Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4520: Dian Cang Taoist


The divine splendor of the Time Sword of Time is falling, rippling like water waves, as if the fluctuations from the long river of time, shaking the void of the universe.

But when it fell on Chu Chunqiu, his hair exploded, and an unbelievable sense of crisis suddenly filled his mind.

When this sword falls, he will surely die!

"No, no, I just became the true disciple of Samsara Sword Sect, and I haven't had time to practice many secret methods, and I haven't been able to break through to a higher realm and become the supreme headmaster of Samsara Sword Sect.

How can I die, how can I die here? "

Chu Chunqiu roared unwillingly, frantically mobilizing his own source power, bursting out with astonishing sword intent, trying to break through the great formation of protecting the sect.

Under the pressure of the Aoki Sect Protector Array, Chu Chunqiu even completed his own breakthrough, breaking the shackles of his own body, and his strength climbed to the peak of the eighth realm.

It's a pity that even if Chu Chunqiu broke the shackles of his own body and made his own strength soar, he would not be able to break through the great formation of the Cyanwood Sect.

The gap in strength cannot be made up by a small breakthrough.


At this moment, the sword of time and time trembled slightly, falling down the fluctuations of the years, shrouding Chu Chunqiu, and in an instant Chu Chunqiu fell into a state of ignorance.

The shoulders could not be moved, the hands could not be lifted, the consciousness stopped turning, and the whole person was like a sculpture stagnating in the void.

Although this 'Years and Time Sword' is only one-hundred-millionth of the power of the real Years and Time Sword, it still possesses the incomparable power of ordinary imperial weapons, and it also possesses the essence of the Years and Time Sword.

When the breath falls, it can stagnate the time of thousands of miles of void.

For the real Emperor of the Eighth Realm, it may not have much impact, as long as he is willing, he can break the suppression of the "Sword of Time and Time".

Chu Chunqiu couldn't do this, although he broke the shackles of his own body, coupled with the road of burning his own body, he successfully stepped into the level of the eighth realm.

But in essence, Chu Chunqiu was only an emperor of the seventh realm. Neither the cultivation realm nor the soul essence had truly reached the eighth realm, so naturally he could not resist the influence of the 'Sword of Time and Time'.

After all, the power of the 'Sword of Time and Time' is more aimed at Chu Chunqiu's soul essence.

With the soul essence of the seventh realm of Chu Chunqiu, it is natural to be unable to break free from the influence of the 'Sword of Time and Time'.


When the 'Years and Time Sword' moved, it fell down instantly and slashed towards Chu Chunqiu.

If this sword fell, Chu Chunqiu would definitely die, but Chu Chunqiu fell into a coma and lost all awareness of the outside world, so naturally he could not resist this sword.


At this moment, a faint sigh sounded, and countless chaotic essences gathered together, turned into a big hand that covered the sky, penetrated the void, and penetrated into the great formation of protecting the sect of the Aoki Sect.

Then, the big hand squeezed towards the 'Years and Time Sword', wanting to crush the 'Years and Time Sword' directly.

"This is the overlord of the heavens in the ninth realm!"

Seeing this big hand that penetrated the void and easily penetrated into the guardian formation, Song Wanli and the two suddenly realized that the owner of this big hand was an overlord of the heavens above the ninth realm.

Only the overlords of the heavens above the ninth realm can ignore the great formation of protecting the sect of the Aoki sect.

You must know that this is a high-level imperial formation built by the people sent by Prime Minister Zhuge.

So, why did this overlord of the heavens intervene in this battle?

What is the relationship with Chu Chunqiu?

Song Wanli and the two suddenly became nervous, and they wanted to urge the "Sword of Time and Time", but under the suppression of this big hand, it had no effect, and the "Sword of Time and Time" couldn't move at all.

As before, Chu Chunqiu, who was suppressed under the 'Sword of Time and Time'.


At this moment, Chu Chunqiu also woke up from the chaotic state, felt the breath in the void, and immediately showed a smile.

The owner of this big hand is his master in the Sword Sect of Samsara, Daoist Diancang.

"After this time, the grievances between you and the Aoki Sect will be wiped out, and you are not allowed to think about shooting against the Aoki Sect!"

A faint voice sounded in Chu Chunqiu's mind.

"Yes, Master."

Although Chu Chunqiu was unwilling in his heart, he had no choice but to agree.

He knew very well that if Daoist Dian Cang hadn't made his move, he would probably have perished. Daoist Dian Cang was his master, and it was impossible not to obey Daoist Dian Cang's orders.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, the Aoki Sect has completely surrendered to the Buluoshen Dynasty, and the Buluoshen Dynasty also attaches great importance to the Aoki Sect.

If the Aoki Sect is destroyed, it is likely to be offended and not fall into the gods.

Under such circumstances, Chu Chunqiu naturally would not be too entangled in whether or not to destroy the Cyanwood Sect.

If he can become the supreme leader of the Sword Sect of Samsara, and if he destroys the Aoki Sect, it will not have much impact. shot.

It is a pity that he is only a true disciple of Samsara Sword Sect.

In terms of status, it is far inferior to the Supreme Headmaster of Samsara Sword Sect.

Therefore, he could only agree to Daoist Cang's request.


The big hand that covers the sky tore the void and grabbed it towards the 'Sword of Time and Time', and the powerful force firmly suppressed the 'Sword of Time and Time'.

If the big hand is firm, the 'Sword of Time and Time' will probably shatter in an instant.


Seeing that the 'Years and Time Sword' was about to be crushed, there was another wave of fluctuations in the void.

The void shattered, and another big hand protruded from the depths of the void, and then, directly crushed the big hand that covered the sky condensed by Daoist Diancang.


Daoist Diancang's voice contained a hint of uncertainty.

Although his move just now did not use all of his own strength, it was not comparable to an ordinary ninth-level emperor.

If you want to get rid of his move just now, at least a ninth realm peak emperor must make a move.

"Those who take action against the forces under my Faithful Dynasty, who intend to destroy the forces under my Faithful Dynasty, should be punished!"

However, the person who shot did not mean to show up, only indifferent words, floating in the void.

"Then try it, Your Excellency!"

Daoist Dian Cang's voice was low, revealing a deep sense of dissatisfaction.

In his opinion, this strong man hiding in the dark clearly looked down on him, and he wanted to kill him as soon as he opened his mouth.


However, as soon as Daoist Cang's voice fell, an extreme edge suddenly pierced through the void, pointing directly at the dimension of the void hidden by Daoist Cang.

"not good!"

Daoist Dian Cang's heart exploded, and when he looked back, he saw a little cold light piercing the chaos, penetrating layers of void dimensions, and stabbing towards his eyebrows.

If this move falls, he will surely die.

In an instant, Daoist Diancang had a bright realization in his heart.


Daoist Diancang hurriedly activated his own source power and wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

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