Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4484: reaction

Whether it is from the power background or the number of Heavenly Venerates, the Unfallen God Dynasty surpasses the first-level forces of the ordinary Heavenly God Dynasty.

It can even be said to be crushed.

Whether it is Cai Yulei or Wen Zhong, they are actually immortal gods who do not fall into the gods.

In addition, Qin Yi, the master of the Godless Dynasty, the mysterious Heavenly Venerate who is hidden under the Everfallen Dynasty, and the Desolate Heavenly Venerate who dominates the Eastern Border League.

There are a full five of the Immortal Heavenly Venerates known to outsiders.

Among them, Qin Yi once showed a combat power comparable to that of Tianzun in the middle of the virtual fairyland. Cai Yulei and Wen Zhongzheng Dao Xunxian Tianzun not long ago, although the strength is not comparable to the old Tianzun, but in the end they are the virtual immortal Tianzun.

And the mysterious Heavenly Venerate who was hidden behind the Unfallen Dynasty was the veteran Heavenly Venerate who once suppressed Yimu Heavenly Venerate, a middle-stage imaginary fairyland.

The tyrannical strength shocked the forces of all parties in the five realms, guessing that its strength is probably the late Tianzun of the virtual fairyland.

In the late stage of the virtual fairyland, Tianzun is the existence second only to the peak of the virtual fairyland.

Looking at the entire five realms, except for a few Void Immortal Realm peak Tianzun, that is the most tyrannical existence.

That is to say, even if the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and other six middle-stage Heavenly Venerates join forces, they may not be able to defeat this mysterious Heavenly Venerate.

Although it is possible to suppress this mysterious Tianzun, it may not be able to defeat this mysterious Tianzun.

However, there are other Heavenly Venerates in existence.

In this case, the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces are definitely not opponents who will not fall into the Shen Dynasty.

At this time, no matter how you look at it, Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces should not take action against Buluo Shen Dynasty.

"Could it be that the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and other Celestial Venerables have attracted a certain late-stage Celestial Venerable of the Immortal Realm, and together they will take action against the Fallen Dynasty?"

Some strong people guessed.

In the five realms, although there are not many Tianzun in the later stage of the virtual fairyland, it is not without.

If there is a late-stage celestial celestial being in the virtual fairyland, joining forces with celestial venerables such as the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths, it may not be impossible to defeat the Godless Dynasty.

Of course, no matter what the plans of the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, if the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces dare to take action against the Buluoshen Dynasty, there must be a way to deal with the mysterious Heavenly Venerate behind the Buluoshen Dynasty.

"War so soon?"

Not long after they escaped from Qingyun Great World, the powerhouses from other realms had their scalps numb.

Although it was as early as in Qingyun Great World, when they saw the Sword God King and others attacking Qin Yaya and the others, all the powerhouses knew that the Godless Dynasty would soon start a war with the Wandaoshen Dynasty and other forces.

But they never thought that this battle would come so quickly.

It was only a few hours after the end of the Nayun Great World, and the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces directly dispatched the army and marched towards the Buluo Shen Dynasty.


Countless powerhouses who received the news immediately evacuated to the frontier.

Even, there are strong people who directly push the Daqian world where they are, and leave the frontier land that does not fall into the gods.

Once the Godless Dynasty and the Wandao Dynasty and other forces go to war, it is likely to affect many worlds in the frontier land of the Godless Dynasty.

In order to avoid this from happening, these powerhouses also pushed the world where they were, away from the place where a war might break out.

For a time, with the direction of the battleship group as the center, the entire area was empty.


In the same way, Buluo Shen Dynasty also received the news of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, the news of the arrival of the army.

A warship that does not fall into the sky rises into the sky, and it seems to form some kind of great formation in front of the direction of the forces of the Ten Thousand Daoshen Dynasty and other forces.

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