Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4361: Variety

The Great Creation World is vast, dozens of times larger than the ordinary Great Thousand World, and I don't know how many creatures live in it.

For a long time, the great world of good fortune has been ruled by the fairy court of good fortune and many imperial courts.

This situation has been maintained for hundreds of epochs since the ancient war of thousands of races, and has not changed much.

Over the years, although there have been riots in the great world of good fortune, most of them have occurred between or within the imperial courts of various parties.

The Immortal Court of Fortune has always occupied the central area of ​​the Great Fortune World and steadily suppressed all the forces in the Great Fortune World.

Even the ancient ten thousand clans hidden in the dark did not dare to emerge easily.

Even, the ancient ten thousand races have the momentum of being forced out of the great world of good fortune.

But all of this came to an abrupt end a few months ago. In the great world of good fortune, there was a problem in the Dali Imperial Court first, and the Divine Soldier Clan was born within the scope of the Dali Imperial Court.

Then, the Shenbing Clan competed with the Dali Imperial Court and won two of the three battles. The Shenbing Clan also annexed the Dali Imperial Court and established the Shenbing Imperial Court.

At the same time, there was a riot in the fairy garden of good fortune. A great demon cholera, the fairy garden of good fortune, led countless powerful people of the fairy garden of good fortune into the magic way, making it impossible to suppress the turmoil caused by the **** soldiers.

Originally, at the beginning, the creatures in the great world were created, and they didn't care about the ** in the great world.

In their opinion, the strength of the Fortune-telling Immortal Court will soon suppress this turmoil. After all, the Fortune-telling Immortal Court has ruled the Great Fortune World for countless years, and its strength has already reached an unimaginable level.

The ** of the Divine Armament Emperor Court and the Great Demon is nothing but a scabby disease to the Good Fortune Immortal Court. As long as the Good Fortune Immortal Court is serious, the ** can be suppressed soon.

However, beyond everyone's expectations, Fortune Immortal Court missed.

First, Prince Xuanji led a group of powerhouses who created the Immortal Court to attack the great demon, but they were defeated and returned, losing a lot of powerhouses.

Then, the ancient ten thousand clans were born again, forcing the imperial courts of all parties to give in.

Then, that great demon actually led Marshal Jiu Xun into the magic way and controlled the entire Jiu Xun Corps, causing the movement of the Immortal Court Qi to sway.

The ancient tribes also took action one after another, supporting many forces to annex various imperial courts, and the Divine Armament Imperial Court took advantage of this opportunity to expand aggressively, quickly annexing several imperial courts and growing into a behemoth.

For a time, the immortal court of good fortune showed signs of shattering, and all the powerhouses in the great world of good fortune were in danger.

However, at this time, the Immortal Court of Fortune, which had been inexplicably avoided, finally took action, mobilizing many backgrounds, and besieging Marshal Jiu Xun and the Jiu Xun Army.

At the beginning, this battle was the absolute advantage of the good fortune immortal court. After all, the three-party town army such as the Dayin Army attacked and killed the Nine Sunda Army.

The Nine Sunda Corps had one against three, so naturally they were not opponents.

When the great demon behind the Nine Sunda Army made his move, the situation reversed again. Fortunately, the Immortal Master of Fortune appeared and stopped the great demon.

Immediately afterwards, the Immortal Master of Creation fought against this great demon.

This great demon of the cholera fortune immortal court first motivated many of the powerhouses of the good fortune fairy court to destroy the good fortune fairy court, weakening the luck of the good fortune fairy court.

Then, this great demon dragged the Immortal Master Fortune and fought with the Immortal Master Fortune, making it impossible for the Immortal Master Fortune to take action to suppress the various places in the Immortal Court of Fortune.

In addition, many powerhouses of the ancient ten thousand races have taken action one after another, causing the Immortal Court of Creation to fall into even greater chaos.

Under such circumstances, even a strong man with confidence in the creation of the Immortal Court couldn't help but be shaken.

However, what happened next once again surprised all the creatures who created the Immortal Court.

Immortal Master Fortune inexplicably stopped with the great demon, or the two reached a reconciliation, and the two parties directly joined hands to suppress the ** of Fortune Fairy Court together.

Unpredictable, the ancient tribes suffered heavy losses, especially the soul master and other half-step world masters, who were jointly suppressed by the **** of creation and the great demon.

The soul master and others were suppressed, and the next thing was simple.

Many powerhouses who created the Immortal Court took action to suppress the powerhouses of the ancient tribes.

For a time, the ancient powerhouses who have plagued the fairy garden for countless years were either suppressed or left the great world of good fortune.

Seeing such a situation, many forces supported by the ancient Wanzu once again expressed their surrender to the Immortal Court of Fortune.

As the Imperial Court of Divine Armament once again announced its submission to the Immortal Court of Fortune, the turmoil that lasted for several months and spread to the entire world of Fortune came to an end.

The speed is so fast that the countless creatures who have created the great world, as well as the other world masters who have been attracted, are a little surprised.

The Immortal Court of Creation is not as shattered as he thought, and the world's opinions of other worlds have no advantage, and only leave.

The Great Fortune World has also returned to its former tranquility. The Fortune Fairy Court is high above, and many other imperial courts are guarding the Fortune Fairy Court, and together they suppress the entire Great Fortune World.

However, compared with the previous Good Fortune Immortal Court, the current Good Fortune Immortal Court is even more powerful.

Because the great demon of the cholera Good Fortune Fairy Court has also joined Good Fortune Fairy Court to become the national teacher of Good Fortune Fairy Court, that is to say, the present Fortune Fairy Court has two existences at the level of world lords.

This is also the main reason why the world masters of other great worlds retreat.

Among the many world masters in the Immortal Burial Domain, the Immortal Master Creation is not weak, at least among the dozens of big worlds around, it is enough to rank in the forefront.

Now, coupled with a great demon who does not harm it, the great world of good fortune can be said to have become one of the top three great worlds among the dozens of great worlds around it.

The world masters of other worlds naturally do not dare to offend the Immortal Court of Creation easily.

And until this time, the creatures who created the great world did not know that the great demon who created the great world with cholera was named Taiyi Demon Venerable.

For the Taiyi Demon Venerable to become the national teacher of the fairy garden, many strong people of the fairy garden still have grudges and are quite dissatisfied.

After all, the Taiyi Demon Venerable had previously created the Immortal Court of Creation due to cholera, which caused a great disturbance and almost overturned the Immortal Court of Creation.

However, these gossips were directly suppressed under the strong suppression of the Immortal Master Fortune and Taiyi Demon Venerable, without causing too many waves.

But under the calm on the surface, I didn't know that a major event that was enough to shake the entire Great Fortune World, and even many surrounding great worlds, had secretly happened in the Immortal Fortune.

The position of the Lord of Fortune Immortal Court has changed. Qin Yi replaced the Lord of Fortune and Immortal Court as the new Lord of Fortune and Immortal Court.

However, about this matter, it has been kept secret, and others do not know.

Even among the many powerful people in the Immortal Court of Fortune, only a few people know about it, such as the Master Fortune, Taiyi Demon Venerable, and Prince Xuanji.

Other than that, no one knows.

In the outside world, the Immortal Lord of Creation is still the Lord of Immortal Creation, ruling the entire Great Creation World.

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