Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4528: It's your confidence

If it is said that before the battle, Sun Wukong's fame still stayed in the Eastern Border and the area near the Eastern Border.

Then, after this battle, Sun Wukong was completely famous in the five realms and became an existence that all forces feared.

For this great sage Equalling Heaven, the Taoist Chunyang is also jealous.

After all, this is a powerful being who has defeated the Immortal Heavenly Venerate in the same realm.


At this moment, the many formations of Chunyang Spear Sect woke up one by one, which made Chunyang Taoist feel slightly relieved.

After all, this is the base camp of the Chunyang Spear Sect, there are Chunyang Spear Venerables, and many great formations left by the pure Yang Spear Sect powerhouses of all dynasties.

Under the blessing of these great formations, the combat power of Taoist Chunyang can be improved even further.

Even if it is Tianzun at the peak of the early stage of the virtual fairyland, he can fight against it, and even win it.

It is with these foundations that the Pure Sun Spear Sect can last for countless years.


The power of one after another array falls on the pure Yang Taoist, blessing him, making his breath continue to improve.

With just one breath, the aura of Taoist Pure Yang reached the peak state in the early stage of the virtual fairyland, reaching the level of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland.

At this time, Taoist Chunyang's confidence rose greatly.

If he is not the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, what is he afraid of?

"Is this your confidence?"

Sun Wukong carried the golden hoop stick and squinted at the Taoist Chunyang, with no disguise of the contempt in his eyes.

"Monster monkey, don't be mad!"

When the Taoist Chunyang heard the words, he was immediately furious.


The pure yang divine spear in his hand shook, turned into a red-golden divine thunder, slashed across the sky, and stabbed straight towards Sun Wukong.

The turbulent spear intent burst out, as if to pierce the world, and the endless pure yang power rolled in.

This shot has no bells and whistles, shattering countless void dimensions, pointing directly at the center of Sun Wukong's eyebrows.

"Good come!"

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise him.

Not to mention other things, the power of Chunyang Daoist's gun made him not help but look at him.

But instead of being afraid, He became even more excited.

As a fighting maniac who practices the way of fighting, Sun Wukong's favorite thing is to fight against the strong.

He is not worried that Taoist Chunyang is too strong, but rather that Taoist Chunyang is not strong enough.

At this moment, Taoist Chunyang is qualified to fight him.


Sun Wukong let out a light squeak, and instantly waved the golden cudgel in his hand.

With just a single sweep, hundreds of millions of hectares of smoke were swept away, and hundreds of millions of miles of void were shaken, and this piece of heaven and earth was blown up.

Under the burst of extremely tyrannical power, the surrounding void was directly shattered into nothingness and chaos.


In a flash, it collided with the Chunyang spear in the hands of Chunyang Daoist.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth seemed to be turned into ruins, and many great formations within the Chunyang Spear Sect were directly shattered.

Among them, the pure Yang Gunzong powerhouse in the main formation exploded directly on the spot!

The rolling aftermath swept across like a wave. If it weren't for the suppression of the many great formations of the Pure Sun Spear Sect, I am afraid that the entire Pure Sun Spear Sect would be turned into a barren land.


And Sun Wukong's face changed, and he only felt that a terrifying giant force, which was unbearable, poured out from the Pure Yang Divine Spear, and instantly enveloped his body.

Then, the whole person was directly knocked out, smashed many formations directly, and fell on the mountain gate of Chunyang Spear Sect.

Not embarrassed!

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