Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4483: army marching

"I don't know how fellow Daoist Kunlong and others think?"

Hearing the replies from the Buddha and others, the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths was overjoyed, and looked at the Heavenly Venerate Kunlong and the other Heavenly Venerate Burial Immortals.


Kunlong Tianzun was silent for a while, as if he was communicating with other Immortal Burial Domain Tianzun with his spiritual sense, and finally agreed.

For Kunlong Tianzun and other Buried Immortal Realm Tianzun, if it wasn't for Jiutian Zhenxian such as Dari Zhenxian, they would not necessarily be able to deal with them.

Although they also got a lot of benefits because of this, they stepped into the Godless Dynasty in advance, and took the opportunity to survive the thunder tribulation of the Great Dao.

But if you can complete the tasks of the Nine Heavens, such as the Great Sun, and occupy part of the territory of the Godless Dynasty, and get the blessing of luck from the Eastern Frontier, Kunlong Tianzun and others will not refuse.

"Okay, then we'll come to discuss the matter of dealing with the undead dynasty."

Hearing this, the smile on the face of the Divine Master of Wandao became even stronger.

He doesn't believe that the powers of the six gods and gods, such as the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty and the Great Quiet Extinction Buddhist Sect, together with the eleven immortal gods, can't destroy the gods?

Qin Yi, wait, I will definitely make you pay a painful price.

The next thing is that the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and others will discuss together how to deal with the matter of not falling.

Of course, it is mostly led by the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and others, mobilizing the strong men and the army under his own command, and making plans to deal with the unfazed Chaos.

Beings such as Kunlong Tianzun come from the Immortal Burial Realm and have no power in the five realms, so naturally there is nothing to prepare for.

Even if there are forces supported by the Nine Heavens True Immortals such as the Great Sun True Immortal, under the current circumstances, the existence of Kunlong Tianzun and others will not be exposed.

After all, although the Nine Heavens True Immortals such as the Great Day True Immortal cooperate with the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, in terms of their position, the Nine Heaven True Immortals such as the Great Sun True Immortal are naturally opposed to the Myriad Dao God Lord.

The Nine Heavens True Immortals and other Nine Heavenly True Immortals will definitely invade the five realms in the future, and will inevitably occupy the territory of the five realm forces.

The existence of the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths is the Heavenly Venerate of the five realms, and his position is naturally opposed to the Nine Heavens True Immortals such as the Great Sun True Immortal.

Kunlong Tianzun and other Tianzuns are disciples of Jiutian Zhenxian such as Dairi Zhenxian, and they are in the same position as Dari Zhenxian and other Jiutian Zhenxian.

Therefore, for the forces under his control, Kunlong Tianzun and other Burial Immortal Realm Tianzun also hide.

Of course, it's not just Kunlong Tianzun and other Buried Immortal Realm Tianzun who have hidden things, but even the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and others.

Soon, Divine Master Wandao and others made arrangements.

The so-called preparation of the Lord of the Ways and others is actually very simple, that is, to mobilize the most elite forces under his own body, and march toward the state of not falling.

In fact, it is not a good thing for the Gods of the Gods to make a move now, and it is easy for the Gods of the Wandaos to fall into chaos.

After all, the Zhenxuan Seal was damaged, and the luck of the Wandao Dynasty fell to the bottom, causing the entire Wandao Dynasty to become turbulent.

If the elite power of the Wandao Dynasty is withdrawn at this time, it is very likely that the Wandao Dynasty will fall into instability.

However, at this time, the Divine Master of Wandao can no longer manage so much, and he has no heart to think about it because he is stunned by anger.

Even if the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty collapses, it may not be able to prevent the Wan Dao Divine Master from taking action against the Buluoshen Dynasty.

At this moment, the Divine Master of Wandao has been blinded by hatred. In the final analysis, the Divine Master of Wandao has suffered too much in the hands of Qin Yi.

From the time when the Great Dao Fengzhen was still in existence, the God Lord of Wandao regarded Qin Yi as the successor of the Seven Prison Gates, and since he took action against him, the God of Wandao did not gain any advantage in Qin Yi's hands, and even paid a small price.

Before the closure of the Great Dao and the town disappeared, the Wandaoshen Dynasty sent a large army to attack the Buluoshen Dynasty twice, but both times they were defeated by the Buluoshen Dynasty and lost a lot of manpower.

Not to mention, this time the Zhen Xuan seal was damaged, which damaged the luck of the gods and gods, and it would take at least a dozen epochs to recover.

With such a great hatred, how could the Divine Master of Wandao not be angry?

Therefore, He didn't care about the current situation of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty at all, and insisted on taking action against Fu Shen Dynasty.

The Great Desolation Buddha and several other immortals are naturally aware of this, but they deliberately did not mention it.

The decline of the Wandaoshen Dynasty will do them no harm, only good.

Wan Dao Shen Dynasty is weak, and after defeating Buluo Shen Dynasty, they may gain more benefits.

Even after dealing with the God Dynasty, they may not be able to join forces to deal with the God Dynasty.

In such an atmosphere, the Lord of Wandao and the others once again embarked on the road to deal with the dynasty.

Eastern border.

As the inheritance of the powerhouses in the ancient times was acquired by one after another, the arrogant and evil spirits, the eastern border slowly returned to peace.

Although there were small-scale collisions of forces and strong rivalries, there was no major event that affected the entire Eastern Frontier.

Just when the powerhouses thought that this kind of calm would last for tens of millions of years, or even several epochs.


Originally stationed in the western border of the Eastern Border Territory, the army from Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces suddenly moved.

These armies had been stationed here long before the closure of the Eastern Boundary Avenue and the disappearance of the town.

After the closure of the Eastern Boundary Avenue and the disappearance of the town, due to various considerations, the Wandaoshen Dynasty and other forces did not evacuate these troops.

And at this moment, these armies were dispatched again.


A warship smashed through the chaos and crossed the void.

One, two, three... a full six hundred ancient warships as huge as the mainland made a sensation.

Lined up, like a terrifying cloud overwhelms them.

All the powerhouses who saw this scene couldn't help but change their color, even the powerhouses at the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm were no exception.

Six hundred warships whose power is at least comparable to the giants of the seventh realm, if they collide directly, I am afraid that even the Great Thousand Worlds can collide with each other!


"Wandao Shen Dynasty and other forces, what do you want to do?"

"Where is this direction?!"

A strong man avoided far away, stood in the void, looked at the battleship group that covered the chaos, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because judging from the direction in which the battleship group is advancing, its destination is not to return to their respective forces, but to go toward the direction of not falling.

"Wandao God Dynasty and other forces, is this going to start a war with the Unfallen God Dynasty?"

Many strong people looked horrified.

If the Wan Dao God Dynasty and other forces start a war with the Buluo God Dynasty, it will probably be a war that affects the entire Eastern Frontier.

The alliance of the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other forces is composed of the first-level forces of the Six Heavenly Divine Dynasty, and the power background is extremely terrifying.

The Buluoshen Dynasty is equally powerful. Over the past few hundred years, many powerhouses have learned about the strength of the Buluoshen Dynasty. This is a colossal and tyrannical material that is even more tyrannical than the ordinary first-level forces of the God Dynasty. .

Have a number of virtual immortals in charge!

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