Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4360: leave

One hundred billion kill points.

If it is used to improve the background of the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty, it will be enough to multiply the background of the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty dozens of times and cultivate ten immortal gods.

And if it is used to repair the Immortal Boat of Fortune, although it can give Qin Yi an extra middle-level True Immortal Artifact, it will not be of much benefit to the foundation of the Emperor's Dynasty.

After all, it is just a middle-level True Immortal Artifact.

Although the middle-level True Immortal Artifact can raise the high-end combat power of the Unfallen Dynasty, it does not have much effect on the overall improvement of the Unfallen Dynasty.

Moreover, even if they own a middle-level True Immortal Artifact, it is not likely that someone can make the Immortal Creation Boat burst out with too much power.

The existence under the real fairyland, it is not an easy thing to urge the real fairy. If you are not careful, you may be sucked up by the real fairy.

With the power of the Immortal Heavenly Venerate may be sucked up by the True Immortal Tool, one can imagine the crisis contained in it.

For example, the reason why Taiyi Demon Venerable can mobilize the demon emperor Jun Xuying in the ancient map of Wan Yaomang is not because Qin Yi let the artifact of the ancient map of Wan Yaomang cooperate, plus the power of the system.

If the Taiyi Demon Venerable is only driven by his own strength, I am afraid that even if he injects all the strength of his entire body into the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, it will not help.

This is still the case with the ancient map of Wan Yaomang at the level of the Heavenly Venerate, not to mention the Immortal Boat of Creation at the level of the True Immortal.

Moreover, Qin Yi has no idea of ​​going to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm now.

There are countless strong people in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, and there are many powerful people. Even if the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, it is not the most top existence.

After all, in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, there are still Nine Heavens True Immortals, and even the powerhouses above the Nine Heavens True Immortals.

With Qin Yi's current strength, even if he brings Jumang Zuwu, Yimu Daozun and others, it is nothing in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

In this case, he would naturally not enter the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm rashly, so there is no need to rush to repair the Immortal Boat of Fortune.


Of course, there is another important reason, Qin Yi really doesn't have 100 billion killing points now.

To restore the Immortal Boat of Fortune, one must have 100 billion killing points. Qin Yi is now away from 100 billion killing points, and there are still tens of billions of killing points.

Tens of billions of killing points are not a small sum, and it will take a lot of effort to make up for this difference.

After all, the remnants of a true immortal such as the creation of a true immortal are hard to come by.

Of course, if Qin Yi conquered the entire world of creation, he would also gain 10 billion or 20 billion killing points, but there was still a gap of tens of billions of killing points.


Qin Yi can only temporarily give up the idea of ​​completing these two system tasks.

"Let's go!"

Qin Yi glanced at the empty stone table, and walked towards the door of creation first, followed by Taoist Yimu and the Immortal Master of Fortune.


After leaving the gate of good fortune, Qin Yi thought to communicate with the stone tablet of the initial refining, which is the control core of the gate of good fortune.

The next moment, the Gate of Creation burst into a dazzling splendor, then kept shrinking, and finally shrunk to the size of a slap, blending into Qin Yi's eyebrows.

After the gate of good fortune disappeared, this void also returned to a state of chaos and disorder. Previously, it was only because of the suppression of the gate of good fortune that this void could remain stable.

After doing this, Qin Yi took Daozun Yimu and the two to leave the void.

The biggest purpose of entering the Immortal Burial Domain has been achieved, and the next purpose of Qin Yi is to complete the secondary goal of this trip.

That is to control the entire world of good fortune and become the world master of the big world of good fortune, thereby breaking the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

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