Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4485: go to war


A battleship that does not fall quietly suspended in the chaos, arranged in accordance with a certain formation, and the lines of the gods spread along with it, interweaving in the void, forming a huge formation.

This formation is called Bagua Qiankun Great Formation, which was created by Qingxu Daode Tianzun, and it is a middle-level Tianzun-level formation.

With the ability of these thousand ships that do not fall, once they are fully erupted, they will be able to erupt with a combat power comparable to the first entry into the virtual fairyland.

Of course, if the number of warships that do not fall is a thousand times more, perhaps the most peak power of the Eight Diagrams Heaven and Earth Array will be able to erupt, comparable to the power of Heavenly Venerate in the middle of the virtual fairyland.

Although it is not as good as the real Heavenly Venerate in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, it is still enough to defeat the early stage Heavenly Venerate of the virtual fairyland.

Generally speaking, it is extremely difficult to arrange a large array of Heavenly Venerates such as the Eight Diagrams Qiankun Great Array, which not only requires a lot of immortal materials, but also requires a lot of time to arrange.

But this gossip universe has already been set up. Obviously, before the departure of the army of the Wandaoshen Dynasty and other forces, the party that did not fall into the gods has already set up this big formation.

In fact, long before Qin Yaya and the two went to the Nanyun Great World, Qin Yi had already ordered the arrangement of the gossip formation.

Not only this great array of gossip universes, but the many masters of the formation of the Godless Dynasty, under the leadership of Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liang and other formation masters, have arranged a grand formation of the Heavenly Venerate in the four frontiers of the Godless Dynasty.

No matter which side the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces attack from, the side that does not fall into the Shen Dynasty can deal with it calmly.


The gossip universe was running, and an unimaginable power instantly swept the Quartet, shaking the chaotic universe and shaking the avenues of the heavens.

Straight like an ancient **** rising up, overlooking the common people.

The terrifying aura swept through the chaos of hundreds of millions of miles around, and any creature who felt this aura couldn't help trembling and fell to the ground.

Even, directly into an unconscious coma.

Under the power of the first-level Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, all the creatures under the Heavenly Venerate are like ants, without any resistance.

Of course, this does not include the army of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces.


In the army of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, an ancient and vast aura suddenly erupted, sheltering the entire army.

This breath is far beyond the quasi-celestial realm, and it is also the power of the first level of the virtual immortal.

At the same time, you can see the phantom of a bronze furnace cauldron appearing on the top of the army, resisting the power of the army of the Godless Dynasty.

This is the Jiuhun Sun and Moon Furnace, a half-heaven reverence of Jiuhun Taoism.

The so-called Bantian Venerable Artifact, that is, the Emperor Artifact that failed to be promoted to the Celestial Venerable Artifact, its power far exceeds the ordinary quasi-celestial Venerable Artifact, but it is inferior to the Celestial Venerable Artifact, with a trace of the power of the Celestial Venerable Artifact.

If you look at the realm of the Immortal Burial Realm, the Bantian Venerable Artifact is the Emperor-level Emperor Artifact, which has the power comparable to the Emperor-level power.

The Jiuhun Sun and Moon Furnace was the product of the failure of Jiuhun Daozun to refine the Heavenly Venerate Artifact.

Although the power of the Jiuhun Sun and Moon Furnace is not comparable to that of the real Heavenly Venerate Artifact, it is enough to protect the powerhouses of the Myriad Dao Dynasty and other forces.

After all, the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate who did not fall into the gods did not make a move, and the mighty power that the Unfallen Dynasty army burst out with the gossip universe, although theoretically the strongest might be comparable to the Heavenly Venerate who first entered the virtual fairyland, but after all Not the real Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

With the power of Jiuhun Sun and Moon Furnace, it can barely compete.

With the gathering of the powerhouses of the Great Siltout Buddhist Sect and other forces, the coalition forces of the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces also grew up.

These armies form many great formations, and it will naturally become easier to join forces to fight against the aura of the army of the Godless Dynasty.

In the same way, the coalition forces of the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces are slowly approaching the Buluoshen Dynasty, until they are outside the area of ​​100,000 miles in front of the Buluoshen Dynasty army.


The tyrannical breath of the two armies collided, and the terrifying aftermath swept across the sky, rolling up a chaotic storm that swarmed in all directions.

A powerhouse that does not fall into the gods, the powerhouses of the Wandaoshen dynasty and other forces stand on the decks of their respective warships, staring coldly at the enemy in front of them.

"Wandao Divine Dynasty, Great Quiet Extinction Buddhism, Jiuhun Taoism..."

Sun Wukong stood on the bow of a warship, his eyes bursting with fiery fighting intent.

There are so many powerhouses, enough to make him a hearty battle!

I just don't know how many people can be his enemies of unity?

Not only Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, Bai Qi, Hei Xiong Jing and other powerhouses who are not in the dark, also have the same fighting spirit. They have no fear of the upcoming war, only a strong fighting spirit.


A strong man from the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other forces stepped out of the warship, unscrupulously exuding the breath of his body, showing his own strength, and at the same time inviting a strong man who will not fall into the gods.

"Come to fight!"

Sun Wukong couldn't help it at first, holding a golden hoop stick in his hand, one stick up to the sky, lining up hundreds of millions of hectares of chaotic essence, shrouded in the five quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses.

He is going to fight against five quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses with one enemy and five.


"How brave!"

"Monkey Monkey, don't be mad!"

The five quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses suddenly burst into anger and were furious.

As a peak powerhouse of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm, who is not the most powerful person in the middle of their respective powers, and who is in charge of many authorities, is also a proud and arrogant person.

How can you tolerate others' humiliation?

Sun Wukong's move, in the eyes of the quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses, isn't it just humiliating them?

Although several quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses also know Sun Wukong's strength, they once rivaled three quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses, but there are five of them.

Sun Wukong still wants to use one against five, which is completely contempt for the five of them.


The five quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses shot out brazenly, bursting out their most powerful power, vowing to kill Sun Wukong.

The five torrents of power overwhelmed the chaos and penetrated the sun and the moon. However, Sun Wukong was not afraid, and hit the five quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses with one stick, suppressing the five quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses.

Sun Wukong has already broken the shackles of the peak of the quasi-celestial realm, and his combat power far exceeds that of the peak of the quasi-celestial realm.


Then, a strong man who did not fall into the gods took action and fought against the powerhouses of the Wandao gods and other forces.

The powerhouses who did not fall into the dynasty were extremely brave, and most of them fought against several powerhouses of the same realm at the same time, which stabilized the situation.

After all, the alliance of the Ten Thousand Gods Dynasty and other forces is composed of the first-level forces of the Six Heavens and Gods Dynasty, and there are many strong ones.

If the Buluoshen Dynasty wanted to use its own strength to fight against the first-level forces of the Six-Party God Dynasty, such as the Wandao God Dynasty, it had to do this.

But fortunately, Sun Wukong and other strongmen who are not in the dark are powerful and powerful, far exceeding those of the same realm.

Therefore, neither fall nor fall into disadvantage.

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