Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4550: answer the request


When the Taiyi Demon Venerable agreed, Yangming Zhenxian and Taiyin Zhenxian couldn't help showing a smile on their faces.

The reason why Taiyi Demon Venerable agreed, one was because of Qin Yi's instructing, and the other was because he joined forces with Yangming Zhenxian, and there was no harm.

In the alliance of Dairi Zhenxian and others, there are several Jiutian Zhenxian in charge. With the power of Taiyi Demon Venerable and Xu Da alone, they can indeed touch Dairi Zhenxian and others.

But this also means that Xu Da will be exposed in front of people and known by the powerhouses in Immortal Burial Domain.

But if Good Fortune and True Immortal Yangming cooperate, Taiyi Demon Venerable and True Immortal Yin and Yang can go to test the details of True Immortal Da Ri and others together.

Combining the power of the three can also not be afraid of the alliance of Dainichi Zhenxian and others.

Dairi Zhenxian and the others just got the treasure, and it is too late to exert the power of this treasure. Dairi Zhenxian and others may not be able to overwhelm the Taiyi Demon Venerable three.

In this case, Xu Da would not need to be exposed, nor would he follow Taiyi Demon Venerable to test Dairi Zhenxian and others, and he could continue to remain in the Great World of Creation to retreat.

Even, Xu Da can try to break through the realm of half-step true fairy.

When Xu Da was summoned by Qin Yi, he had already broken through the peak of the virtual fairyland. For a thousand years, Xu Da did not waste his time.

Under the blessing of the Space-Time Cultivation Pavilion, Xu Da has practiced for several epochs and is trying to break through the half-step real fairyland.

Such a long period of practice has also allowed Xu Da to touch the threshold of the half-step true fairyland. If he can practice for a while, Xu Da can break through the half-step true fairyland.

If it wasn't for the two people who came to the door, Xu Da would not go out.

"However, this deity and you have only reached a temporary alliance. If you want to reach a real alliance, you can talk about it after testing Dairi Zhenxian and others."

Taiyi Demon Venerable pondered for a while, then spoke again.

"Just according to the words of fellow Daoist creation."

Hearing the words of Demon Venerable Taiyi, True Immortal Yangming and True Demon Taiyin did not refuse either.

As for the meaning of Taiyi Demon Venerable's words, Yangming Zhenxian and the two are also very clear.

That is, the alliance between the three is more because of the treasure obtained by Dainichi Zhenxian and others this time.

The three of them joined forces to go to the place where Dairi Zhenxian and others are located, and seek this treasure in the hands of Dairi Zhenxian and others. It would be best if they could get that treasure.

But if you can't get that treasure, you must also curb the development momentum of Dainichi Zhenxian and others.

Whether the three will really form an alliance will wait until after this incident.

This suggestion of the Taiyi Demon Venerable coincides with the idea of ​​Yangming Zhenxian, especially the idea of ​​Taiyin Zhenxian.

In the final analysis, if it is not necessary, how does the Taiyin True Demon want to cooperate with the 'Creation True Immortal', this is the biggest culprit of his fall.

If it wasn't that there was no way, how could the True Demon Taiyin cooperate with the Taiyi Demon Venerable.

Next, after the Taiyi Demon Venerable and the Taiyin True Demon concluded a temporary alliance contract, they went directly to the Great Sun World.

No one knows what the treasures Dairi Zhenxian and others got, but the longer it drags on, the more detrimental it is to Taiyi Demon Venerable and others.

Therefore, Dairi Zhenxian and the others did not wait too much, so they went directly to the big day world and went to find the trouble of Dairi Zhenxian and others.

As for Qin Yi and Xu Da, they stayed in the great world of good fortune and continued to practice, waiting for the result of Taiyi Demon Venerable and others' trip.

In fact, Qin Yi originally intended to go together, but the eternal avatar was only in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, and it was inconvenient to mix into the battle of the peak Tianzun level of the virtual fairyland.

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