Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4521: Zhao Yun appeared


A little cold light pierces the void universe, wrapping up the extreme edge of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, as if to tear apart all the heavens and the world.

If you look carefully, you can see that the owner of Hanmang is a silver spear.

The spear body is entwined with silver dragons, bursting with dazzling splendor, as if it is formed by the mysteries of countless avenues and the laws of heaven and earth.

The tip of the spear swallowed and spit out an unimaginable extreme sharpness. If it fell, it would probably pierce through countless thousands of worlds directly.

"This general Zhao, who is not in the gods, is really terrifying. I'm afraid this is not just the overlord of the ninth realm."

Song Wanli felt the edge that filled the entire Protector Array and couldn't help but say.

You must know that it is not that he has never seen the overlords of the heavens in the ninth realm. After surrendering to the Godless Dynasty, he has also seen several elders of the Eastern Border League.

These elders are all overlords of the ninth realm, but the sense of oppression they bring him is far less than one ten millionth of the sense of oppression that General Zhao brought him.

A wisp of spear fell, making him fall into the cold abyss of Nine Netherworlds.

Obviously, this General Zhao's cultivation base far exceeds that of the Overlord of the Ninth Realm.

Perhaps, he has already set foot in the quasi-tianzun realm!

"The current strength of the Godless Dynasty is too terrifying."

Song Wanli couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Other forces may not understand the current strength of the Buluoshen Dynasty, but as a force under the Buluoshen Dynasty, how could Song Wanli not understand?

Although he only knew a little about the true strength of the Buluoshen Dynasty, but only a glimpse of the scale and half of the claws made him terrified.

In his eyes, even the ancient holy places like Jiuhun Taoism are not as good as the in case of not falling into the gods.

Not to mention other things, just what he learned, the Prime Minister Zhuge who did not fall into the dynasty, has already broken through the quasi-celestial realm.

In addition to Prime Minister Zhuge and this General Zhao, there are many strong people who have broken through the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm, or even a higher realm.

According to Song Wanli's speculation, with the current strength of the Godless Dynasty, he could have swept the Eastern Frontier and brought all the Eastern Frontier under his control.

But Buluoshenchao did not do this, but continued to subdue the forces in the Eastern Frontier with an extremely slow method.

For example, the Qingmu Sect chose to submit to the Eastern Frontier forces that did not fall into the gods, and there were not a few.

Moreover, this time, these Eastern Frontier forces are no longer only nominally submissive to the Buluoshen Dynasty, but truly surrendered to the Buluoshen Dynasty.

As the strength of the Buluoshen Dynasty grew, the Buluoshen Dynasty no longer allowed other forces to surrender in name only.


Just as Song Wanli's thoughts were turning, the silver spear had already penetrated the void and came not far in front of Daoist Dian Cang, only a few void dimensions were left from Daoist Dian Cang.

"Quasi Tianzun Powerhouse!"

Song Wanli can make a judgment, and Daoist Dian Cang can naturally see that the strong man behind this silver spear is a quasi-tianzun strong man.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary quasi-tianzun powerhouse, it must be a strong person in the quasi-tianzun realm!


Daoist Diancang reacted quickly, and there was only one thought left in his heart. He was extremely decisive to burn his own body, the road to Heavenly Venerate, and exploded with more tyrannical power. He wanted to tear open the void and leave directly.

However, beyond his expectations, even if he burns his own path to Heavenly Venerate, he cannot shake the void blocked by the silver spear.

"Do not!"

Daoist Diancang's eyes were full of fear, and he hurriedly shouted:

"You are the top of the quasi-tianzun realm..."

However, before his words were finished, they stopped abruptly, because the silver spear had already fallen, directly piercing his body.

The extreme edge, instantly wiped out the vitality of Daoist Cang.


Then, a man dressed in bright silver armor stepped out of the void, with unimaginable majesty in his eyes.

The silver-armored man grabbed the silver spear, shook it lightly, and touched Daoist Cang's entire body, which immediately shattered together with his soul.

Like sand flying in the wind, the whole thing turned into gravel.

The big hand covering the sky in the void also collapsed.


At this time, Chu Chunqiu also noticed that something was wrong, his expression suddenly changed, and he wanted to leave.

Unfortunately, it's too late.


Song Wanli steered the 'Sword of Time and Time' to freeze the void where Chu Chunqiu was, and then a ray of sword light fell, killing Chu Chunqiu directly.

This time, no strong man took action to rescue Chu Chunqiu.

Maybe there are strong people hiding in the dark, but seeing the tragic situation of Daoist Cang Dian, he can only retreat, otherwise, he can only follow in the footsteps of Daoist Dian Cang.

"Qingmu Sect Song Wanli, Lin Xiao, have met General Zhao."

After doing this, Song Wanli and Lin Xiao strode into the void, came to the silver armor man, bowed and bowed, no more disrespect.

For this general Zhao, who was not in the dark, they did not dare to offend him in the slightest.

This one is not low in the military headquarters of the Buluoshen Dynasty. He is known as the white-robed general, and even the Buluoshen Lord will affectionately call him General Zilong.


This silver-armored man is Zhao Yun. After a thousand years, Zhao Yun has already broken through the quasi-celestial realm, and his cultivation is far more than the quasi-celestial realm.

But it has already broken the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, and is expected to prove the Taoist immortal Tianzun.

For thousands of years, with the support of a large number of cultivation resources from the Godless Dynasty, as well as the blessings of many inheritance and space-time cultivation pavilions, Zhao Yunxiu has made rapid progress, directly breaking the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

If it weren't for the purpose of hiding the current strength of the God Dynasty, I am afraid that Zhao Yun would have knocked on the door of Tianzun, proving the way of the immortal Tianzun.

Thousands of years have passed, and the background of the Unfallen Dynasty has soared thousands of times.

Such as Zhao Yun, who have already broken the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, there are no less than ten.

The reason why Zhao Yun and the others did not break through the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate was because the Dao they practiced was occupied by others, and some was because they did not knock on the door of Heavenly Venerate in order to avoid the exposure of their strength.

You must know that before, there have been strong people proving the Dao and the Immortal Heavenly Venerate one after another in the Buluoshen Dynasty, which has attracted the attention of other forces in the five realms.

If there is no more powerful person in the Godless Dynasty, it is likely to attract forces from other realms to deal with the Godless Dynasty.

Not only to suppress the Godless Dynasty, but also to seize the opportunities that may exist within the Godless Dynasty.

So many powerhouses suddenly appeared in the Buluoshen Dynasty, and there were successive Void Immortals proving the Way. How to prevent other forces from being suspicious?

In fact, many forces in the five major realms have long been eyeing the Unfallen Dynasty. If they were not afraid of the strength of the Unfallen Dynasty, they would have shot at the Unfallen Dynasty.

At this time, if there is another Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate born in the Godless Dynasty, I am afraid it will touch the sensitive nerves of many forces, and it is not impossible to directly take action against the Godless Dynasty.

Even, the scale of this shot is bound to be several times larger than that of the Ten Thousand Dao Dynasty and other forces.

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