Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4527: Sun Wukong comes

When the Taoist Chunyang opened his mouth to tell the reason why he did not fall into the gods, Qingming Gunzun and other elders of the Chunyang Gunzong suddenly realized that they were no longer targeting the Taoist Chunyang.

On the one hand, in the face of the forces that the Pure Yang Spear Sect cannot afford to offend, the Pure Yang Spear Sect has no other choice but to act according to the wishes of the other party.

Besides, the other party is willing to pay the corresponding remuneration and help the Chunyang Gunzong to avoid the follow-up trouble.

In this case, what else should Chunyang Gunzong hesitate to do?

"My old grandson is very curious, which force has the courage to say it, and help you avoid my revenge?"

At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded in the Chunyang Hall.


The Taoist Chunyang and others were suddenly frightened, and their spiritual thoughts poured out, filling the entire Chunyang Hall, trying to find the owner of the voice.

However, the spiritual thoughts of Taoist Chunyang and others searched the Hall of Chunyang countless times, but they did not find where the sound came from.

"Don't look for it, my grandson is here."

At this moment, a playful voice sounded beside the Taoist Chunyang.


Taoist Chunyang only felt that the hairs all over his body exploded, and when he grasped it in the void, a long spear with a red golden color appeared in his hand.


At the moment when the red gold spear appeared, the ultimate edge was wrapped in the power of the monstrous blazing sun, filling the entire Chunyang Hall.

Many formations in the Chunyang Hall were directly burst by this force, and were broken into countless powders, and even the Chunyang Hall was a little shaky.

The red-gold long spear in the hands of the pure Yang Taoist is the treasure of the pure Yang spear sect, the pure Yang divine spear, which is the Heavenly Venerate weapon left by the former Chunyang spear sect.


The pure Yang Taoist held the pure Yang divine spear and stabbed it beside him.

The monstrous spear intent gushes out, shaking the avenues of the heavens, tearing apart countless void dimensions, as if a vast world lies in front of it, and it can also penetrate.

This is the state where the Pure Sun God Spear is almost fully awakened. This spear seems to have reached the level of a virtual fairyland!

Taoist Chunyang is certain that even the real Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate will be seriously injured in the face of his shot.


However, in the next moment, the things that made Daoist Chunyang and Qingming Gunzun change their colors suddenly appeared in front of them.

Two fingers protruded from the void and lightly clamped the Pure Yang Divine Spear!

The extreme sharpness and monstrous pure Yang power that the Pure Yang Divine Spear entrained were directly suppressed by the masters of these two fingers.

"how can that be!"

"The Supreme Headmaster holds the Pure Yang Divine Spear, which is enough to fight against the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate. How could this happen?"

"Which Immortal Heavenly Venerate, are you kidding me?"

The elders of the Pure Sun Spear Sect, such as Qingming Spear Venerable, changed their expressions in dismay.

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

Qingming Gunzun and others are still like this, not to mention the pure Yang Daoist.

In the past, he relied on the Pure Yang Divine Spear, not to mention rampant in the central realm, but he was not afraid of most powerhouses.

Moreover, ordinary Xuxian Tianzun would not easily start with him.

Hundreds of epochs have given him the illusion that he is invincible and invincible, and at the same time his self-confidence has skyrocketed.

This is also one of the reasons why he dares to calculate and not fall into the chaos.

In his opinion, even if he doesn't fall for the gods, he won't care too much if he doesn't fall for the gods.

It is even more impossible to fight against his 'Xu Xian Tianzun' for the sake of a few Tianjiao.

Even if Buluoshenchao sent someone to question him, he would simply bow his head to Buluoshenchao and admit his mistake.

No matter how bad it is, it is to have a fight with the immortal goddess who is not in the gods. When the gods see his strength, plus the reconciliation of that side, the gods will retreat.

But he never imagined that the revenge of the Fushen Dynasty would come so quickly, so swiftly.

At this time, the powerhouse who can attack him, only the powerhouse who does not fall into the gods will shoot at him.

It's just that the strength of this strong man who does not fall into the gods is so terrifying, and **** hold the pure yang gun!

This is a strong man in the virtual fairyland, at least a Tianzun at the peak of the early stage of the virtual fairyland!

There was a hint of enlightenment in the mind of Taoist Chunyang, and there was even a hint of fear.

Although he is arrogant, he also has a certain understanding of his own strength. In the early stage of the ordinary virtual fairyland, he relies on the pure yang gun to fight.

But if it is replaced by the peak Tianzun in the early stage of the virtual fairyland, he may not be able to win.

"This is your confidence, it doesn't look good!"

Just when the pure Yang Taoist thought turned, the playful voice in the void sounded again.


Then, a ray of flame suddenly rose up.

The flame was very small at first, but it expanded rapidly in an instant. In just a moment, this ray of flame expanded countless times and turned into a huge fireball, filling the entire Chunyang Hall.

Even, the entire Chunyang Hall was shrouded in it, turning it into a fireball like a big sun.

"not good!"

Pure Yang Daoist and other pure Yang spear sect powerhouses changed their faces and quickly exited the Chunyang Hall.

The pure Yang Daoist protects many strong people of the pure Yang spear sect with the power of the pure yang spear, but none of the strong people of the pure yang spear sect were injured.

Qingming Spear Venerable and other powerhouses of the Pure Yang Spear Sect left the Pure Yang Hall and left directly.

It is not something they can intervene in the fight at the level of Xuxian Tianzun. At the same time, they also go to various places in the Pure Sun Spear Sect to awaken many large formations in the Pure Sun Spear Sect.

Only by blessing the Taoist Chunyang with these large formations can they have the opportunity to repel the powerful enemy.


At this moment, the fireball that enveloped the Chunyang Hall was suddenly closed and turned into a flaming red cloak, fluttering in the wind.

And in the red cloak, a golden monkey stands in it.

This golden monkey is not particularly tall, wearing a purple-gold crown with phoenix wings on its head, wearing a golden chainmail, and walking on lotus root and cloud shoes, standing in the void, but it seems to fill the entire world.

The golden light in his eyes is dazzling, like the burning sun, and the fighting spirit that bursts out makes everyone on the side shudder!

"Great Sage Monkey King, Sun Wukong!"

Seeing this golden monkey, Taoist Chunyang couldn't help shrinking his pupils and recognized the identity of this golden monkey at a glance.

The Taoist Chunyang also knew about the many immortal gods who did not fall into the gods, especially Sun Wukong, who was the most active before.

Before proving the Tao, Sun Wukong, like Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, was extremely active in the five realms.

Even, it later attracted the robbery of a virtual immortal from another realm.

In the end, the immortal Tianzun who did not fall into the gods took the shot and rescued Sun Wukong.

For this reason, Sun Wukong, after proving the Dao of the Immortal Heavenly Venerate, directly fought against that Immortal Immortal Heavenly Venerate, and that Immortal Immortal Heavenly Venerable paid a lot of price to end this karma.

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