Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4480: Wrath of the Lord of Gods

"How is it possible that the four Celestial Venerable Artifacts are shot together, and two juniors who are not even quasi Celestial Venerable can't be captured?"

There was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the Great Silent Buddha, a trace of inconceivable.

It stands to reason that the four Heavenly Venerate Artifacts are shot together, and it should be an easy matter to capture the two juniors.

Even if Qin Yi sent a virtual immortal Tianzun to protect Qin Yaya and the two secretly, he could capture Qin Yaya and the two of them from his hands.

However, there is still an accident, how can this not make the Great Silent Buddha and other Xuxian Tianzun wonder.

"Did someone leak the news?"

The Five Elements Tianzun guessed.

"The Sword God King and others are all strong men under our command. It is impossible to spread the news out. The only possible problem is the people who are placed beside Qin Yaya."

The face of the God of Wandao is sinking like water, and the seal of Zhenxuan is damaged, which has a great impact on him and the God of Wandao.

After all, the Zhenxuan Seal is the treasure of luck of the Wandao Dynasty. Once the Zhenxuan Seal is damaged, the luck of the Wandao Dynasty will inevitably be affected.

At this time, Wan Dao Shen Dynasty regretted letting Zhen Xuan Yin go to Nanyun Great World.

At the beginning, when the plan to capture Qin Yaya and Qin Renjun was set, the Lord of Wandao did not intend to let Zhen Xuanyin go to the Nanyun Great World.

But Zhenxuanyin God took the initiative to ask Ying, wanting to avenge the last time he was defeated by Buluoshenchao.

God Lord Wandao didn't think too much at the time, so he agreed to Zhenxuanyin's request. In his view, the four Heavenly Venerate weapons were shot together, even if it was the Wuluoshen Dynasty powerhouse who suppressed Daozun Yimu at the beginning, it might not necessarily be the case. Neng He Zhen Xuan Yin and other four Heavenly Venerate Artifacts.

But he never thought that there was still an accident, and the Zhenxuanyin deity was actually damaged.

"What the **** happened?"

Divine Master Wandao frowned, and there was an inexplicable feeling of unease in his heart.


He hurriedly activated the secret method, hooked up with Zhen Xuanyin, and brought his own consciousness to Zhenxuanyin to see what happened.

But when his consciousness just came to Zhen Xuanyin, he saw a scene that shocked him.

Through the vision of Zhenxuanyin God, he saw a finger, a finger as white as jade.

This finger does not look much different from the fingers of ordinary creatures, but it falls into the eyes of the Lord of Ten Thousand Taos, but it is like a magic spear that pierces the heavens and the world.

It is like a finger dropped by the Supreme Divine King, and it penetrates the nine-day universe!

At the same time, the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths wanted to block this finger when he saw the Zhenxuanyin God and several other Heavenly Venerate Artifacts burning his own source.

However, the Myriad Dao God Lord came to this place with only a wisp of will, and could not help the Zhenxuanyin God and others.


Slowly pressing his fingers, the Lord of Ten Thousand Dao's heart was beating wildly.

At this moment, He seemed to have turned into a humble ant at the foot of Mount Tai, looking up at the fallen Mount Tai, without any way or resistance, he could only watch Mount Tai fall.


The next moment, the will of the Lord of Ten Thousand Taos exploded directly, causing another wave of fluctuations in the aura of the Lord of Ten Thousand Taos.

The same is true for the Five Elements Heavenly Venerate beside him.

Obviously, Wuxing Tianzun also used some kind of secret method to descend his own will on the World Wheel of Wuxingzhen to check the situation in the world of Nanyun.

However, Dajimie Buddha and others have no such means. After all, the Heavenly Venerate Artifact sent by Dajimie Buddha and others to Nanyun Great World is not a treasure of luck and luck of their own power, and they can't support Dajimie Buddha and others for the time being. consciousness comes.

"Fellow Daoist Wan, what happened in Nayun Great World?"

The Great Quiet Buddha immediately asked.

"Qin Yaya carried the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, and the ancient map of Wan Yaomang suddenly erupted, causing damage to the Zhenxuanyin and other Tianzun artifacts."

The Divine Master of Wandao looked extremely difficult to see. The Profound Seal of Zhen burns its origin, and its origin is bound to be damaged. It takes a lot of time and resources to restore it.

Moreover, it will have an unimaginable impact on the luck of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty.

"Wan Yaomang Ancient Map?"

Hearing the words of the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths, the great silence Buddha and others became even more puzzled.

As for the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, Dajixie Buddha and others naturally have a certain understanding. This is a Tianzun tool that Qin Yi has mastered.

Among them, there are some Dao rhymes left by the demon gods. If the ancient map of Wan Yaomang is activated, the Dao rhyme left by these demon gods can be awakened.

But that's all, the phantom of Wan Yaomang's ancient map Dao Rhyme, at most, is no more than the cultivation base of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, and it is on the same level as the Great Quiet Extinction Buddha and others.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to damage the Zhen Xuan Yin and other four Heavenly Venerate artifacts.

After all, it is only a Celestial Venerable Artifact. In the face of four Celestial Venerable Artifacts of the same level, it is impossible to gain the upper hand, but will fall into the disadvantage.

However, the Zhenxuanyin and other four Heavenly Venerable Artifacts were injured, which made the Buddha and others a little confused.

"In the ancient picture of Wan Yaomang, there is a Taoist rhyme left by the Nine Heavens True Immortal."

Divine Master Wandao said coldly.

Although the will of the Divine Master of Wandao fell on Zhen Xuanyin, it was shattered by the power of Donghuang Taiyi in less than ten million breaths.

However, the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths still perceives the essence of that finger, and also sees the existence of the phantom of Donghuang Taiyi, so naturally he can see the essence of Donghuang Taiyi.

"The rhyme left by the Nine Heavens True Immortal!"

Hearing the words, the pupils of Da Jixie Buddha and the others shrank, and a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

At this time, Dajixie Fozong and others finally understood why the Zhenxuanyin and other four Tianzun artifacts were injured and lost to Wan Yaomang Gutu.

If the Dao Yun of a Nine Heavens True Immortal is motivated, the avatar formed by condensing will inevitably reach the peak level of the virtual fairyland.

A clone with the peak combat power of the virtual fairyland, wanting to defeat the four Heavenly Venerate artifacts such as Zhen Xuanyin, that is a simple matter.

Even, it is reasonable to seriously injure the Zhen Xuan Yin and other four Heavenly Venerate artifacts.

After all, the four Heavenly Venerate artifacts such as Zhen Xuanyin are only mid-level Heavenly Venerate Artifacts. How can they block the existence of the pinnacle of Void Immortal Realm?

"not good!"

The expressions of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate such as Great Quiet Extinguishing Buddha changed greatly, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

If this is the case, doesn't that mean that the Heavenly Venerate Artifact they sent is likely to be suppressed by Wan Yaomang Gutu and fall into the hands of the Godless Dynasty.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Great Desolation Buddha and others.

This is a Heavenly Venerable Artifact, even for the Great Quiet Buddha and others, it is very precious. If you lose one, it will hurt your muscles and bones.

After all, it is not an easy task for the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate such as the Great Quiet Desolation Buddha to refine or obtain a Heavenly Venerate Artifact.

For example, the old-fashioned Tianzun in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, such as the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths, has been enlightened for more than a hundred epochs, but he also has at most two Tianzun artifacts in his hands.

Even among the Myriad Dao Shen Dynasty and others, there are two Immortal Heavenly Venerates who only have one Heavenly Venerable Artifact.

Otherwise, there would not be only four Heavenly Venerate Artifacts that went to the Nanyun Great World to rob Qin Yaya and the two of them.

It is conceivable how scarce the Heavenly Venerate Artifact is in the five realms.

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