Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4618: Three strategies

"Old Man Linghuan, what advice do you have?"

The ancestor of the real dragon looked down at the old man in Xuanyi and asked in a deep voice.

This black-clothed old man is the patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox Clan, a Linghuan old man.

The nine-tailed celestial fox family has always been known for their wisdom, and they play the role of military advisors among the various clans of the gods and beasts.

"If you return to the real dragon ancestor, it is actually very simple to deal with the godless dynasty. The old man has three strategies for your reference."

The phantom old man smiled lightly and said so.

"Which three strategies?"

Hearing this, the strong men couldn't help but look at the old man.

"The first strategy is to unite with Western Buddhism and Taoist holy places, and secretly suppress and divide them together, just like when dealing with Western Buddhism."

Under the gaze of many powerful people from the gods and beasts of the heavens, the old man's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly.

Hearing this, all the immortal gods nodded slightly, this strategy is extremely feasible.

Before the battle in the Eastern Border Region, Chaos Dao Zun and others lost a lot of face in front of Buluo Shen Dynasty, and they were even almost suppressed by Jumang Zuwu.

It is impossible for this Qiu Chaozhuan Dao Zun and others to fail to retaliate. It should not be difficult to unite the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect and the Taoist Holy Land to suppress the Godly Dynasty together.

But it is not an easy thing to want to differentiate and not fall into the gods.

"The Unfallen Dynasty is different from Western Buddhism. The Unfallen Dynasty is a unified **** of luck and luck. There is no concept of establishing a religion. They are all based on the will of the Lord of the Unfallen. If you want to differentiate the Unfallen Dynasty, It's not easy."

Among the virtual immortals, there are naturally discerning people who immediately questioned.

In fact, in the thousand years that the Unfallen Dynasty has been silent, it is not that the immortals of the gods and beasts of the heavens, the Western Heavenly Buddhism and other forces have not thought about dividing the Unfallen Dynasty.

It's a pity that many powerhouses who did not fall into the dynasty seem to be loyal to Qin Yi, not only unable to counter them, but also beheading all the meticulous work they sent.

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Although there is no dispute over the idea of ​​establishing a religion in the Godless Dynasty, this does not mean that there is no factionalism in the Godless Dynasty."

The phantom old man smiled slightly, as if he was already prepared.

"A faction that doesn't fall into the kingdom of God?"

The eyes of the imaginary gods lit up, and they couldn't help but look at the old man.

Ling Huan old man said this, obviously he has enough information.

If the males of the nine-tailed celestial fox clan are wise men, then the females of the nine-tailed celestial fox clan are the best intelligence officers.

Generally speaking, the females of the nine-tailed celestial fox family are mostly charming, with unimaginable charm, and are loved by countless strong people.

Some powerhouses even went to the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox Clan specifically to ask for a girl from the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox Clan as their concubine.

In fact, if the nine-tailed celestial fox clan is not strong enough, and there is the illusory old man, the immortal celestial being, I am afraid that the entire nine-tailed celestial fox clan's women will become the playthings of others.

But in the same way, after these nine-tailed celestial fox girls became the concubines of many powerful men, they never cut off contact with the nine-tailed celestial fox clan.

In most worlds, these nine-tailed celestial fox girls will provide information to the nine-tailed celestial fox clan, which also forms a huge intelligence network for the nine-tailed celestial fox clan.

It is easier and easier for the girls of the Tianhu clan to inquire about the news than others.

This is an advantage that no other intelligence organization can match.

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