Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4481: suffocated

A piece of Heavenly Venerate Artifact, if it is fully recovered, it can erupt with power comparable to that of the Immortal Heavenly Venerate of the same realm, which is enough to sweep everything.

At the same time, it is also the extension of the Great Dao of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate who refines this Heavenly Venerate Artifact.

Only the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate can refine the Heavenly Venerate Artifact, and the immortal materials for refining the Heavenly Venerate Artifact are extremely precious and extremely rare in the five realms.

Therefore, the number of Heavenly Venerate Artifacts in the five realms is not large.

Don't look at Qin Yi's many powerful celestial weapons, such as Wan Yaomang ancient map, Tianyuan evil sword, Zhentianzhu, and others, think that celestial weapons are very common in the five realms.

In fact, many Void Immortal Heavenly Venerates do not even have a Heavenly Venerate Artifact in their hands.

For example, God Master Wandao, who holds two Celestial Venerable Artifacts, has only two Celestial Venerable Artifacts because of the accumulation of time.

But even an old-fashioned Heavenly Venerate like the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths, losing a Heavenly Venerate Artifact is an unacceptable thing.

"Don't worry, everyone, Zhenxuanyin and other Heavenly Venerate artifacts have already burned their own source, bursting out their peak power, and they can escape if they want."

The Five Elements Heavenly Venerate, who had been silent for a while, spoke at this time.

His expression is not good-looking. The World Wheel of Five Elements Town is also a treasure of the Five Elements Immortal Sect. Once damaged, it will affect the luck of the Five Elements Immortal Sect.


Divine Master Wandao nodded, urging the secret technique again, and realizing the situation of Zhen Xuanyin.

At this moment, although the origin of Zhenxuanyin has been damaged again, Zhenxuanyin and many other Heavenly Venerate artifacts have escaped from the Nanyun Great World and have not been suppressed by the ancient map of Wan Yaomang.

"That is not bad."

The Great Quiet Extinction Buddha and other Immortal Heavenly Venerates breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the Heavenly Venerate Artifact can be kept, even if it is slightly damaged, it is not a big deal. For the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, they have time to repair the Heavenly Venerate Tool.

But the faces of the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and the Five Elements Tianzun were obviously even worse, because Zhen Xuanyin and Wuxing Zhen Shilun were both treasures of luck.

If they want to repair Zhen Xuan Yin and Wu Xing Zhen World Wheel, they have to pay significantly more.

However, the Divine Master of Wandao can only comfort themselves, and Zhen Xuanyin and Wuxing Zhen Shilun have not been gained by the godless dynasty.

If the two treasures of luck fall into the hands of the Buluoshen Dynasty and are broken by the Buluoshen Dynasty, I am afraid that the Myriad Daoshen Dynasty and the Five Elements Immortal Sect will collapse directly.

However, the luck in the mind of the Lord of the Ways did not last long.


Suddenly, the aura of the Divine Master of Wandao fluctuated again, and this time the aura of the Divine Master of Wandao fluctuated even more violently.

As a result, the entire large formation produced a more violent vibration, and it almost collapsed directly.

However, fortunately, the Great Desolation Buddha and others noticed the change in the aura of the Divine Master of Wandao, and immediately took action to maintain the great formation, which prevented the great formation from being broken.

"Fellow Daoist Wan, what happened again?"

The Great Desolation Buddha immediately opened his mouth and asked the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths.

At this time, the Great Desolation Buddha and others also received news from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda, and also knew that the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda and other heavenly venerable objects had fled the eastern border and returned to their respective forces.

It stands to reason that nothing should happen, so what is the situation of the Lord of Wandao?

"Cai Yulei made a sneak attack on Zhenxuanyin, making Zhenxuanyin's gods have to burn their own source again!"

Divine Master Wandao's eyes were red, and he squeezed these words out of his teeth, revealing a strong killing intent.

At this time, He could not wait to immediately descend to the Eastern Frontier and kill Cai Yulei on the spot, so that he could vent his grievances.

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