi Demon Venerable, who inherited all the memories of the True Immortal Creation, also inherited all the exercises practiced by the True Immortal Creation.

Among them, it naturally also includes the "Good Fortune Heavenly Art" that is not found in the jade slips, as well as the true fairy-level supernatural powers and secrets mastered by the true immortals.

Moreover, after the True Immortal Creation was obliterated, the system also rewarded Qin Yi with 10 billion Killing Points.

According to the system, because the True Immortal Creation only has a wisp of spiritual sense that is about to dissipate, so Qin Yi can only get 10 billion killing points by obliterating it.

If the true immortal of good fortune is still at the peak, the killing points that Qin Yi can obtain will be a hundred times more.

Of course, if the true immortal of good fortune is still at its peak, Qin Yi wants to obliterate it, how much more difficult it will be a thousand times more difficult?

However, it is not bad to be able to obtain 10 billion kill points.

Qin Yi used the power of the system to erase the consciousness of the true immortals, only spent 500 million killing points, and then gained another 5 billion killing points.

After going back and forth, not only did he not consume Kill Points, but instead earned 4.5 billion Kill Points.

Such a good thing, Qin Yi called to come again a few times.


Of course, it is not an easy task to find the residual thoughts left by the Nine Heavens True Immortal. Even, the residual thoughts of the Fortune True Immortal may be the only residual thoughts left by the Nine Heavens True Immortal in the five realms.

"Thank you sir."

Hearing Qin Yi's words, Taiyi Demon Venerable thanked Qin Yi again, and fell into a deep sleep to integrate the memory of the true immortal.

The true immortals have been enlightened for countless years, and the day of their enlightenment cannot be traced back.

But what is certain is that the cultivation time of the True Immortal Creation is far more than a thousand epochs, and even reaches an unimaginable level.

After such a long period of time, it is conceivable how huge the memory of creating a true immortal is.

It will take a certain amount of time for Taiyi Demon Venerable to digest the memory of the True Immortal Creation, and it will take some time to sort out some inheritances of Immortal Creation.

Qin Yi didn't care about Taiyi Demon Venerable anymore, and looked at the last item on the stone table.

A quaint boat.

"The boat of creation."

At the first sight of this quaint little boat, Qin Yi guessed that this quaint little boat was the boat of good fortune.


With a thought, the quaint little boat flew into Qin Yi's hands.


When Qin Yi injected the power of his own source into the quaint little boat, the quaint little boat suddenly burst into infinite brilliance, illuminating the void.

Many rune visions engraved on the quaint boat, such as the true dragon, the true phoenix, the basalt, etc., burst into dazzling light.

For a moment, the quaint little boat seemed to become extremely heavy, and the entire secret world and even the entire gate of creation seemed to be shaken.


The quaint little boat trembled slightly, and an unimaginable domineering meaning spread out, as if to suppress the eternal years.

Even Lord Yimu Dao and Demon Lord Taiyi felt this momentum, and couldn't help but tremble, as if they saw an incomparably huge boat crashing towards them.

Let their minds sway.

"Nice boat!"

Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Even he couldn't help but look at the aura emanating from this quaint little boat.

A simple assessment, with the strength of the eternal clone, if it is to motivate this quaint little boat, it is enough to make the boat burst with power comparable to the early stage of the virtual fairyland, and kill the Tianzun who has just entered the virtual fairyland.

How terrifying is this?

You must know that the eternal avatar has just broken through the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, and has never broken the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

And relying on this small boat, it can have the ability to kill the first entry into the virtual fairyland Tianzun.

Of course, the premise is that this Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate does not dodge or evade, and resists Xiaozhou with all his strength.

Such existences as Taiyi Demon Venerable, if they are bumped into reality, they will have only one way to fall.

However, every existence who can break through the virtual fairy is not a fool. He can't stop the small boat's blow. He can use other means to avoid this blow. It is not an easy thing to kill a virtual fairy.

Of course, no matter what, the power of this immortal boat of creation should not be underestimated.


This quaint little boat is the immortal boat of good fortune. When Qin Yi injected the power of the source into the immortal boat of good fortune, a piece of information about the immortal boat of good fortune was also passed into Qin Yi's mind.

Like the gate of good fortune, the immortal boat of good fortune today has long since fallen to the level of a true immortal artifact.

Even, compared to the gate of good fortune, the immortal boat of good fortune was damaged more seriously.

To put it simply, the Gate of Creation still retains most of its original power. If it is fully recovered, it can burst into power comparable to the peak of the virtual fairyland, and even the half-step real fairyland.

And the Immortal Fortune Boat is fully recovered, and at most it can only burst out with power comparable to the late Heavenly Venerate in the Void Fairy Realm.

"To repair these two true fairy weapons, the required killing points are not a small amount."

Qin Yi shook his head.

He doesn't have much enthusiasm for repairing the Gate of Fortune and the Immortal Boat of Fortune.

Nowadays, there are not a few Heavenly Venerate and True Immortals in his hands.

The ancient map of Wan Yaomang, the western plain-colored cloud world flag, the Zhentianzhu, etc., are all comparable in power to the real fairy, or they are the first-level treasures of the real fairy.

There is no need for Qin Yi to spend a lot of kill points to repair the Gate of Fortune and the Immortal Boat of Fortune. After all, there must be a lot of kill points needed to repair these two treasures.

You know, Qin Yi once asked the system that it would take at least 24 billion killing points to restore the broken true immortal weapon, the Tianyuan Ominous Sword, to its peak power.

The killing points he needs to repair the Gate of Fortune and the Immortal Boat will only be more, not less, than repairing the Heavenly Primordial Sword.

Therefore, Qin Yi did not spend a lot of killing points for the time being to repair the Gate of Fortune and the Immortal Boat of Fortune.

These two treasures are more useful for him to complete system tasks.

"Ding! The system task to obtain the Immortal Boat of Fortune has been completed, and the task reward has been sent, please pay attention to the host."

At this time, the prompt sound of the system's cold machinery also sounded.

Qin Yi opened the system panel and looked at the ten extra system summoning opportunities on the attribute bar, as well as the 50 billion killing points, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

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