Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4549: The Art of Yangming Daoyan

In the early days of the True Immortal War, the opponents targeted by the Nine Heavens True Immortals, such as Good Fortune True Immortals, were only True Immortals who had a grudge against themselves.

But in the late stage of the True Immortal War, the opponents of the True Immortals and others were no longer limited to the opponents at the beginning.

Therefore, the fall of Good Fortune True Immortal and others can be said to be inseparable from many other Nine Heavens True Immortals.

For example, for the creation of a true immortal, the biggest reason for its fall is because of the true demon of the yin, but it is also related to several other true immortals, true demons, and true Buddhas.

For example, the True Immortal of Great Sun and True Buddha of Great Compassion have also played against True Immortal Creation.

Therefore, in a sense, many Nine Heavens True Immortals are enemies, but the hatred is deep and shallow.

For example, the hatred between the True Immortal Good Fortune and the True Demon of Taiyin is the deepest, but the hatred between True Immortal Good Fortune and the True Immortal Great Sun is not deep.

"Besides, fellow Daoist Good Fortune is also curious about Daori's actions.

Daoist Daoist is so aggressive, it must be a big deal. Perhaps after this time, Daori Daoist and others will occupy the general trend of Burial Immortal Realm. "

True Immortal Yangming looked solemn.

The big day Zhenxian and others are so aggressive, even at the expense of the Tianzun in the middle stage of the digital virtual fairyland, something that Kunlong Tianzun brings back must be very important.

According to Yangming Zhenxian's speculation, the things brought back by Kunlong Tianzun are likely to make the cultivation of Dairi Zhenxian and others recover faster.

Even, it is not impossible for Dairi Zhenxian and others to break the bottleneck of the half-step real fairyland.

If it weren't for this, Dairi Zhenxian and the others would not be able to fight like this.

But because of this, it brings another problem, that is, the improvement of Dairi Zhenxian and others' cultivation base will inevitably make the alliance of Dairi Zhenxian and others expand.

You must know that the alliance of the Great Sun True Immortal, the Great Compassion True Buddha, and the others brought together several Nine Heavenly True Immortals, and their power was already huge, far exceeding the other Nine Heavenly True Immortals.

In addition to the alliance of Dainian Zhenxian and others, the biggest force in the Immortal Burial Domain is only the alliance formed by several world masters at the peak level of the Immortal Immortal Realm in the Immortal Burial Domain.

This alliance is the first force in the Immortal Burial Domain, and even the alliance of Dainian Zhenxian and others can only rank second.

Next, it is the forces created by the Nine Heavens True Immortals such as the Immortal Court of Fortune.

If the alliance formed by Dainian Zhenxian and others, the strength will skyrocket, and it will inevitably oppress the sphere of influence of the forces such as Fortune Fairy Court.

Even, it may overwhelm the alliance of the Lord of the Immortal Burial Domain and occupy the general trend of the Immortal Burial Domain.

If we waited until that time, the situation of the Taiyin True Demon and others would be dangerous.

They are also Jiutian Zhenxian, Taiyin Zhenmo and others are very clear about the purpose of Dairi Zhenxian and others, which is to unify the Immortal Burial Domain and occupy the entire Immortal Burial Domain.

Then, seize the Void All Heavens Avenue in the Immortal Burial Domain, turn it into the background of his own body, and once again enter the realm of the Nine Heavens.

That is to say, the stronger Dairi Zhenxian and the others are, the more unfavorable it is to Taiyin Zhenxian and others.

After all, there is only one Great Way of the Void All Heavens. If Da Ri Zhenxian and others can get it, it means that the Taiyin True Demon and others will not have the possibility of obtaining the Void All Heavens Great Avenue.

At the same time, it also means that the Taiyin True Demon and others have no chance of breaking through the Nine Heavens True Wonderland.

Moreover, once the big day Zhenxian and others occupy the general trend of the Immortal Burial Domain, they will definitely take action against the Taiyin Zhenxian and others.

In order to protect themselves, Taiyin Zhenmo and others must find a way to fight against the alliance of Dainian Zhenxian and others.

Therefore, the true demon of Taiyin and the true immortal of Yangming have just found the "true immortal of good fortune", and their purpose is also very simple, that is, to form an alliance with the "true immortal of good fortune", which is Taiyi Demon Venerable.

"Alliance with the deity?"

Demon Venerable Taiyi raised his brows and glanced at True Demon Taiyin curiously.

He has inherited all the memories of the opponents of the True Immortal Fortune, and naturally he is also aware of the enmity between the True Immortal Fortune and the True Demon of Taiyin.

After all, the main reason for the fall of the two is because of the other.

But now, the true demon of Taiyin is coming to the door with the true immortal Yangming, to form an alliance with him, the 'true immortal of good fortune'?

No matter how you look at it, this is somewhat unreasonable.

But the true demon of Taiyin is still here. It is conceivable how great the pressure that Dairi Zhenxian and others have brought to the true demon of Taiyin.

If it weren't for the pressure brought by Dairi Zhenxian and others, I am afraid that the Taiyin True Demon would never be able to cooperate with Taiyi Demon Venerable.

Even more impossible, take the initiative to come to the door and cooperate with Taiyi Demon Venerable.

"This seat was once deduced by the technique of Mingyang Daoyan, and the things in the hands of Dairi Zhenxian and others are enough to change the current pattern of the Immortal Burial Domain.

That thing can make Da Ri Zhenxian and others soar their cultivation base, and make their alliance become the number one force in Immortal Burial Domain. "

Seeing that Taiyi Demon Venerable was silent, Yangming Zhenxian spoke up.


As soon as these words came out, Taiyi Demon Venerable couldn't help moving.

The true immortal of Yangming achieves the true immortal of the Nine Heavens with words, and secondly, he is best at deduction.

In the past in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, Yangming Zhenxian was famous for his deduction, especially his Yangming Daoyan technique, which was the top ten deduction supernatural powers in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

The true immortal of Yangming relies on the technique of Yangming Daoyan to turn evil into good fortune, and rise step by step from the slightest to become a true immortal of the Nine Heavens.

When the True Immortals fought, Yangming True Immortal had a chance not to get involved in this matter, and he deduced the danger with the technique of Yangming Daoyan.

It is a pity that Yangming Zhenxian became greedy for some reason, so that he was deeply involved in the battle of the real immortals, and finally fell.

But this does not prevent Yangming True Immortal's achievements in deduction, which is recognized by both Fortune True Immortal and Taiyin True Demon.

At this time, the Taiyi Demon Venerable finally understood why the Taiyin True Demon would abandon his hatred and take the initiative to come to the enemy to form an alliance with him.

If everything that Yangming Zhenxian said was deduced by Yangming's Daoyan technique, then the thing in the hands of Dairi Zhenxian and others can really change the pattern of the Immortal Burial Domain.

"Is this treasure in the hands of Dairi Zhenxian and others really so important?"

Qin Yi, who was beside him, heard the words and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

At the beginning, he didn't care much about the thing in the hands of Dairi Zhenxian and others, but more to complete the system tasks, while testing Dairi Zhenxian and others, so he deliberately let Taiyi Demon Venerable and Xu Da People shot.

But at this moment, Qin Yi was really interested in what Dairi Zhenxian and others had in their hands.

A treasure that is enough to change the pattern of the Immortal Burial Domain and increase the strength of Da Ri Zhenxian and others, even Qin Yi, has great interest.

"Fellow Daoist creation, you should understand the stakes.

If Dainichi Zhenxian and others can achieve their wishes, our situation will only be more difficult in the future. Therefore, there are also Daoist friends who have abandoned their previous suspicions and formed an alliance with this seat and Tai**you. "

True Immortal Yangming struck while the iron was hot and continued.


Taiyi Demon Venerable pondered for a moment, and finally agreed to Yangming Zhenxian's request.

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