Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4617: Xuanwu Patriarch

The true dragon clan has always been one of the most powerful races among the gods and beasts of the heavens. All this is due to the tyrannical blood of the true dragon clan.

It is also related to the powerful strength of the True Dragon family, especially the strength of the True Dragon ancestor.

It is precisely because of the existence of the ancestors of the real dragon that the real dragon clan has always been firmly in the ranks of the top forces in the five realms, and at the same time, together with the real phoenix clan and the basalt clan, control the affairs of the gods and beasts of the heavens.

As for the gods and beasts of the gods, such as the gods of the gods, the unicorns, etc., they all belong to the top gods and beasts in terms of blood, but because of their power, their power is far less than that of the real dragons and other forces.

The fundamental reason is that the real ancestor of the unicorn, the real ancestor of the gods and apes, is far inferior to the real ancestor of the dragon.

The first ancestor of the real dragon broke through the half-step real fairyland, which made the background of the real dragon family skyrocket again, and became one of the most powerful races among the gods and beasts in the heavens, alongside the Xuanwu family.

Even the real phoenix clan, the golden-winged Dapeng bird clan and other forces that have the pinnacle of the imaginary fairyland, will be subordinated to the real dragon clan.

How can this not make Wanhua Tianzun proud?

"Ancestor, do you want to start the discussion of the ten thousand races this time?"

Wanhua Tianzun asked.

"hold on."

The ancestor of the real dragon waved his hand and did not start the discussion of the ten thousand races this time.

When everyone on the side heard the words, they naturally did not dare to have any complaints. They watched their noses and their hearts, and waited quietly.


The real dragon ancestor suddenly stood up with a smile on his face:

"Fellow Daoist Xuanwu, you are here!"


As soon as the voice fell, there was a wave of waves in the void.

An elderly figure walked out of the void. This was an old man in gray shirt with white hair and white eyebrows.

But everyone present, including the real dragon ancestor, no one dared to underestimate this existence.

"Meet the ancestors."

The many immortals of the Xuanwu clan quickly got up and bowed.

This gray-shirted old man is the bloodline of the Xuanwu clan, the ancestor of Xuanwu, and the only one who existed in the real fairyland of the gods and beasts before the breakthrough of the real dragon ancestor.

At the same time, it is also an existence whose longevity is farther than the true dragon ancestor.

It is said that the ancestors of Xuanwu existed long before the birth of the five realms, and they just stayed in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm. When the five realms were born, the ancestors of Xuanwu fell from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm to the five realms, occupying the origin of the blood of the Xuanwu Avenue.

"Get up."

The ancestor of Xuanwu waved his hand feebly and motioned to the Xuanwu family's Xuxian Tianzun to get up.

"The body and bones are dying, the old man is a little slow, and please take care of the real dragon fellow."

The ancestor of Xuanwu looked at the ancestor of the real dragon and said slowly.

"No problem, no problem."

A hint of anger flashed in the eyes of the real dragon ancestor, but on the surface it was calm.

How could he not know that the ancestor of Xuanwu was giving him power. Before that, there was only one half-step true immortal among the gods and beasts in the heavens, that is, the ancestor of Xuanwu.

This made the ancestors of Xuanwu and the Xuanwu family firmly occupy the greatest voice in the gods and beasts of the heavens.

But now, the real dragon ancestor has broken through the half-step real fairyland, which means that the voice of the Xuanwu ancestor and the Xuanwu family will be divided by the real dragon ancestor and the real dragon family.

Therefore, for the ancestor of the real dragon, the ancestor of Xuanwu did not have any good looks, and he gave the ancestor of the real dragon a dismay.

However, the first ancestor of the real dragon was unable to break out. First, the purpose of this discussion of the ten thousand races was to deal with not falling into the gods.

Furthermore, compared with the ancestors of Xuanwu, the ancestors of the real dragon are inferior to the ancestors of Xuanwu in terms of cultivation and combat power.

After all, the Xuanwu ancestors have broken through the half-step true fairyland for thousands of epochs. If not for the existence of the Great Way of the Heavens, perhaps the Xuanwu ancestors have already proved the true fairyland.

Therefore, in the face of Xuanwu ancestors, the real dragon ancestors will naturally be weaker.

This is also the reason why the ancestor of the real dragon did not want to reveal his cultivation in the first place. However, if the ancestor of Xuanwu really forced too much, the ancestor of the real dragon would not give in.

Everyone is a half-step true immortal, and no one is higher than the other.


The ancestor of Xuanwu naturally understood this. After giving the ancestor of the real dragon a small dismount, he closed it when he saw it, took one step, and came to the seat next to the ancestor of the real dragon and sat down.

As the ancestor of Xuanwu sat down, many immortal gods in the room also sat down.

"Thousands of clans discuss matters, start!"

The real dragon ancestor glanced at Wanhua Tianzun, Wanhua Tianzun immediately understood, and immediately spoke loudly.

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the immortals of the gods and beasts of the gods and beasts were condensed, and their expressions suddenly became solemn.

As for the purpose of this discussion of the ten thousand clans, many of the virtual immortals present are also clear, precisely to avoid falling into the gods.

For this reason, even the Qilin family, who were connected to the Buluoshen Dynasty, were not invited to participate in the discussion of this time.

"I don't know, everyone, what do you think about the Dynasty?"

The ancestor of Xuanwu spoke first and went straight to the theme.

"Three half-step true immortals sit in the town, and their strength is higher than that of the gods and beasts. They are an opponent that should not be underestimated."

There is Xuxian Tianzun said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the dignified expressions on the faces of the virtual immortals of the gods and beasts of the gods became even stronger.

The three half-step true immortals, even with the strength of the entire gods and beasts of the heavens, are not necessarily opponents. Even before the ancestor of the real dragon showed the cultivation of the half-step true fairyland, the gods and beasts of the heavens only had one half-step true fairy. Xian sits in town.

Although the ancestors of Xuanwu have accumulated a lot, and their combat power far exceeds that of ordinary half-step true immortals, but after all, they are alone.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. No matter how strong the ancestor of Xuanwu is, it is impossible to be an opponent of three half-step true immortals, and even two half-step true immortals may not be able to win.

After all, the strength of every half-step true immortal is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even if there is a strength gap, it will not be unimaginable.

Generally speaking, at the level of a half-step true immortal, it is an extremely difficult thing to fight one against two.

Therefore, today's Buluo Shen Dynasty, its power background is above the gods and beasts of the heavens.

"That's right, the Godless Dynasty has such strength. The deity's purpose for summoning you and others should be very clear to you, and that is to discuss ways to guard against the Godless Dynasty."

The ancestor of the real dragon nodded.

As soon as these words came out, the real dragon hall suddenly fell into a dead silence, and all the powerhouses of the gods and beasts were silent.

In the face of a force that is far stronger than one's own, it is not an easy thing to plan defenses, or even to deal with the other party.

"Cough cough."

At this moment, a light cough sounded, and an old man in a dark cloth stepped out.

The old man is a little thin, but his eyes seem to contain countless wisdom, which is the wisdom accumulated over countless years.

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